30. Caught & Nightmares

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Chapter 30! This is exciting! Dont worry, the story's not close to being over! ILYSM!!


Emily POV

His face said it all. He was caught and he knew it. It was as if he were a deer in headlights. He tried forming a sentences but sighed defeated. I laughed cruelly and cold.

"I cant believe you Louis Tomlinson. Come on tour! It'll be fun, he said. Be my girlfriend and Ill love you forever, he said. Was this your trick the entire time?! To make me let my guard down and trust you enough to come on tour so that you could mock me? So you could destroy me piece by piece? Well its working!" I seethed. I stomped over to stand in front of the television which he seemed much more interested in than me.

"Are you even listening?" I asked. He snapped his head to me. His eyes were glossed and his hair was mishelved, cheeks pink. He had been drinking.

"Were you drinking?! While I was crying to Niall you were drinking?! I swear you inconsiderate little prick, you hav-"

"Shut Up! Who are you? My mother because I am an adult and you sure as hell don't have a reason to speak to me like that! I can do whatever the fuck I want! And I dnt care about your little therapy sessions with Niall! Is that what you'll do every time your upset? Go cry to fucking Niall? For all I know you could be fucking him every time-"

"Stop." I managed through a lump in my throat. Anger and complete and utter shock pulsed through my veins. He accused me of sleeping with Niall even though I was raped less than a week ago. The thought made me sick. I looked up at him in pure disgust.

"I'm leaving." I turned and walked back to the shared room.

"Leaving me? Forever?" His voice cracked and his voice hiccuped. Whether the sound was from sadness or the liquor it still made my heart hurt. But I knew I had to stay harsh otherwise he'd never learn.

"Did I say that?" I asked grabbing my pyjamas and toiletries along with my phone charger. I turned around to leave only to have Louis blocking the way.

"Where are you going?" He asked softly. The softness in his voice made the ice in my heart melt. I felt like I was leaving a little boy behind. But I had to do it.

"To Niall's for the night. I'll be back. Please dont do anything dumb." His hand lifted up to cup my face, his thumb softly rubbing my cheek. I closed my eyes and leaned into the gesture. Soon he captured my lips with his, my brain fogged and the liquor in his breath reminding me of how we met.

"What are you doing? Stop! Go to Niall!" My subconscious snapped. My eyes snapped open and slowly I pulled away.

"I need to go but I'll be back tomorrow." With a final kiss to his cheek, I took a room key and left returning once again to Niall.

Louis POV

Not even could I stop her from going with that kiss. She was falling deeper and deeper into the hole and then some damn light bulb went off and she left. She left to fucking Niall. Always. Its always Niall. And they're having a fucking sleepover. Hopefully they aren't fucking each other. I shuddered at the thought. I looked at the time.

1 in the morning.

Its one in the morning and Im sitting here all alone like a fucking loser. Wow. I was tempted to go out and drink but the sane part of me kept saying no. I sighed and flipped through Twitter checking mentions and replying to fans. I tweeted saying how excited I was for tour to start on Wednesday. I sighed and turned my phone off and laid it on the side table and decided to sleep. I turned off the lights and got cozy under the sheets. Suddenly the room illuminated and a vibrating echoed through the room. Groaning I reached for my phone to read the Caller I.D.

Niall fucking Horan.

I declined and tried to go back to sleep when he decided to ring me again. I sighed aggravated and answered.

"What?" I snapped.

"Its Emily. Louis you better get up here. Quick." That was all it took for me to sprint out of bed and grab a key and run out of the room to Nialls. I pounded on the door multiple times before Niall opened it and shushed me. I pushed past him and hurried to the adjoined room to see Emily thrashing and crying out in her sleep. Sweat poured from her forehead and the sheets were twisted around her. Hurriedly I walked over and tried shaking her awake.

"Em. Emily wake up." I nudged her multiple times before her eyes flew open and tears started freely flowing. I picked up her sweaty, frail body and sat her on my lap as she sobbed into my shirt. I rubbed her back, assuring hr it was just a dream.

"Niall why'd you call me? You could've just as easily done this." I muttered. He shook his head.

"She was screaming your name," I chuckled at the accidental innuendo. "I figured that she'd want you and only you." I nodded shocked by his honesty but I could tell he was hiding something. I wasn't his only motive. I gently pulled Emily's head away from my chest.

"Babe you need to sleep." She shook her head and I nodded. She sighed, sleep still coursing through her body.

"Will you stay with me?" She pleaded. I nodded and tucked her into bed. I turned to look at Niall and pointed him to the adjoining room telling him we needed to talk.

"Ill be back." I whispered and went to talk to Niall.

"Thanks mate. I uh really appreciate what you did. I know I've screwed up a lot but I really a sorry about it and-"

"Oh shut up," He interrupted me his eyes darkening and fists balling at his sides, "We all know thats a load of bull. You've been nothing but cruel to her and I have to clean up the pieces. She deserves none of this. She deserves someone better." He seethed. I stared at him, shocked. Did that just happen?

"Whoopsie," He smirked. "Just don't do anything stupid while shes in the next room." He knew he had trapped me. He knew it. And he enjoyed it.

He turned to walk back into the room when I had enough. I growled and pounced on him, tackling him to the ground and slapped him the sound rebounding through the room.

"What the hell man?" He glared at me and went to bring his fist to my face but I grabbed his wrist and stopped it. I slapped him again.

"Louis! Stop!" Emily magically appeared at the door. I froze still hovered over Niall. His innocent face was back on. He was back to innocent little Niall. And I almost slapped him right then and there for that. I slowly stood up leaving him on the floor. I smiled and went to hug Emily, ignoring the stinging pain in my cheek. She pushed back against my chest, her eyes dark and I immediately knew that she thought Niall was innocent.

"Emily..." I tried to hug her again.

"You! You are a monster! Get out! Get the fuck out!" The venom in her words were enough ti make me turn on my heel and run out of the room, not stopping until the door to my room was closed and I was in the bed. I laid down numb, watching the fan spin round and round.

She hated me. She thinks Im a monster when Niall is up there acting. He needs to know that she is mine. Mine and mine only. Hopefully this was a faze because he certainly was not going to get her. He needed to get over this faze and soon.

So originally I was gonna have Niall be the bad guy but then I remembered I already have one and that would've been useless to the story line. I know it feels like the story is going no where but I want this to be realistic and so I need it to progess a tiny bit slower. But dont worry its gonna get exciting ;)

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