43. Promise

22 0 0

Songs for this chapter :

Never Be - 5 Seconds of Summer

Explosions - Ellie Goulding

Best Mistake - Ariana Grande



3 Years Later

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!!" Emily exclaimed. Valerie groaned and rolled over. "Come Val, we are finally graduating! Now get your lazy ass out of bed." Emily pulled away the sheets from Valerie and walked over to the chest at the foot of her bed. Emily brought up the dress she was going to wear underneath her gown to her chest. She squealed and hurried to the bathroom to change.

"Ew, why are you wearing pink?" Valerie grumbled.

"Ew, why are you wearing black?" Emily teased.

"Because graduating is a death of my happiness. I mean no more frat parties, no more cute guys, no more fun. From here on out its work, work, work. Not to mention having to settle down and start a family," Valerie said, sat down on her bed, putting on her shoes.

"Well isn't that a happy way of looking at it," Emily spoke, slipping her feet into her shoes.

"Holy shit, are those Louboutins?" Valerie gasped. Emily nodded.

"They were a gift from an ex," she said. Valerie was about to speak again but Emily gave her a look that made Valerie shut up immediately.

"We should put these gowns on, shouldn't we?" Valerie suggested. Emily nodded and walked over to her bed and slipped it on, struggling with the zipper a bit. Valerie came and helped her and left her hands there a little longer after she finished zipping Emily up.



"I don't think I can do this." Emily turned and faced Valerie and held her hands, putting her forehead against Valerie's.

"Valerie, you've worked so hard for this. This is exactly like high school. Wait till they call your name and walk across the stage. I'll be right behind you, cheering you on. Valerie, you took me to my first frat party. You helped me thru a really bad breakup and thru so many panic attacks. This will be easier than lying to a professor when you are completely shitfaced. You can do this Valerie," Emily smiled and soon Valerie did too.

"I love you Emily. Thank you," Valerie smiled and kissed Emily's cheek and went to curl her hair.


Walking in Emily immediately saw Anna and Jen. They made eye contact and both girls waved at her. All Emily could do was grin. Emily saw Anna pointing at something but she didn't have to time to look. The show was starting.


"Valerie Watson," the Dean called out. Emily (lightly) pushed Valerie onto the stage and watched with a proud smile, Valerie grab her diploma and make it across the stage.

"Emily Watts." Emily put on her best smile and walked carefully towards her diploma, trying not to trip. She successfully made it to where Valerie was standing and they embraced each other, each screaming that they'd made it.


Twenty seven minutes later it was time to throw the caps and finally graduate. Valerie found Emily's hand and gripped it tight as they watched their caps go flying in the air. Each caught her own and put it on their heads then turned to each other and hugged each other, scared that the minute they let go they'd be whisked into adulthood away from each other.

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