15. Apologizing and One Big Question

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I could NEVER, EVER thank ya'll for the votes and the reads and just.... EVERYTHING!!! Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!!!

 Quik Question!!!

I really want to incorperate Eleanor in the story SO!!! Either she is Harry's or Niall's girlfriend OR IF YOU HAVE A BETTER SUGGESTION TELL ME!!!!!!

Oh! And all the pictures of Elounor on the side!!!! PLEASE IN YOUR BRAIN REPLACE ELEANOR (I Know, Tear tear :( ) WITH YOUR MENTAL PICTURE OF EMILY!!!




Louis POV


I wanted to just disappear. I wanted to fall into a black hole full of Legos. Emily just came back from the hospital with stitches and a concussion, not to mention she almost died and what do I do?! I frickin yell at her to eat. I should've laid off. I should've just asked her what she wanted to eat and let her. I was so damn worried about her and her health, I forced her.

I ran my hand through my hair and collapsed on the couch.

Im such an ass.

The doctor lied, she isn't lucky to have me.

I stood up and walked to the kitchen and got to water bottles out of the fridge. I decided that even if she wouldn't forgive me I didn't want her to die.

I walked up the grande staircase and down the hallway trying to remember which room was hers. I was halfway down the hall when I found a bra on the floor. Smirking I picked it up and put it on and ran to the bathroom to see how I looked.

Instantly I cracked up. Yep, Emily was definetely going to laugh. I turned and walked out of the bathroom and back to where I had found the lingerie.

"Why is everything I do for Emily?" I thought.

"Coz you love her dumbass!" A voice in my head yelled.

"Right. I'm in love with my best girlfriend." The voice in my head laughed at me.

"Everything is so damn complicated. You know what, Im going to ask her out. I Louis Tomlinson am going as out Emily Watts." I nodded satisfied with my thoughts.

Then I got to her door.

"Ems?" I knocked. No answer.

"Em! Look, I was an ass. I am really sorry. I just want you to get better." Silence.

"Em?" Slowly I opened the door. I stepped inside and closed it, looking for her.

"Emily?" I asked cautiously. She wasnt on her bed. I walked towards her bathroom and thats when I saw her laying unconcious on the floor next to her bed.

"EMILY!" I gasped. She was out cold.

"Damn it!" I cursed in my thoughts.

"Thats what you get for forcing her to eat." The voice in my head teased.

"Shut up..." I murmured. I picked Emily up and placed her on her bed. I went to get a rag wet. As I was turning on the water and waiting for it to warm up a bit I noticed pictures around her sink. Pictures of her as a kid. Pictures of her and Jen. Pictures of her and Anna. Pictures of her parents. Silly pictures and smiling pictures. And pictures of her and me. There was us at the beach. Us at the ice cream shop. Us just goofing off. I didn't think she'd tape them to her bathroom mirror. The burning water scorched my skin getting me out of my trance. Quickly I turned the water to cold and wet the rag. I twisted it, getting off the excess water and folding it. I fast walked to her bed and laid the wet rag on her forehead. I brushed the hair off her face. She looked so innocent and vunerable. It broke my heart. I walked back to bathroom to get another rag wet to wipe off the dried blood.


"Em?" I asked. I walked back with a warm rag in my hand. She opened her eyes and immediatly started crying.

"It hurts Lou. It hurts." She sobbed. I sat down and pulled her into my chest.

"Shhh. It'll be alright. Shh." I comforted her. I placed the wet rag on my leg and rocked her back and forth.

"All I remember was going under and then flashes of things and waking up to an immense pain. It hurts." Her strangled cry broke my heart into a million pieces. I stood up and she looked at me with a Please-Stay look. I nodded.

"Lay down babycakes." She giggled and laid down. I grabbed the warm rag and walked to the other side of the bed to lay in front of her. I laid down and started gently wiping off the blood.

"Loubear?" She asked.


"What happens after tour? I mean, I have college I mean, Uni and you have One Direction..." She trailed.

"I dont know. All I know is that I dont want to lose you. Take some time off to visit us." I said as I finished cleaning off the blood. She just shrugged. "Well what do you want as you job?" I asked.

She blushed. "I've always had this crazy dream about being a actress." I smiled.

"Perfect! You being on tour with us would give you a popularity boost and we can have our management set up auditions for you! You are bound to make it!" She shook her head.

"Thanks Lou but I wanna make it on my own. What excitement would it have if I didn't put blood, sweat and tears into it." She sat up and I copied her actions. "It would be as if I didn't put any hard work into it." I nodded.

"I get it. I really do. But come on tour with us and at least let management set up a few auditions for you. If they dont work then go to Uni. If they do, screw Uni and go for it." She just shrugged.

"Can you help me pack? For tour?" I nodded.

"How much do I bring?" She asked, her voice muffled from in her closet.

"Well considering what Liam says, you are asking the wrong person because apparently I bring to much and then I buy more. And what does he bring? No hair!" I huffed. She giggled.

"So like this?" She asked bringing out two rolling Louis Vuitton cases and a LV duffel. I chuckled.

"Umm, just bring a rolling and the duffel." She nodded and threw the two on the bed. She opened the rolling case up.

"Sit." She said pushing me back onto her bed. She disappered into her closet and coming back out with some shirts.

"Umm no, no, yes, yes, SUPERMAN!! YES!!! Umm no, no. YES STRIPES! yes yes yes, no, no." She nodded and tossed the clothes into the suitcase leaving me to fold them properly and put them in. She walked out with more.

"Yes, no, no, yes, yes, ooh sexy, no, no, and yes." She nodded and again threw the shirts at me. "Hey, do we get to pack lingerie together?" I asked only teasing.

"LOUIS!" She shrieked. She walked out with pairs of shorts. Instead of asking my opinion she just threw them at me.

"Now! For dresses!" I could hear the smile in her voice. She came out with at least 10 dresses ranging from casual to fancy on her arms.

"Yes, yes, yes, no, nope, yes, no, no, yes." She gently laid the yeses down in the duffel and took the no's back. My phone buzzed indicating my mum texted.

"Em. I need to go." I said standing.

"Aww okay." She walked out pouting. It was silent as she walked me down to the door.

"Thanks Lou for today. I know I scared you but thanks for saving me and being my Superman. Thanks for helping me and everything. Im sorry I got mad and-"

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked. She gasped.

"W-what?" She stuttered.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Ooh!! He asked her!!!! What do ya'll think she'll say?

Dont forget to hit that little button with a star on the top right :)

It would mean bunches :)

Thanks for everything my little donuts x)


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