35. Scare

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"I WIN!" Liam exclaimed dropping his controller and throwing his hands up in victory. I glared at him. He grinned. I rolled my eyes. "Aww, someones a little jealous!" Liam cooed. I flipped him the finger.

"Lets go again." I muttered. I was determined to win. We played Luigi's Circuit to decide who would win. As we came around the last bend I pulled in front of Liam, scoring the win.

"OH YEAH! SUCK ON THAT!" I yelled, fist pumping the air in victory. Liam laughed.

"Whatever Tomlinson. Rematch tomorrow?" He asked.

"Be here, 2200." He nodded.

"Hey, Lou, where's Emily?" Niall asked.

"Out for a walk, why? She only left like 5 minutes ago." I said going to grab a tea bag to make some tea.

"Umm, actually it's been about 20 minutes." Niall said. I froze. She was supposed to be back 10 minutes ago!

"Niall, can you call her?" I asked as I ran to get my coat and shoes.

"No answer!" Niall yelled out. I cursed under my breath. I knew I shouldn't have let her go alone! Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.

"I'm going out to look for her." I said.

"Let me go with ya." Niall said. I sighed.

"I'll call if we need anything!" I told the boys and Niall and I hurried off the bus into the night.


I was lost. Helplessly, and utterly lost. My phone was directing me back but died at an intersection so I just chose the road the looked busier. The night in London was magnificent. It was busy but slow at the same time. I walked past a group of clubs next to each other and stumbled into a group standing outside of it.

"Sorry!" I gasped and tried to slip out.

"Oi! Watch where ya goin!" A man shouted. I cringed as he got up in my face.

"Sorry," I squeaked.

"Noah, let her go!" A girls voice screeched. He pushed me back.

"Be lucky, normally I do worse things to people who get in my way," He slurred and stumbled back to the group. I quivered. Noah. He'd gotten much bigger since I saw him 3 weeks ago. His nose looked like it had been bent out of place by a fist. His lip was split down the middle and he had a bandage around his right fist. His eyes were still that amazing shade of blue and his black hair was tousled. He was the same Noah, just bigger and beat up.

"Oi! Look! That little girl is still standing there. Get lost bitch!" the same nasally sounding girl shrieked. Noah turned and glared at me.

"You wanna go the easy way or the hard way? Either you leave now or I force you. Your choice bitch. You got 3 seconds," He seethed. I panicked.

"Just walk away. Walk away!" My mind was telling me. But I just couldn't leave like this. I decided to take the opportunity and punched him in his already broken noise.

"Fuck! Shit!" He screamed, "You better run bitch." He groaned, still sounding threatening. So that's when I ran. I ran down the street and turned the corner and ran into the McDonalds. Taking deep breathes I sat down in a chair and tried to remain calm. Would I tell Louis? I dont want him to freak out. He already seems like something is bothering him. Niall? No, he'd worry even more. What time is it? I looked at the wall clock. 10:30! I bet the boys are worried sick! I scrambled out of the seat and walked up to the counter.

"Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the O2 arena?" I asked the lady.

"Take a left and round the corner. Walk down Grandbury then turn left and you'll see it." I thanked her and hurried out. Following her instructions I walked briskly trying to get back to the bus before the boys sent out a Police search. Sure enough, the arena came into view. I grinned and jogged past the fountain and followed the street to the back. (Okay, so I've been to London but not recently so Im making stuff up!) Seeing the bus I ran towards it and into the bus.

"EMILY!" Liam cheered and attacked me in a hug.

"Hey," I breathed out. It felt nice to be hugged.

"Niall and Louis went looking for you! Where were yoyu?!" He asked.

"Im sorry! My phone died and I got caught up somewhere and then I got lost. Where are they?" I asked.

"Out looking for you. Go charge your phone and I'll call him to come back." I thanked Liam and went to my bag to grab my charger.

"They're coming back," Liam said. I nodded and settled into Lou's bunk.

Ten minutes later I heard the footsteps come into the bus and the panting of the two boys.

"Where is she?" Louis asked.

"Your bunk I think," Liam answered. I heard him hurry to his bunk and jump in.

"Emily!' He hugged me tightly. "You scared me." He mumbled. I turned to face him.

"I know, I'm sorry. My phone died and I got lost. I'm so sorry," I gave him a kiss. He smiled.

"It okay. You're here now. Go to sleep." He instructed. I nodded.

"Goodnight," I said.

"Goodnight love,"



Shit. This was pure shit. Shitty shit shit.

I dont want this book to be too long and I know I dont deserve reads for how bad this crap was I'm just trying to get to the big problem. Sorry for the pointless fillers!

Happy Turkey Day!


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