8. Chests and Notes

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 I groaned as I opened my eyes. The light was shining through my french doors onto the balcony. I'm an only child and my parents are rich so I am a tad  bit spoiled. I pulled my comforter over my head trying to go back to bed. I wrapped my comforter around me like a coccoon and closed my eyes drifting off. My mind wandered to everything. Shopping. Mom and Dad. School. Wait WHAT? OMG ITS THURSDAY!!! Quickly I sat up and shoved my sheets off. I checked the time. School starts at 8:30 and right now it was 8.

  "Crud." I rummaged through my drawers and decided on a white cami with a coral high-low skirt and a brown leather jacket. I threw my hair in a top bun and slipped my feet into white lace wedges. I completed my look with mascara and winged eyeliner. I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs.

  While I was cooking my frozen waffle Jen honked her horn. The minute the toaster beeped, I grabbed my waffle and ran out the door and into her car. You could say that all of us are the richer people. Its true. But we aren't spoiled brats.

"Nice! You look smokin!" Jen smirked. I blew a kiss and opened the door to jump in.

"The cami really shows off your boobs." Anna winked. I covered my boobs.

"My boobs have feelings." I teased.

"Not everything is about your boobs." Jen teased.

"You're jealous of my boobs." I stuck my tongue out.

 "Sure. We are totally JELLY of your boobs." Anna teased.

 "Whatever." I chuckled.

 "Why did we start talking about your boobs?" Jen asked.

"Ask Anna." I giggled.

"Sometimes I wonder why I know you people." Jen teased. I hit her arm.

All of a suddden we were parking at school. We piled out and crossed the street to school. We mingled around and when the bell rang hurried inside.

Band Weenies were practicing their instruments and Choir was singing and doing scales. Computer Geeks were on their IPads, researching info and Math Geniuses were studying calculus and such. The cheerleaders were practicing their cheers and judging peoples apperances. I walked right past morning mingling, rolling my eyes, heading straight to my locker. I unlocked it and out fell a note.

"These again." I thought as I opened it. I could tell it was from Louis. It had his squiggly handwriting.

   It read:

          Dear Em,

                Ice cream later? I need a SHERBERT buddy! Plus I promised my sisters ice cream.           See ya in Drama!

                                xx Louis

 I smiled. That boy is seriously too sweet.

"Awww! A note from your loooover!" Anna singsonged. I jumped as she suddenly spoke from behind.

"Geez. Careful, you're gonna lose your skirt." Anna teased. I glared, silently stabbing her in my mind.

"But seriously Louis and I will never date. We are just like brother and sister." I smiled.

"Sure, because when you two were drunk you almost didn't have sex." She pointed out. That shut me up. Suddenly, there was an awkward silience between us. What would've happened if I went through with it? Would we still be friends?

"Well, sorry but I gotta get to math. Mr. Turdbutt doesnt like us late." Anna blew me a kiss and walked away. I grabbed my script and English book and shut my locker. I leaned against it and took a second to think.

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