26. Anxiety

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My head felt heavy and it was hard to breathe.

I felt like I was somewhere between falling asleep and panicking.

My hands were numb.

My brain was swimming.

I could barely hear anything.

Everything seemed to be going in slow motion.

I swung my head around frantically, which didn't help my throbbing head that had suddenly appeared, looking for a bathroom.

I felt like throwing up.

My eyes scanned the room until I found the icon indicating the ladies room. I pushed through the throngs of people (mostly fans looking for One Direction) and hurried into the bathroom. Lucky enough for me it was empty.

I sat down and took deep breaths trying to return my erratic breathing to normal.

I stood up and nearly fell over, colors swimming in front of my eyes.

I gripped for the sink counter and closed my eyes regaining my normal breathing.

Slowly I turned my head up to the mirror.

I noticed almost instantly that I was pale.

The color was drained from my face completely.

I took one hand off the side of the sink and reached it out in front of me, the feeling in it have returned and watched it shake, almost spasm violently.

Suddenly I felt myself go weak in my legs.

My knees buckled as the colors swam much more violently in front of my eyes, blinding me.

All I remembered was my grip leaving the sink and my knees hitting the tiles and my vision becoming completely dark leaving me incapable to see.

Louis POV

In an hour Niall is here.

Emily's been gone far to long.

Where is she?

Is she safe?

Zayn POV

"Great guys. Ya scared her off." I muttered.

"She had to know Zayn." Liam said sternly.

Great! Seems as though Daddy Direction was back.

Oh. Joy.

"Well you didn't tell her the softest way either." I argued.

"Well how else was I supposed to tell her? 'Oh hey yeah umm your boyfriend nearly strangled his best mate today! Just thought you should know!' Yeah. I didn't think so." He was growing irritated quite quickly. And I did NOT want to set off the bomb that was Liam Payne.

"You dropped it on her like a bomb! The poor girl was just raped!" I shouted. To be brutally honest I was getting pretty agitated myself.

"Well Im sorry. How would've you told her Malik?" I just shook my head.

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