27. Niall and Apologies

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So I see Emily as being either

Chrissy Constanza

Acacia Brinley-Clark

Which fits what you imagined? Again its just looks and Acacia doesn't have the sweetest reputation but its just LOOKS.

VOTE and COMMENT! I have a lot of silent readers and would LOOOVE to hear from you!

*wink wink, nudge nudge*

So I watched White Chicks last night for like the first time and needless to say its HILARIOUS! Who else LOVES that movie?




 I sat on a modern, plush chair enjoying its coziness, Louis sitting on the arm of the chair next to me. Liam was pacing the room and Zayn was chilling in the chair next to us on his phone. Harry kept stealing nervous glances at Louis and I and sat across from us. There was an uncomfortable sense of tension in the room making me squirm. Harry and I kept making eye contact. He seemed nervous and unsure. I stood up.

"Harry, may I talk to you?" I asked. His eyes went wide and then he pointed to himself as to ask "Me?". I rolled my eyes.

"No I meant that picture behind you," He snapped his head around. There was no picture. "Idiot. Of course I meant you." I grumbled. He grew nervous again and walked towards me.

"I'll meet you over there kay?" He nodded, rubbed his hands together and walked to where I had pointed, behind a column. I turned back to Louis.

"Behave." I ordered. He nodded and went back to fixing his eyes on the blank wall as he sat in the chair. I walked back towards Harry.

"You need to apologize." I put out there immediately. Instantly he opened his mouth to argue.

"I should apologize? Me? Aww hell no. Are you making me apologize?! He's the one who wanted to KILL me." He raised his voice.

"I know that. I talked to him. He didn't want to kill you. He just gets..... jealous. Especially after what happened Thursday night. If you were in his position you would've done the same," I hissed. "Just go apologize and get it over with." He glared at me.

"He should be apologizing not me." He crossed his arms over his chest like a child.

"Oh yeah? And why's that?"

"He caused it! What part of 'He tried to kill me' did you not understand?!" He projected his voice.

"Well if you didn't get all up on me, we wouldn't be in this mess would we?" I hissed. I was flat out furious with Harry. Actually I was pissed. Why couldn't he just man up and stop acting like a child? How hard was it to go up and say 'Im sorry. I shouldn't have kissed your girlfriend.'?

"You told me it was fine with you." He growled lowering his voice, eyes cold. I froze for a moment. His lips twitched up into a sly smile knowing that he had trapped me by my own words.

"Well you-" "You did-" "UGH!" I pulled at my hair. "Fine. You win this time Styles but you better man up and apologize." I gave him a long, hard stare and walked back to the waiting area.

"Niall should be here any minute." Louis mumbled putting his arm around me. I nodded and leaned in.

"What was with the yelling?" He asked, keeping his loud voice low which kept our conversation private. I shook my head.

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