3. Hungover

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The next morning I woke up in the corner by my door. I was still in my dress along with the heels and makeup. I rolled over. My neck had a horrible pain and my right arm was numb because I slept on it. I sat up and colors swam in front of my eyes. I tightly gripped the corner to keep from fainting. Slowly I stood up. My head was pounding and any slight movement or sound cause more pain. I went to my closet to get some sweats to change into. Then I took in my apperance.

     My hair was a rat's nest, my makeup was smeared everywhere, and I was missing an earring. Anywhere I looked, from my hair, barely there boobs, to my no curve at all figure all I could repeat to myself was "Ugly. No wonder Noah didn't want me. I am ugly. No drop of sexy in me." 


      Immediatly I rummaged through my drawers and shelves ripping up the pictures, the memories I didn't want anymore, and tossing them away. The necklace he gave me, I threw deep into my closet. The notes he wrote were torn to shreds and my matching sweatshirt was stuffed to the bottom of my dresser. I changed into my sweats, wiped off the makeup and crawled into bed. I went on my phone and deleted all the pictures and videos. Then I scrolled through my contacts looking for Noah's. I clicked on his name. Up came the "Are you sure you want to delete?" Immediatly, without thinking, I clicked yes. I smiled and set my phone down. I deleted all pictures, videos and his contact. I defriended him from every social media site out there. Finally, Noah Mitchell was out of my life. I smiled and fell back asleep.

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