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"Louis! Louis! Look! There's the castle!" Emily exclaimed, the excitement growing on her face.

"Yeah babe I know, isn't it exciting!" he grinned. He loved seeing her this happy.

"Can we go take pictures by it?" She asked.

"Of course," Louis squeezed her hand and flashed her a smile. Emily grinned and turned to look at Niall.

"Don't worry Niall, we can take pictures too!" Niall laughed. He turned to Natalie and whispered something in her ear. She giggled and blushed and soon they were lost in their own conversation. Behind Emily was Zayn and Perrie, along with Liam and his girlfriend Sophia, and Harry. In the past three years Harry had one steady relationship but recently broke it off because he was busy trying to run his company and never had time.

When they arrived at the castle Zayn and Perrie took pictures first, her wedding ring sparkled in the sunlight. Next was Liam and Sophia.

"Oi mate! Stop being cheeky will you and just take a normal picture," Louis said calling him out from squeezing Sophia's butt. She blushed and he laughed.

Harry, Niall, and Valerie all took pictures together because Valerie didn't want him being alone. Then it came to Louis and Emily.

"Should we do funny faces?" She asked. He gave her a smile and rubbed his palms together and nodded. After a silly one they took a normal one and then Louis had an idea.

"Close your eyes in this one!" She looked at him oddly. "Look I'll do it too!" He put his hands over his eyes and she followed suit. Suddenly she heard gasps and she opened her eyes scanning to see what they could be gasping at. She heard Someone clear their throat and she turned to Louis and gasped. There he was with a nervous grin on his face, on one knee.

"Emily, these past 3 years have been rough and I could never thank you enough for sticking with me. Three years ago I made longer speech and I'm not going to ramble on but Emily you bring out the best in me and I love you with all I have. So will you please marry me?" There was silence in the air before Emily burst into sobs and nodded. Grinning he slipped the ring on her finger and stood up and kissed her.

"I love you," he mumbled.

"I love you too."



"I'm so nervous I feel like I'm going to vomit," Valerie said, taking a sip from her Coke.

"What do you mean you're nervous?!And don't drink that, you might stain your dress!" Emily exclaimed.

"Like what if I fall while I'm walking down the aisle? What if I pass out? What if I can't even make it down the aisle?" Valerie sat down and took another drink of Coke.

"Valerie if you trip or if you pass out it won't ruin the wedding okay? We'll help and move things right along okay?" Emily comforted takin away the Coke knowing that if she drank more she would in fact vomit.

"You look gorgeous Emily," she smiled. Emily thanked her.

"Emily? It's show time!" Her mom smiled and gave all the girls bouquets. They all walked towards the church and lined up outside. Emily had 10 bridesmaids and 2 flower girls which seemed like a lot but she had a lot of friends.

You could hear the church inside go dead quiet and then the doors were pulled open a little for the first bridesmaid to go in. Slowly one by one they filed down. When it got down to just her and he flower girls she gripped her fathers arm.

"Daddy I'm scared," she said. He brushed some hair out of her face. "You'll be fine sweetheart I promise," he kissed her forehead right as the doors opened and you could hear everyone aww.

"Now let's do this," she smiled and focused on Louis' eyes. He smiled and she grinned.

"Keep her safe," her dad said as he handed her off.

"Of course sir," Louis smiled and Emily took her place across from him.

Their wedding was long but it wasn't too long. They had asked the priest to keep it short but traditional and 40minutes later it was time for the kiss.

"Louis Tomlinson, you may now kiss your bride," He lifted up her veil and slowly leaned in to kiss her.

"Come here you idiot," Emily grinned and pulled him closer to kiss him. The church erupted into cheers and they both smiled.

"I love you Mrs Tomlinson," he grinned.

"I love you too Mr Tomlinson."



"Louis! Louis!" She called down the hall.

"What?" he asked from the laundry room.

"Come here!" she grinned. She heard his footsteps echo thru their house and to where she was in the bathroom.

"What? Is the toilet clogged, is the sink clogged?" He asked. She nodded.

"Yeah the sinks clogged, can you look at it?" He nodded and walked into the bathroom. She stayed there grinning.

"Let's see, well- Hey what's all this?" he asked staring at the three pregnancy tests in the sink. He looked at her. "Are these-?" She nodded. He grinned and ran over and picked her up spinning her around as she laughed.

"Oh my gosh we're having a baby! We're having a baby!" he laughed and set her down to kiss her.

"How far along?" he asked, lifting up her shirt lightly to feel her stomach.

"Only around 2 weeks but oh my gosh Lou! We're gonna be parents!" She squealed.

"I love you," he spoke.

"We love you too."



Nine months later Emily gave birth to a baby boy Noah Levi. Louis couldn't keep his eyes off of him and Emily was happy knowing how much Louis wanted a son.

"Emily, look at his eyes! They're brown like yours!" He smiled shoving the Noah in her face. She nodded tiredly.

"Let me hold him Lou," she reached out for her son and cradled him close.

"Hi little boy, it's mommy. I love you and you look just like your dad, except you have my eyes. I love you my son. I love you more than the sun loves the moon," she kissed his forehead and kept him close, soon falling asleep with him on her chest.

Slowly Louis took him out of her arms and cradled his son.

"You're so handsome. You're mummy and daddy love you very much. And to think this all came about because we found Unexpected Love. I'm going to teach you everything like how to play football and sing and skateboard. I love you little man. I love you and your mum very much," Louis kissed his sons forward and sat down in his seat, him too falling asleep with his son.


Oh my gosh it's done! Thank you so so so much for reading and staying along for the ride.

Any questions you want answered just leave a comment and I'll try and answer.

My new Luke fanfic Shirtsleeves is up. I probably won't start it right away, not until I get into routine with school and stuff.

So go add that too your library please!

I love you all so so so much!!

- Rachel

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