Roses are red

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"Yeah.. obsessed"



You laid on your back looking at the dark ceiling as Mire slept beside you.
You could say obsessed was a stretch, wasn't it?
He went from confessing to obsessing?

You turned on your side to look at the peaceful sleeping boy.
You placed your hand on his cheek and kissed him once before rolling back over and sleeping aswell.

When you woke up, there was a blur of red all around you.
You jumped up surprised as the walls suddenly weren't their original color white.
The same red was throughout the bed and sheets.

You picked up one of the red petals and Mire came back into the room with even more bouquets of red roses.

"Mire.. this is.." you looked around in awe at the roses all around you, "How did you do this while I was asleep? Are you mad??"
"Madly in love with you~" he confessed cheekily as he handed you a rose.

You took it out his hand and a thorn poked your hand making you yelp. Mire suddenly intertwined both your hands with the rose and kissed you. Your hands began to bleed but you both didn't seem to care as you kissed even more passionately.
You broke the kiss and noticed even more colors of roses on the wall.

Maroon, magenta, a deep pink, scarlet..
All of the shade red.

"Where'd you get them?" you asked as you looked into his dark eyes.
He stood up and stretched, "I may or may not had gotten them from that trail. Doesn't matter. I'll bring you food"
"What are you my maid?!" you laughed and stood up.
He pushed you back down, "No, I'll get it.."
"No, I will!" you pushed him back and you both began to tussle with laughter.

You grabbed his hand trying to overpower him but god was he strong.
That's one thing you loved about him, his arms were so built but not to the point of obnoxiousness.

He pinned you to the bed and kissed you.

"Are you not going to let me do it?" he asked as his black hair hung low.
You replied with attitude, "I said no didn't I?"
He chuckled a bit and leaned towards your ear, "That's not what I'm talking about~"
"You're a perv~" you teased back before flipping him on his back, "I'll make the food! You stay here!"

Mire finally gave up which you appreciated. Before you left the room he slapped your ass and you narrowed your eyes at him as he laughed.
You walked down the stairs, still in your underwear and T-shirt, and into the kitchen. You began making french toast but there was a knock at the door.

"Umm.." you mumbled out trying to find some shorts downstairs but the person began banging.

You scurried to the door and cracked it open.
It was Micheal and Gina!

"What the hell guys.." you whispered trying not to alarm Mire.
"We came to check on you. We skipped school. Seems like Ivan was the only one who went because Bren is at home recovering from surgery" he pushed the door open with a shrug.
"Hey you can't come in! I'm not dressed!" you almost shouted and Gina threw you some shorts out her bag.
"I had an extra.. Are you cooking?" she asked hungrily as the two let themselves in.

You rolled your eyes and put the shorts on before you continued cooking. When you were done, Mire came down and his smile faded when he saw the two at the table with plates.

Another life (Obsessive bf x reader 3!!!)Where stories live. Discover now