7. Ice Cream Parlor

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I walked up to my locker at the end of the day. I opened it and threw everything in there. Today I had no homework and in 3 weeks school was out. I slammed my locker shut and walked outside. I found Jen in the crows and ran over to her jumping onto her back.

"Gah!" She screamed. I laughed and jumped off.

"I HAVE NO HOMEWORK! SCHOOL IS OUT IN 3 WEEKS! AHHH!!" I screamed. Jen and her boyfriend Matt smiled. I'll admit they are TOTALLY adorable together but I'm also jealous of their relationship. They were meant for each other and you could practically touch the love radiating off of them. I've never seen a guy care for a girl so much like Matt does.

People have asked if I enjoy being single. If they'd asked me 4 months before I immediatly say I'd prefered to be together, but now that Im singe I like it. I feel free and like I dont have to be somewhere at a certain time and I dont have to look nice everyday. It is possibly one of the greatest feelings I've felt in the past 4 months.

"WHOOO!!! I DONT KNOW WHY WE ARE YELLING BUT WHOO!!!!" Anna screamed running over to us. I laughed.

"SCHOOL ENDS IN 3 WEEKS!" I yelled. Her grin broadened.

"See what I live with?" Jen teased to Matt. He chuckled.

"They definetly need to calm their tits."

I gasped and covered my chest. "They will not be calm!" I smiled.

Jen rolled her eyes and walked over to us. "How about a celebratory ice cream party?"  I literally started screaming. Everyone laughed.

"On second hand, maybe not." Matt teased. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"FIRST ONE TO THE CAR WINS!!" I yelled over my shoulder running to the car.        

Once I arrived I turned I realized everyone was still over where I was just a few seconds ago. I waved em over and they nodded meaning that they would be there in a few. I turned and bumped into Louis.

"Oh hey! Um sorry." I blushed and brushed my bangs back.

"Nah, its fine but we REALLY need to stop meeting like this." We shared a short laugh.

"Yeah..." I nodded.

"So what's got you in a hurry?" He asked.

"Well, school ends in 3 weeks, I FINALLY have no homework so we are going to stop for ice cream. I answered.

"Got it. Hey, um what are ya doing this summer?" He asked. We have what is called a brother-sister relationship. Sometimes though, its more like sister-sister relationship.  

"Nothing why?" I asked curiously.

"Would you like to come on tour with me and the lads?" He suggested, a mischevious sparkle in his eyes.

"OMG ID LOVE TO!!! Wait! You aren't psyching me out are you?" He shook his head. I breathed a sigh of relief and grinned.

"Thanks, I'll ask my parents." He nodded.

"Hey, you wanna get ice cream with us?"

"Sure. I guess I should invite you on tour more often considering I get ice cream out of it." He teased. I hit his arm but then my smile faded.

"Whats wrong?" He asked, expression changing from excited to worried quickly.

"I still have to ask my parents and they want me to go to college or Uni here. I dont know..." I pouted.

"Its okay if you cant. Im just throwing the option out there. I totally understand. Just ask when you get a chance." I nodded.

"JEN! ANNA! MATT! HURRY YO ASSES UP!" I screamed. Anna turned to me and flipped the finger. I laughed. They waved goodbye to the people they were talking to and walked over.

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