42. Found

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Songs for this chapter:

Chandelier - Sia

Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade

You Found Me - The Fray

Amnesia - 5 Seconds of Summer


7 months later

Third Person POV

"Come on! You need a day out! All you do is study!" Valerie pouted. Emily turned and looked at her.

"Maybe it's because I have a test in two days that determines if I pass or fail," Emily said and turned back around to continue staring at the material she'd trying to understand for the past 6months.

"The test is in two days! You still have tomorrow to study! Come on, you are practically dating that book. Get out and have a little fun," Valerie said from her closet. Emily sighed.

"And how would I do that?"

"There's a new club opening up down the street," Val suggested.

"I'm not legal."

"That's what fake IDs are for," she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Valerie no! I am not going to go and illegally drink!" Emily exclaimed.

"But no one would know," she whined. Emily shook my head. "Ugh Emily! Can't you just do one fun thing in your life?" Valerie flopped onto her bed exasperated.

"Maybe studying is my type of fun," Emily teased. They both knew that studying was the last thing they wanted to do.

"Shut up," Valerie threw a pillow at Emily's face, "Can't we just go and do something?" Emily shrugged and looked back at her notes. They sat in silence; Valerie pondering what there could possibly be to do and Emily trying very hard to study.

Suddenly Emily shut the book.

"Let's go," she said looking at Valerie. Valerie shot up.

"Go where?"

"To that club," Emily said nonchalantly standing up and walking to the closet to pick out an outfit.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Hold up. You're suggesting we go to that club even though we both aren't legal?" Valerie exclaimed.

"Well, it's like you said. Get a fake ID. And please, this is LA. They don't care do they?" Emily smirked. Valerie was shocked. The entire time Valerie knew Emily, Emily was the study hard and no time for parties type person. Valerie didn't know what to think of this new Emily. But she decided to take advantage of it.

"Are you sure?" Valerie asked.

"Of course! What's the worst that'll happen?" Emily walked into their bathroom and closed the door to change.

"Have you ever gotten drunk Emily? Have you ever even had alcohol?" Valerie asked.

"Of course! I'm not that boring," Emily shouted thru the door. To be honest, Emily was frightened. What if they got caught? What if something happened again? But she was doing this for Valerie. Valerie wanted a fun night so Emily was going to give her one. Emily unlocked the door and stepped out.

"You look hot," Valerie said. Emily smiled.

"You ready?" Emily asked. Valerie nodded.

"Let's do this."


"Louis, you can't go out," Harry said.

"Why not? I went out last night and the night before and you didn't have a problem with it. In fact I went out all last week and you didn't care! Why now Harry? Why now? We are in LA, just let me go," Louis snapped. For the past 5 months Louis had been going out to party's, getting drunk, and sometimes getting high. Sure he know what he was doing was wrong. He knew that getting drunk and then having sex with 2 girls a night (3 if he got lucky) was wrong. He knew that the fans hated him and that he was getting out of control. But he couldn't help it.

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