Chap. 1- Stars in the night sky...💫

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"I have faith in what I see"

"Now I know I have met an angel in person"

"And she looks perfect"

"I don't deserve this"

"You look perfect tonight"

Perfect- Ed Sheeran


It was another beautiful night in Japan. There were no clouds nor lights that could hide the beautiful shine from the stars above. The moon lightened every possible thing in the town. Even the shadows were scared to show themselves.

The grass field danced along with the breeze of the wind. There were two boys on the field. One with yellow and red-pinkish hair and another one with purple hair along with some turquoise streaks on the front. They were both lying on the flowing grass. The blond boy, Tsukasa, had his back facing the purple haired boy, Rui.

Rui invited Tsukasa to come see the stars with him but unfortunately, the other boy spent all of his time scrolling through social media and seeing how many followers and likes he has received overtime. The purple haired boy, tired and somewhat mad, decided to speak not showing his madness through his voice but rather, talking in a soft voice.

"Tsukasa-kun?" he spoke. Tsukasa responded with a single hum. He shut off his phone and looked the other way, now with his face turned to Rui. The taller boy shifted his gaze from the stars to Tsukasa's face.

"Have you in the very least taken a look at stars since we came here?" Rui asked with a slight mad tone in his voice. "No, not yet. Why?" Tsukasa responded with another question seemingly confused. "Just...take a small glance and you will understand."

Tsukasa raised one of his eyebrows but didn't question further. He placed his phone beside his torso and looked up to see the stars. His eyes shone as soon as he took a peek. It was like Rui said, it was beautiful. So beautiful it even looked like a painting made from Vincent Van Goh himself.

"They really are beautiful..." Tsukasa said with amazement in his voice. "I know right? I wanted you to see this from the start but you never left your phone..." Rui stated. "I'm sorry. It 's just-" "It's fine, Tsukasa-kun, it happens. Forget about it." "But-" "No buts. Let's just enjoy this night together."

Tsukasa shut his mouth not having any argument to counterattack Rui's. The air was tense and uncomfortable. They weren't fond of being this uncomfortable and yet no one dared to break the ice. Finally, Rui spoke with his soft voice. "Want to know why I like stars so much?" Rui asked the blond. Tsukasa perked his head up and wondered for a few minutes why until the taller boy responded to his own question. "It's because stars are beautiful in their own way. Some may think they are selfish, others think they are self absorbed in their own gains and achievements and, somehow, the majority shares the same opinion, that they are annoying, but, even after all the warnings, after all the stars I've seen, I finally found the one that shines brighter than the whole night sky. A beautiful star with a beautiful face, beautiful hair and even with some eyes that could melt the whole planet. Sure, when in a bad mood, their personality is very different and it can cause others to get hurt, but that's what makes them unique, you know? In all honesty, they are the best thing that ever happened to me and yet, I'm rambling and confessing my love for them." As soon as Rui finished, he was blushing like crazy. He looked at Tsukasa only to see his face facing the other direction from him. "Are you okay, Tsukasa-kun?" "Y-yes!" Tsukasa shouted. He was flabbergasted. His mind and heart were racing 1000 per hour. He didn't have the guts to face Rui at the moment,

"Are you sure?" Rui asked worriedly, expecting the worst already. "Y-yes, I'm sure. You just got me off guard" Tsukasa chuckled and faced Rui. He was blushing so hard that even his cheeks shone in the dark. The blond boy scooted closer to Rui, closing any space between them. Rui held Tsukasa's hand in a loving gesture, never thinking of letting it go.

"Thank you for making me the happiest star in the world." Tsukasa said feeling loved for the first time in years. "It's an honor to make you feel happy. Your happiness is my happiness. I love you, Tsukasa-kun." "I love you too, Rui. Promise me that we will never be apart from each other and we both die of old age and if we get reincarnated, we will be together, forever and ever." "Wow there, you sounded like a yandere right now." "Sorry about but that's how I will act from now on." "Ok then, Yanderekasa." "Sure thing, Senpaishiro." They both laughed at their responses and could finally enjoy the stars together as a beautiful Leo constellation appeared, blessing their beautiful night under the night sky.

...The End...

The End

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