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"Okay.. fuck okay I really have to tell you something.."


You were still shaken up to the point you couldn't look into his eyes. The intimidation you felt..
He was terrifying and now he really expects you to listen?

"Why'd you have that knife?" you asked trying to move away from him but his arms pinned you against the wall.
"Just hear me out okay!" he almost shouted and you stayed quiet, "Ah.. I'm sorry for yelling but just listen okay?" You nodded and he sighed, "There's something wrong.. ever since I hit my head I've had.. this overbearing feeling"
"Feeling?" you asked and he laughed a bit.
"You're going to think I'm crazy.. it feels horrible. It's like a mixture of loneliness and obsession and I don't know why!! I have these weird false memories that pop up in my head.."
"Like what?" you asked trying to understand the situation.
"Like my parents beating me! You and I both know my parents have never done that but I have a lingering feeling they have!!" he exclaimed and you nodded with an awkward smile.
"So not memory.. feeling?"
"Yes!" he let out loudly with desperation and you gulped.
"Okay Mire.. let's go to the hospital"

You tried to move passed him and he grabbed your arm and you looked into his eyes. He was tearing up.
You hadn't seen him cry since you were kids.

"You have to listen to me! I'm scared.. I'm scared I'm going to hurt you! I don't know why I feel so possessive.." he trailed off and you cupped his face.
"Hurt me? Why would you need to feel possessive over me?"
He sighed before kissing your lips, "I'm not sure how to express myself but.. I do love you okay?! I've just pushed it under.. I don't believe in love but for some reason I love you?!"
Your heart jumped, "Mire stop fooling around! It's not funny anymore!"
"I'm not!!" he raised his voice and kissed you again, "I admit I do!! But.. this possessiveness.. What do I do? I don't want to hurt anyone.."
"Mire you control your actions.." you stated a bit flustered at his confession and he took you over to the bed.
"Sweetheart that's the thing.. I feel like I have no control? You saw earlier with the knife!! Something's trying to take over my body I swear!!"
"Mire calm down.." you stroked his pale face and he sighed.

He was shaking. You didn't exactly believe in the paranormal, but you did believe in soulmates. You wish you could have been more concerned with what Mire was saying but your mind was still on the confession.

"You've always loved me?" you asked and he scratched his head.
"Since I first met you.. I still don't believe in love but this feeling you give me.. it's an addiction"
"Why didn't you just admit it?"
"I.. don't know okay? Because I was in denial? Geez.. Well now you know! Fucking hell that's annoying.." he sighed and you slowly climbed on his lap.
He smiled, "What are you doing?"
"Just kiss me"

You placed your hands on his chest as he gripped your hips. Usually, you took the lead so you kissed his lips slowly.
You rocked your hips a bit and he groaned with a laugh. Suddenly he bit your lip and gripped you tighter which was new. Mire started attacking your neck and pulling your hair which made you gasp.
He bit your shoulder harder than you thought he would and you pushed him away.

"Ouch Mire!! Fuck that hurt.." you rubbed your shoulders as he began to apologize.
"I'm so sorry!! Here let me kiss it!"
"No fuck off!" you told him but instead he flipped you on the bed and kissed the spot he left a bite mark on. "Mire I said fuck off!!" you told him as you slowly began to lighten up.
"Shut up" he told you and your jaw dropped.

He began laughing at your expression and you two started to play fight. You tussled in the bed and he pretended to body slam you which made you laugh.
He kissed your lips again with aggression and you put your hand on his chest which made him pause.

"Mire.. you said something taking over your body.. Did you mean like a ghost?"
He laughed embarrassed, "N-No! Like an overbearing feeling taking over my body.."
"So not like.. someone else?" you asked suspicious and he rolled his eyes.
"You think I'm crazy!! I am me! I'm just Mire Vinoza! No one else okay??"
"Okay Geez.." you mumbled and he began kissing up your thigh.


You both paused and looked up slowly. There was a strange sound coming from downstairs.
"Did you hear that?" you asked and Mire nodded.
He took your hand and helped you out of bed.

You grabbed a pair of Mires shorts on the ground since you were only in a tank top and underwear. He slowly creaked open the door and you both got low. You followed him downstairs and into the kitchen where you hid behind a counter.
Now that you were looking into the living room, the front door was being messed with.

Mire looked at you with a shocked expression and you couldn't help but almost laugh at his jaw dropping. He began to get up to confront whoever it was but you grabbed his arm.

"We're on vacation Mire.." you whispered and he nodded as he held your hand.

The doorknob suddenly made a weird clanking sound and the door creaked open. Mire quickly ran and grabbed a knife before retreating back behind the counter.
Your eyes widened as you saw Mr. Globerman sneaking in Mires house dressed in all black.
This time it was you with the dropped jaw and Mire had the same goofy expression on his.

"What the fuck?!" Mire whispered to you and you covered his mouth.

The only thing you were concerned about was the blood on the couch, although it was Mires.
Mire had covered it with a blanket, but if he checks, it would not be good.

"Let's leave out the back.." you whispered to Mire and he nodded.

You both began to creep to the back door but glass breaking made you both jump.

"Oops.." Ty mumbled to himself as he kept searching the house. He suddenly walked towards the kitchen and you both instead retreated to Mires parents bedroom, which was behind the staircase.
Once you were inside, you both stood up freaked out.

"What the fuck?!" Mire stated once again and you face palmed, "What is he doing here??"
"Looking for his daughter you dumbass.." you sighed.

"Fucking hell.. we didn't kill her!!"


Another life (Obsessive bf x reader 3!!!)Where stories live. Discover now