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"Welcome in~"


"What's going on?!" Micheal yelled and Ty pointed the gun at him making Gina squeal.
"Sit down on the couch" Ty ordered and they did so with their hands up.

Gina and Micheal sat on the cushions beside Mire. Mire hadn't said anything since he woke up.
He had a blank stare..
His eyes peered at the carpet with a sense of confusion which worried you even more.
Bren was breathing heavily as he held his still bleeding out leg.

"So.." Ty walked back in the middle of everyone, "What a happy reunion right?! God this is touching!"

You were shaking. You glanced at Micheal and he was looking at you hoping you'd give him some explanation but you couldn't.
Ty suddenly grabbed Ginas hair and pulled her up with the gun pointed against her head.
She began to cry and Ivan stood up angered.

"Stop messing with my sister or so fucking help me!!" Ivan yelled and Ty looked at him surprised. He suddenly began to laugh and you held Brens hand out of fear.
"God this has to be some joke.. I'm not even worried about killing any of you because I know you'll come back!" he smiled eerily as he threw Gina onto Ivan.

You glanced at Bren and he was pale from losing so much blood. You hoped the bullet didn't hit an artery. You took a cushion from the couch and held pressure on his leg as he winced.

"Hey you guys want to know something?" Ty suddenly asked as if it was a game.

Mire finally glanced up from the carpet and at the crazed teacher.
Still.. his expression was seemingly expressionless?

"You guys want to know how you died in your past life~?" he grinned and Gina shouted out.
"You're insane!!!"
"Shut up Gina.." you told her and the teacher tapped his gun.
"Well do you?" he asked again and Micheal spoke up.
"S-Sure man! Haha! Why not?"
"Oh.. you were the last to die Micheal. You weren't as interesting.." the teacher mumbled but continued, "You killed yourself after Y/n and Mires funeral"
"What?!" he said loudly and stood up, "You're full of it! I should have known that since you're a looney!"

Ty ignored Micheals remark and turned to face the others.

"Bren, Ivan and Gina died on the same night. All killed by Mire Valentin.. Isn't that sweet?" he smiled and their eyes widened.
"W-What??" Gina gasped and Ivan stood up.
"Bullshit! As if I'd let my little cousin kill me!!"
Ty smirked, "Well you were siblings and Ivan you were the youngest and quietest"
"You're full of it" Bren spat angrily, "I'd never be caught off guard in such a way"
"Well trying to save Y/n you could.." Ty chuckled and you gulped.
"How do we know you're not fucking making this up?!" Ivan shouted and Ty pointed at his neck.

You felt your birth mark and glanced at Mire who was now looking at you.

It can't be..

"Look at Mire and hers birthmark.. exactly how they died in their past life. Slitting each other's throat. Insane right? They found it romantic.." he stated and it went quiet.

He's full of it..

"Still don't believe me? The order you died is the order you were born.. Bren you're the oldest of everyone correct?" Ty looked at the blonde sinisterly and Bren gulped.
"Then there's Gina.. then Ivan you're younger than her still right?"
Ivan gritted his teeth, "Y-Yeah"
"Then there's Y/n then Mire.. Micheal you're youngest right?"
You stood up angrily, "Bullshit! Mires the youngest!!"
Ty smirked, "Perhaps his spirit was the last to move on.. who knows. I just know everything I'm saying is true. Isn't it Mire~?"

Everyone glanced at Mire as he looked to the side annoyed. Blood was dripping down his forehead onto his clothing.
You didn't want to believe it could be true.
There's no way.

You looked at the handcuffs Mire had forced you in and bit your lip.

It's true..

"You fucking killed me?!" Ivan stood up and grabbed Mires shirt angrily, "You fucking murderer!!! You killed Gina too?! How many people did you kill you psychotic piece of shit!?"
Micheal pushed Ivan off of Mire, "Chill the fuck out! We don't know if it's true what this teacher is saying!! Calm down!"
Bren glared at you, "You had me killed?"
"W-What?!" you stood up offended, "I didn't do anything! I've never had anyone killed!"
"Bullshit!" Bren shouted and Gina glared at you aswell.

You moved over to the couch where Micheal and Mire were as the other three got upset.
You all stood up as you began to argue.

Ivan yelled, "You fucking killer!! You killed us?!"
"That didn't happen!! Even if it did, we are alive now!" Micheal shouted and Gina refuted.
"Oh right.. you're only saying that because you ended your own life!"
"Calm down guys! Can't you see he's pinning us against each other?" you tried to ease the conflict but Bren chuckled.
"Shut up Y/n! I bet you caused our deaths!!"

Your blood began to boil.
They sounded stupid worrying about things that didn't even happen!!
Suddenly Mire grabbed your forearm gently and sat you down on the couch. Everyone went quiet as they waited for him to speak.

"I didn't kill anyone.." he stated monotone with a cold stare. "Whatever past life he's talking about doesn't even exist.. his proof is bullshit aswell"
Ty laughed loudly, "Oh? Then what about the handcuffs on Y/ns wrist!! When I went in the room you told her you would never let her go! Mires just restarting the cycle~"
"Is that true?" Michael asked you and you gulped looking at your wrists.

You looked at Mire and for the first time tonight, he smiled and nodded as he gave you the okay.

"It's true.. he did do that" you admitted and Ivan balled his fists.
"Yeah I did.." Mire mumbled with a smirk and tease,
"And what are all of you going to do about it~?"


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