24. Keep Your Head Down

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Updating schedule : Wednesday, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays I can update :) I may update twice or once or I may miss a week depending on my inspiration or time :)

Please understand!





"Em... Emily." I poked at her sides trying to get her to wake up. "Emily. Emily. Love, come on, wake up." I kneeled on her bed next to her and continued prodding.

"Emily, we need to leave soon. We are meeting the boys today....." Her eyes squeezed tighter and she groaned.

"Nooooooo." She mumbled. I laughed.

"Then I guess I'll just leave you." I got up from the bed.

"Nooo Dont leave. I'll get up." She mumbled.

"Good. I'll be downstairs. Oh and you dont have to get dressy. We are just catching up with the boys. Work doesnt start till tomorrow." I kissed her forehead and went downstairs.


Emily POV


I groaned. Peeking my eyes open I checked the time. Seven. Groaning I flipped over and curled up in an attempt to go back to sleep. I was going to miss this. My comfy lavender smelling sheets and my soft pillow. Just thinking of everything made my eyelids heavy and I was falling back asleep.

"EMILY!! ARE YOU UP?!" I jolted, almosting peeing myself. Damn that boy. I flipped on my bacl, staring at my ceiling. It was the only white wall in this room. My walls were Tiffany Blue and I had a Black Eiffel Tower stuck onto my wall. My comforter was black and white and my dresser was white. A shaggy rug covered most of the floor, being Tiffany Blue itself.

"YOU BETTER BE OUT OF BED! OR I SWEAR I WILL COME UP THERE WITH ICE WATER." He yelled. I so wanted to stab that boy. I huffed and sat up, tracing the pattern on my comforter. Standing I ran my fingers through my hair and fought the colors swimming in front of my eyes. I walked towards my dresser pulling out ankle crops and a lace top. I brushed my hair and bent over throwing it into a ponytail. I put some mascara on and lipgloss and put on my brown leather sandals. Louis must've already taken my bags down. I grabbed my purse and turned my light out, hurrying downstairs.

"Finally! The princess has awakened!" I rolled my eyes. He handed me a plate of two small pancakes, and I thanked him hurrying to the table.

"Whoa, whoa whoa... No kiss?" He pouted. I swallowed my food.

"No, Ew! I have morning breath Idiot! Wait till after I eat. My lips are all yours then." He nodded and sat across from me, just watching.

"May I help you?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Ya know." I mumbled, finishing off my pancakes. "You can cook." I swallowed and drank some Orange Juice.

"Only pancakes. Wait until you have Harry cook. He makes some MEAN fajitas." I stood up and went to put my plates in the sink.

"I'll be right back." He nodded and I hurried up the stairs and into my bathroom, pulling out a toothbrush and paste from the drawer and hurriedly brushing my teeth. Feeling clean, I checked my apperance once more and hurried back down.


Louis POV


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