9. Ice Cream Date

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I walked into the packed cafeteria. People were laughing and hanging out the way they do in High School Musical. Jocks are at one table, nerds at another, band weenies together, etc. I really dont belong to one actual grouping. Sometimes I sit with Jen with the band weenies (She plays clarinet) or Anna and the cheerleaders (Shes one) or with my Drama friends.

I met up with Jen and Anna outside and we jumped in line for food. Normally I buy a salad or sandwich or bring my own food. I really dont trust any other cafeteria food. Not that I eat food. Its always been a umm struggle.

"Hey. Ready for ice cream later?" Someone whispered in my ear. I jumped and screamed at the surprise.

"Calm yourself. Its only me." Louis laughed. I laughed at my reflexes. Sometimes its hard to remember that Louis and I kissed at the club.

"Im sorry. I just cant wait." I said dragging out the 'can't'. "Kidding. I really am looking forward to it." I said in all sincerity.

"Good." He nodded. "Though I hope you wont mind 4 idiots hanging around."  I laughed.

"Im pretty sure your sisters wont bother me. If I can stand you, I think Im better off with them." I answered. He nodded in agreement.

"HEY!" He whined realizing I had insulted him in my answer. I shrugged.

"Its true Sherbert." Jen teased. She likes calling him Sherbert because of the ice cream thing yesterday.

"Whatever. I see Im not wanted here. Ok, fine. Your people will have to talk to my people. Good Bye!" He turned and sauntered away swinging his hips overdramtically.

"TOMLINSON! GET YO ASS OVER HERE!"  Anna yelled. He turned grinning and walked right back over.

"Im guessing my people already talked to your people and set up an agreement." Louis said. I laughed.

"Just get in line you idiot." I pushed him behind me.


I slammed my locker shut and smiled. I was going to go have ice cream with Louis Tomlinson-THE Louis Tomlinson- and his sisters. I dont know how I didn't realize that he was THE Louis Tomlinson, but then again we were both drunk. I clutched my Trginometry book to my chest and walked out of the school. He had told me to wait for him after school. I walked by Anna and Jen

"Hey Ems! Go get some!" Anna cheered. I rolled my eyes.

"If 'some' means ice cream then yes, I will get some." I teased.

"No matter what you get just go and have fun." Jen winked.

"Guys, we arent dating. We are just friends. How much to I have to stress that?" I asked. "And last time I checked, friends dont have sex." They shrugged.

"Whatever. Just go enjoy your ice cream!" Jen edxclaimed and turned me around. "Now go. I see him standing next to his car! GO and have some fun!" She pushed me causing me to almost fall in my wedges.

I blew them a kiss and started walking to Louis.

"Why hello there Sherbert." I curtised.

"The carriage awaits." I sat in the passenger seat and buckled up.

"Now, first we have to pick up Lottie from the ninth grade then pick up Fizzy from middle school and finally the twins from elementary. I hope you dont mind. I just have promised them ice cream and I want you to meet them and I hope you dont mind for idiots and you dont-"

"Louis." I cut him off. "Its fine. Now just put your foot on the pedal and lets go get Lottie. Dont want to keep her waiting." He nodded and we drove off.

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