2. Clubs and Boys

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We walked in. It was dark and the music was blasting. People were sweating and the air was thick and humid. People were making out, talking, drinking, and dancing; typical club stuff. We set our stuff down at a table. A man came around with drinks.

"Anything?" He asked. His blonde hair was slightly mischeveled which made me think about what happened to cause it. I shook my head. Jen also passed. Annabelle, who goes Anna claiming Annabelle is to proper, immediately responded.

"Vodka please." I shook my head at her.

"What? YOU two are a bunch of boring people." She said. The waiter came back and handed her her drink. She smiled and batted her eyelashes in an attempt to flirt. He smiled and winked in response. Jen groaned and I rolled my eyes as he left.

"Careful ,you dont know how many girls he had. For all we know he could have an STD." I warned. She rolled her eyes and took a gulp of her Vodka.

"Im gonna go dance. Em, coming with?" I nodded.

"See ya." Anna called. I waved back while being dragged to the dance floor by Jen.

She started dancing and I stood there kind of like an awkward penguin,ot knowing exactly what to do.

"Come on! Let the beat take you!" She screamed. I nodded and started swaying my hips to the heavy bass reverberating against the walls. Soon I was jumping up and down to the beat enjoying myself.

Occasionally some guys would come up to me and our bodies would touch while we danced. The heat of our bodies intensified the humidity. It would be nothing more than that though. Normally they would move to another girl. This was fine by me, I wasnt ready for another relationship after Noah. I shook my head as to get rid of the thought. I stopped dancing and turned to go towards the bar knowing I needed a drink.

"What can I getcha pretty lady?" The bartender flirted.

"Umm do you have something sweet?" I asked.

"How about a mai tai?" He suggested. I shrugged. He was mixing the drink and I was watching people dance.

"Here ya go miss!" He handed it over. I downed it in one gulp. It was definetly sweet. And I enjoyed it.

"Can I have another?" I asked. The man laughed.

"No need to ask. Sure." He started mixing one up again.

Soon I had downed about 10 and I wanted more. When he was mixing my 11th drink tipsy was an understatment.

"What brings you here tonight?"

"Well, my friendss wanted me to come to forget my exxxboyfriend." I slurred giggling straight after.

"Ah. The old forget-your-ex trick. Well text me and tell me how it goes. But you wont have to because you will already be mine." He winked taking my phone to add his number.

"Umm sssorry. I may be drunk bbbut I know what you are doing." I snapped taking away my phone.

"Thank you for the drinkss but I musst go." I said downing my last one and standing up, wobbling a bit.

"Oh dont worry babe. I'll see you later." He winked and I walked away stumbling in my heels.

I went straight to the dancefloor where I bumped into a guy with messy brown hair. I started dancing and he joined me. The heat radiated off our skin, our bodies meeting multiple times. I kept waiting for him to leave for someone much better than me but he stayed.

Eventually we were dancing together. We were grinding each other to the beat of the music. Our hips moved together perfectly. Then he grabbed my butt. I squealed and turned around to face him. I was face to face with sparkling blue eyes. My breath caught in my throat. He smirked, breath reeking of alcohol. Mine probably did also but that didn't matter. All that mattered was this beautiful creature in front of me. We stared into each others eyes. Then we leaned in. Our lips met and moved in perfect sync. Time seemed to stand still. My hands found his hair and tangled in it. A deep moan came from the back of his throat. He pulled back licking his lips as to savor my taste. Then he lunged for my neck biting and sucking at the skin. A moan escaped my lips and I could feel him smirk against my neck. He'd bite, suck and lick it as to make it feel better. No one had ever done that to me except.......Noah.

The memories came flooding back. His hand slid up my dress and rested on my upper thigh and squeezed it. I swat it away, tears brimming at my eyes. He kept going up my neck, trailing kisses and just replaced his hand. Again I swat his hand away and moved my neck. He looked at me. "Come on Baby. You know you want it." He smirked going back for my neck. I pushed him off tears slipping out. "No. No no no. Leave me alone." I cried tears waterfalling down my face. My mascara running down my cheeks, hair falling down in mismatched places. Memories kept flooding back. I need to find someone before I had a complete and utter meltdown. Then I spotted Anna dancing in the crowd. I ran to her.

"Anna. Anna! We need to go!" I choked out.

"Nah. Come on. Let loose." She slurred. "Anna. I did. Now look at me. Look at me!" I cried shaking her shoulders. She looked up and her eyes widened.

"Oh sugar! Come on! Lets find Jen! You know how s-s-sobe sober she is." She slurred. I nodded trying to go over to Jen.

"J-J-Jen! P-Please take me home!" I cried. She nodded standing, helping me to the door. Right before we walked out I could see his head, hair still messy, bobbing through the crowd searching for something.

"Probably to find someone better." I thought causing more tears to slid down my face. The door closed and I was whisked away to the street to drive home.


When I got home I got to my room, closed the door and collapsed. Tears spilled from my eyes coming harder and harder, faster and faster. And I just laid there crumpled in a ball crying. Crying because I still loved Noah. Crying beacuse I wasn't ready to move on. Crying because he cheated. Crying because he broke my heart. Crying beacuse I found someone like him tonight. Crying because he was everywhere.

And I just can't get rid of him................

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