20. Help! Please! Help!

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So Im gonna cut to the chase. The little fishy I keep bringing up is Talia. She was the strongest and prettiest girl on this Earth battling cancer. She was kicking cancer's butt but then cancer kicked back and she wasn't strong enough. We lost an angel and Heaven gained one. Talia, you are in a better place but thank you for teaching all of us that Anything is Possible. Just Keep Swimming!

Oh and I know I probably sounded like an ungrateful bitch at the beginning of the last chapter and I want to apologize. I didn't mean for it to make me sound ungrateful or anything. I just have high expectations. So Im just going to put that on the back burner :)

Now Louis sings a song to her. Unfortuantely my computer is stupid and wont let me out the link SO



Just Keep Swimming

XOXO Rachel



Emily POV


Anna's jaw clenched.

Jen went pale.

Louis looked like he wanted to rip his head off.

The rest of the boys looked confused.


I just wanted him out of my life and gone forever.

"What do you want?" Anna spat.

"Whoa. Calm down blondie." Noah snickered. "I came here to say, Wow Emily. You must be really sad about our breakup. Shoving your face with pizza and dating this loser. Wow Em. I thought you were better than that." I felt sick. I felt like throwing up my pizza and salad I had eaten.

"What makes you think Im a loser?" Lou spoke up. I turned to face him.

"No Louis. He's no use." I clung to his arm.

"Dont worry. I have sass. I am the Sassmater from Doncaster." He smirked and stood up to face Noah. I chuckled.

"Please! Only a loser would bring his girlfriend out to a cheesy pizza place with 4 idiots and her 2 best hoes." He scoffed. Liam, Zayn and Harry looked like they want to chop his balls off and feed them to a crocodile. Niall was furious.

"Says the person who CHEATED on her." Louis emphasied. Tears came but I bit my lip to keep them in.

"So what? I made out with a cheerleader. I wanted to do that with Em and take her to places she'd never been but she is to damn stubborn. Little Virgin." He sneered.

"Aww whatcha gonna do about it?" Anna asked standing up glaring at him.

"This. Em, come here." He smiled. His smile made my insides churn. My palms started sweating and I paled. My hair started sticking to my neck and I was having difficulty breathing.

"Emily!" He ordered harshly. Slowly I stood up, legs feeling like Jell-O. My knees wanted to buckle and I wanted to jump into Lou's lap and cry but I couldnt. It seemed as though time slowed as I walked around the table towards my ex. Everyone watched me. Liam and Zayn looked at me sympathetically. Harry, Louis, and Niall looked like they wanted to murder him and Anna and Jen looked scared. My legs wobbled and I kept rubbing my sweaty palms along my dress. I walked up to Noah.

"What do you want?" I asked as confidently as I could. Time froze. Scenerios played through my brain. A smirk grew on Noah's face and he leaned in close to my ear.

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