Old you

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"Delete his number"
"You're joking.. right?"


He just stared at you in a looming manner as he tapped his foot. His face was riddened with both disappointment and disgust.
He suddenly sighed and pushed his fingers in the ridge of his nose. His dark, straight hair fell down a bit as his head tilted lower.
You could hear him take in a deep breath before looking at you again.

"Why would I be joking? You know how I feel about the guy and you're inviting him over MY house while I'm out? Darling does that even sound remotely okay?" he began to reason with you and you nodded.
"I understand where you're coming from Mire but I didn't invite him. He stopped by to check on me"
"More of the reason to get rid of him"
"Rid of him?"
"His number" Mire stated before plopping on the couch, "Fuck the cheese! We'll order take out"
You sat beside him, "Fine.."

Mire was still aggravated. He was biting his lip and staring off into space which you knew meant something was roaring in his mind.
You place your hand on his thigh and immediately he tensed up.

"I'm telling you the truth.. What's on your mind?" you asked and Mire huffed.
"My mind? What's on my mind? I'm tired of this therapy shit! Telling me what I have! Fucking hell.. I know what I have and it's an urge to blow the place up! God.. Valentin.. Vinoza. I can't believe we're still on this bullshit after months!! I'm me. Mire. Why is that so difficult for anyone to comprehend?"
A frown appeared on your face as you stroke his cheek, "Oh Mire.."
"Not only that.." his eyes darted at you, "I heard what you said. I'm no longer the man you love? I scare you..?"
"I didn't mean it like that.."
"No no. Of all people I thought YOU would understand me love. That YOU would be on my side with this. I've told you before.. that feeling. I'm sorry I can't be perfect enough like Micheal!"
"Mire!" you shouted taken back and he stood up quickly.
"Don't Mire me!" he peered at you with anger, "'Mire this! Mire that! Mire you're crazy! Mire I love you! Mire I miss you. Just shut up!!"

You got up and backed away feeling more and more hurt by his words. Mire wouldn't say this.. no this couldn't be Mire.
He loved you. He proved it.

Tears built in your eyes as he spewed more horrible things.
Was it Valentin or Vinoza? God you could never tell! Valentin would never hate you.. No this was all too confusing.

"Again I know what you're thinking.." he scoffed with hate, "Valentin or Vinoza right? Yeah I'm not a dumb ass I can tell with that look! You need me right darling? You need Mire right? You need me to hold and kiss you?" he began walking closer and it was building fear inside, "You need me to wipe your tears? What about kill for you huh? Do you need Mire to shove a knife in those crooked friends of yours?"
"Please Mire stop.. you're acting crazy again" you backed up more and he rolled his eyes with a laugh.
"Mire you're so crazy!" he mocked before grabbing your wrist, "It's always me right? Me who's the crazy one? You're enjoying this! You are!"
"Let go!" you shouted angry and he pulled you closer.
"What about me darling?! What about what I need? You don't think I'm not hurting? I'm also confused! I don't even know who I am anymore!!"

You pushed him away and he caught himself before stumbling. Immediately you began to walk away from the situation but he followed you, still speaking in such an overbearing tone.

"You're just gonna walk away!? Fuck! Can you atleast understand what I'm saying?" He yelled and you went to the kitchen and began to put up the ingredients for the pasta you were going to make.
"Can we talk about this when you're more calm?"
"Y/n" he spoke your name and you looked in his teary eyes, "Don't you understand? I'm losing it trying to figure out who I am? Can't you atleast be here for me?"
"I am here for you always Mire!" your voice cracked as you got emotional, "I've always been here for you! Life and death.. whatever past like I'm sure I never left your side!! God Mire what more do you want from me?"
"Just block his fucking number!"
"Don't you cuss at me! I won't block his number out of your insecurity!"
He laughed, "You're joking doll?"

A sigh escaped your lips.
Oh how you loved him but he could be so draining. You tried your best to understand what Mire was going through but it felt like his mind was constantly in a storm. His possession over you was almost burdening.

"Mire I love you.. but you have to stop this"
He walked around the counter almost menacingly, "Stop what?"
"This jealousy!"
"I have all the damn right! He was in this house without me knowing and I know how you use to like him!"
Your hands flew up in defeat, "You know what, you're right.."
"Where are you going?" He asked as you made your way up the stairs with anger.
"You know what.." you looked down the stairs at full of spite.

"I miss the old Mire"


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