38. Birthday

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2 weeks later

Emily's POV

I dragged myself up the stair, my suitcase being lugged behind me. I wanted to throw it down the stairs and just lay in my bed and sleep.

When I made it to the top and hurried down the hall and opened the all to familiar door. I grinned and threw my suitcase down and jumped into my bed. I smiled inhaling the scent. It was still unmade and messy just as I had left it. I snuggled under the cold sheets and gripped my pillow and relaxed, my body coaxing me into a much needed sleep.


I woke up slowly, enjoying that place between sleep and awake. The brightness of the sun filtered through my windows which surprised me because normally the curtains in the hotel rooms were normally closed. Then I remembered.

I remembered Louis giddily telling me they had 3 days off.

I remembered him saying we were flying back to England.

I remembered being hurried onto a plane.

I remembered falling asleep with Louis next to me.

I remembered him waking me up.

I remembered dragging myself to my bed.

I remembered that today is my birthday.

I grinned. Today I was the day I turned 19. I slipped the sheets off and tried to get out to go shower but something held me back. Giggling I lifted Louis' arm from around my waist and slipped out.

"Mmm. Wait," he mumbled. I giggled.

"I need to shower," I answered.

"Come cuddle. It's like 5 in the morning," I bit my lip. He was only in his boxers, hair sticking up in every direction and his morning voice was just undeniably sexy.

"Actually, it's 2 in the afternoon," I answered, "But no matter how much I wanna cuddle, I need to shower." He groaned and I walked to my shower.

I ran the shower hot and relaxed and let the water soothe my tense muscles just enjoying the hot water.

Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped my towel around myself and went out to my closet to get something to wear. I decided to wear my grey WTF?! crop top and light blue skinnies. I was going to let my hair dry in its natural waves.

"Louis?" I asked walking out of the closet. No answer. The bed was empty and nicely made. I heard pots and pans and the sounds of the boys talking so I decided he was down there with them.

I hurried downstairs to breakfast.

"Morning!!" I chirped.

"Morning!! Happy Birthday!" Niall screamed and picked me up and spun me around.

"Thanks Ni," I kissed his cheek.

"Morning," Zayn grinned and kissed my cheek.

"Thanks Zaynie," I smiled.

"Haffy Berfmay!" Liam called out through a mouthful of food. I smiled as a thank you.

"Umm yeah, Happy Birthday," Harry grumbled. I laughed awkwardly.

"Umm thanks," I smiled and gave him a side hug. Things weren't entirely tense between us but he had yet to apologize.

"Oh! Sit sit! We have food for you!" Niall exclaimed. I laughed and took the seat next to him.

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