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There's no reason to include "until death, do us part" in your vows.

I say this because love withstands even after death.

True love that is.

Even after the death of the two lovers, their passion continues to bloom even in the next life.
Perhaps everything will go just as Mire planned. Maybe you and him will finally get to have the peaceful, without death, love that you both deserve.

But the question is, do old habits pass on from your past self?

If so.. that could be a problem.

Lucky for you two, in the next life, you and him happen to grow up as neighbors and childhood friends. Nothing can ruin that right?

Let's hope that is the case.



You ran up to the 8 year old boy and wrapped him in a hug. His parents had let you come over and play in his backyard.
As usual, he would roll his eyes and groan when you were in his presence.

"Why are you here again?" his high pitched voice questioned as you continued to hug his side.
He was playing with a shovel in the dirt.
"Because I missed you!!"
"Gross.." Mire gagged and you stopped hugging him with a frown.
"Didn't you miss me?!"
"What!? No!"
"But we're practically made for each other.." you pouted and the little boy stood up, "See Mire! We both had the same birthmark on our neck!!"

Mire began to walk away and you followed him with a ditzy smile. He threw the shovel on the ground as he turned around with sass.

"My dad told me that the guy is supposed to be the older one! So that means you're an old hag!"
"That's not true! Your dad is dumb! We can still be together!" you whined and Mire went over to the fence that blocked the backyard from the woods, "Mire we're not supposed to go out there!!"
"Shhh, just come on!"

You followed the black haired little boy through a broken board in the fence. He let you grab his hand as he led you deeper into the woods.

"Y/n I found something really cool the other day!" he exclaimed excitedly.
"Won't we get in trouble?" You asked but he ignored your question.

Your hand almost instinctively shot up to your nose as the air around you began to smell rancid.
It almost made you gag.

"Look Y/n!" Mire smiled as he moved a bush, revealing a dead black cat.
"Ew Mire! That's disgusting!"
"No it's not! I think it's cool!!"

Mire poked at the dead animal with a stick.
Being only 9, it made you sad to see what had happened to the sweet animal.

"Come on Mire, let's head back.."
"No!" he yelled spoiledly as he continued to look at the carcass.
"Fine! You enjoy your dead cat!"

You stormed off pass some trees. You began to step down a hill when you came across the most beautiful thing you had ever seen.
It was a giant, crystal blue lake with a wooden boardwalk. The suns rays reflected pink on the water as it set. The color orange radiated against the liquid and you couldn't stop staring in awe.
There was also a small wooden cabin that looked abandoned on the other side.

"It's so pretty.." you smiled before hearing rustling behind you.

Mire came storming down the hill with a frown. He almost tumbled as he came up to you.

"Why'd you leave me?!"
"Mire look! Isn't it so pretty!" You smiled at him and his face reddened a bit.
He looked to the side annoyed, "It's not prettier than the cat.."
"I have an idea!" You grabbed both of Mires hands and jumped excited, "We can give the cat a proper burial! Right here!"
Mires dark eyes lit up, "Yeah! Let's bury it near the lake and come visit! We can give it a name and stone grave!"
"Let's decorate it with flowers!!"


You and Mire snuck back in his backyard. You grabbed the shovel as Mire went inside and grabbed a knife and sack.

"Why do we need that?" you asked and he cheerfully replied, "I seen this in a movie!"

After a long walk, you made it back to where the cat was but you refused to touch it.
Mire became annoyed, "Go dig a hole then since you're such a baby!"
"I'm not a baby!!"
"Go dig the hole!"

You rolled your eyes and made your way down the hill again.
You tripped on a root and tumbled down the hill, twisting your ankle in the process.

"OW MIRE!!" you yelped as you began to cry and he ran to your aid.
"What happened?"
"I hurt my ankle.. I don't know how!" you sniffled as he analyzed it.
"You're clumsy"
"Mire it hurts! Go get your mommy!"
Mire huffed, "Don't you want to bury the kitty first? Here I'll help you up.."

Despite him being shorter and smaller compared to you, he helped you to your feet and sat you on a stump. He picked up the shovel and began to dig a hole in a flowerbed.
You sat kicking your legs back and forth as you watched him. Eventually he was done and he climbed back up the hill.
When he came back, the sack had something in it and was dripping red with blood.

"You're gross!!" Mire insulted with a high pitched exclaim. Mire dropped the bag in the hole and filled it back up with dirt. "Should we name it?"
"Let's name it nemo!!" you suggested with a smile and Mire thought for a moment.
"Hm.. maybe. I have letter stickers in my back pocket! Let's put them on a rock and use it as a gravestone!"

You nodded as he picked up a large rock. He sat it on the fresh grave and took out the stickers.

"Man.. I only have 4 letters.." Mire pouted saddened.
"What are they?"
"A, H, O, and Y"
"I'm surprised you know your letters~" you teased and Mire ignored you.
"That sounds dumb" you yawned as the sky grew dark.
"What about Hoya?"
"That's a silly name.." you smiled but agreed as he stuck the stickers on the gravestone.
"It's pretty.." Mire muttered monotoned but you were to busy staring at the lake. Mire noticed you weren't paying attention, "Come on Y/n, let's go back to my house"


He helped you back up the hill as you limped.

"Can I stay the night at your house?" you asked and he shrugged.

There was a sudden gasp as you both crawled back through the fence. "MIRE?! Y/N?! Where have you both been?! Why are you dirty?? What happened to your ankle??"

Needless to say, you both got in trouble and you weren't allowed back over Mires house until your ankle was healed.
You both stayed close throughout your childhood.
You had a small crush on him, but it was clear (him being a young boy) the feelings would not be returned.

It wasn't until high school when things began to get.. complicated.


*Present Time*

"Come on Y/n, we'll be late for our first day of senior year!!"

Hi! Author here.. if you don't recognize the story it's because you haven't read the previous books "Anything for you" or "Twisted love".
You can find both books on my page 🙂.

Welcome back ♥️

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