28. Interviews and Necklaces

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I feel HORRIBLE about this late update. I AM VERY BUSY. I got musical rehersal EVERYDAY and Algebra homework and dance and I know ya'll dont care but I want yall to know I have NOT forgotten about you! THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE VOTES. I AM SOOO HAPPY :) Sorry if this sucks :( I did this quickly XOXO


Emily POV

When I woke up I felt at peace. Everything was right. At least for that little minute. I knew later the boys started work and I'd have to face Harry, but for now I was in the comforts of my bed. Soon though I'd have to go out and support my boyfriend and his band members. I sighed and Sat up. I looked over to Louis' bed. It was nearly made. I sighed and then looked at the clock.


Crud. I only have 30 minutes. I'll just shower tonight. I stumbled out of bed, to my suitcase. I pulled out a sundress and some sandals. I brushed my hair and put in a piece of gum. I wasn't going to brush mah teeth, I got food to eat.

I sat on my bed to put my sandals on when I heard Louis' phone ring and him jump up to answer it. I finished strapping my sandals on and went to go to the kitchen.

"Yes sir."

"No sir."

"Thanks. G'bye." He hung up as I sat down. He sat down next to me and ran his fingers through his hair. He had on a tee and some khaki shorts.

"Morning." I smiled. He chuckled and smiled at me.

"What?" I asked. He shook his head and leaned over to leave a kiss on my lips. I stiffened slightly but then relaxed. He reached over to grab my hand and stand me up and pulled me to his side, holding me tight.

"You're getting better." He placed a kiss on my temple. I blushed. Everytime he touched me or even smiled at me I got butterflies in the pit of my stomach. Everytime his strong hands wrapped around mine or they wrapped around my waist I didn't want to let go. Anytime he complimented me, I blushed.

We walked down the hall to the elevators hand in hand.

"I cant wait till I can kiss you here-" his lips met my nose, " And here," his lips landed on the corner of my lips, "And there," he left a small kiss on my jaw, "And here." His lips worked on my neck, my head leaning to the side. Slowly he pulled away and I whimpered. He smiled. Then he was leaning in and he kissed my temple. Then my cheek and suddenly he was covering my face in kisses. I giggled and scrunched my nose up.

The elevator dinged and Louis kept peppering my face with kisses. An older couple was revealed behind the sliding doors and I elbowed Louis in the gut. He groaned and stopped, finally noticing. We hurriedly walked into the elevator and pressed the lobby button. The elderly couple walked out and the doors closed.

"Geez I try to do something nice and you repay me with an elbow to the gut. Love you too." He grumbled. I giggled and shrugged. The elevator reached the floor level and Louis gripped my hand tighter.

"You might wanna cover that mark." He smirked and the doors opened completly and I stood there confused for a bit but moved my hair over. We were greeted by some fans who Louis graciously took pictures with and quickly hurried back to me so we could leave. The rest of the boys were at the door.

"Okay, Emily you need to go with Chris (I made him up-Raquel519) first. We dont need the fans getting any ideas." Liam said. I nodded and tried to move but Louis' grip stayed on my hand.

"Lou I need to go." He shook his head.

"Louis, you'll see her in the car. Let go." Niall said. He sighed and released my hand from his grip. I turned back to follow Chris but someone pulled me back by the wrist and before I could react their lips were on mine for a short kiss.

"See you in 2 seconds." Louis grinned. I smiled and turned to follow Chris out into the mob of people.

The last thing I heard was, "Ew, Love." I couldn't figure out from who but I could guess it was none other than Harry.

Louis POV

I turned and glared at Harold. He feigned innocence and I rolled my eyes. I was going to apologize but there he goes acting like a dick again. Paul hurriedly bunched us together and opened the door to the mob of girls. The screams were defeaning and the flashes of cameras were blinding. Paul led us to the van and pushed a few people away, ushering us inside. My eyes scanned for Emily and found her sitting in the back tapping away on her phone. I chuckled and hurried back to sit next to her. She smiled acknowledging me and went back to what I assumed was Instagram.

Emily put her phone down on her lap and leaned her head on my shoulder. I notice Zayn on his phone, Liam and Harry in an intense conversation and Niall with his messaging screen open. I tried to decipher the name at the top but he sent the message before I could figure out the first letter. Seconds later Emily lifted her head from my shoulder and opened her phone. She read the message and then looked up at what seemd to be the back of Nialls seat. She finished typing and put her phone down only for Niall to pick his up moments later.

Were they...?

I shook that thought away. Emily had known Niall long enough and Niall was my best mate. We pulled into the venue and everyone hurried out. Emily held my hand as we walked through the doors to the studio the interview would take place. Everything was modern and high techy. Glass tables with couches colored in grey with yellow accents. We walked right past and straight to the interview. We were miked and ready in less than two minutes leading me to the assumption that we were late. The interviwer ran through the questions with us and soon it was 15 to showtime.

"Good luck." Em smiled and hugged me as I planted a chaste kiss on her pink lips.

"10!" was shouted from the set.

"Here, I know this isnt entirely romantic but heres a little something." Quickly I handed her a white box and ran to the set. The last thing I heard from her was a gasp before we started rolling.

The questions were mostly the same, like who is who of the band, whats your favorite song. Nothing really new. Each of us boys took turns answering the questions with some input on each others part. I was surprised that so far in this 7  minute interview there were no relationship questions.

"So about the women in your life, how many of you are taken?"

Whoops. Spoke to damn soon. Liam and Zayn raised their hands. The interviewer nodded.

"Now Louis," She directed her attention to me. Shit, shit, shit. "What is this?" She smirked pulling up a picture of Emily and I at the beach. And she looked fine. I was gonna have to have her wear that bikini again. But that was besides the point. What do I say?

"Yeah Louis." Harry smirked. I glared at him, pretending that I could push him off a cliff and then on the way down have him-

My phone buzzed. Quickly I turned it on and read the message I received.

'Do what you want. Xx'

I sighed.

"I know her. I went shopping with her. She's a friend from school." I answered. The interviewer nodded.

"Well I defientely ship you two." She smiled and returned to answering the other boys' questions.

When the interview ended I thanked the interviewer and hurried back to Emily.

I may double update. MAYBE. This weekened Im going out and I dont know if I'll have time to update. 800 votes? KIDDING! SO MY FRIEND STARTED A 5SOS FANFIC AND IF YOU COULD CHECK IT OUT THAT'D BE AMAZING! ITS CALLED WHEREVER YOU ARE BY ITSDEE423.

Love you guys! XOXO

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