41. Choosing; Forever

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Songs for the Chapter -

Waiting For Superman - Daughtry

Explosions - Ellie Goulding

Love Will Remember - Selena Gomez

Summer Love - One Direction


Choosing; Forever

Emily POV

Love. Noun. An intense feeling or deep affection.

Love. Verb. Feeling a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone.

Love is a silly word. You think the day you say that to someone it means forever. You think that once that word is spoken nothing can break that promise. Love however does not have feelings. Love is a feeling. Love does not have boundaries. Love does not care. Love is selfish and Love springs up on you when you least expect it. Love dumb and fearless but it can also give you your world.

However Love did none of that for me. I thought Love was an eternal promise. Sure it was no wedding ring but it was close enough right? Had you asked me the day before any of this happened I would've said "Yes. Together forever." But now, I realize I was dumb in Love. That's another thing Love is. Dumb. And it fooled me.

1 month later

"Emily! Anna! Get up!" Jen yelled. I groaned and rolled over breathing in the scent of my pillow. It was the familiar hotel smell which I had come so accustomed too.

"Get your lazy asses up right now or I swear I will find some ice and pour it into your sheets!" She yelled. Anna moaned loudly into her pillow. I groaned. 5 more minutes please. I heard the door slam. Anna and I had jumped out of bed probably the fastest we'd ever jumped out of bed in our lives. Soon Jen walked in cackling, clutching her stomach.

"Jen, if I wasn't half asleep I would totally stab you right now," Anna threatened. Jen laughed.

"Sure. Now hurry up! It's Emily's last day!" She pouted before walking out so we could change and I could pack up.

"Do you really have to go?" Anna asked. Solemnly I nodded.

"Aren't you going to college?" I asked. She shook her head.

"I decided to take a year of in between. I really want to travel and then go to college," I nodded and walked to the bathroom to change.

I made sure everything was packed before we headed downstairs for breakfast. I nearly broke down as I realized this would be my last breakfast with all my closest friends. It would be my last breakfast on the One Direction tour.

This summer had been a blast. I made 11 new friends and reconnected with one. I had traveled the world with theses idiots and I had had the time of my life. I was sad to see it go.

I ate my fruit in silence as I watched every person around me smile and laugh. I had Louis and on my left and Niall on my right. It reminded me of the night I was raped. I've learned how to overcome it. Knowing I had all these people around me who would protect me helped me. And with my eating disorder. They helped me overcome it too. I mean I still don't eat as much as anyone else here (hence this bowl of fruit) but I've gotten stronger. All these people had been my rock and my anchor. I couldn't just let go. Was I making the right decision going to college? Was I ready to leave these people behind? I pushed my bowl of fruit away not interested anymore. The doubts of my impending decision gnawed at my stomach. M

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