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"She wasn't dead"


"What?!" you almost shouted but Ivan shushed you.

He took your hand and dragged you out the front of the hospital. You found a quiet place to talk at without being heard.
The wind blew coldly against your skin and a lamppost flickered causing the mood to become over all, eerie. Ivan huffed and scratched his head before you both finally made eye contact.

"Bren and I were dragging her near the dock and she suddenly woke up whaling and pushing against us.." he gulped, "I got scared okay! So I picked up a stone.."
"You killed her?" you asked placing your hand on his chest as he gritted his teeth.
"I almost.. Bren stopped me. I'm grateful for that fucker.."
"What happened to her?"
"Did you know Brens rich?" he laughed, "I had no idea.. he said if we made it in time, he could call the family doctor to see if he would help.. or some shit like that.."
You smiled to yourself, "So she's alive? That's amazing!"
"More or less.. for the past 2 days she's been in a coma like state.." he muttered.
You suddenly got a burst of anger, "And you didn't tell us?! Why didn't you say anything when I had a gun to my head?!"
"I was scared okay! Fuck.. Bren had already been shot and I was sure the next bullet the teacher fired would be fatal!" he admitted embarrassed and it went silent.

Suddenly it began to sprinkle rain.
He took off his jacket and gave it to you.

"Come on, let's go back inside" he urged annoyed at the rain but you grabbed his shirt.
"I'm glad you told me.." you smiled but tears began to dribbled from your eyes.
"Hey?! What's wrong?!" he asked loudly and you wiped your eyes.
"I don't know.. I'm scared.." you admitted and he wrapped his arms around you in a hug.
"I know, I am too"

The rain really began to pour as you hugged each other beneath a tree.

"How could you get upset at us after what that teacher said?!" you almost scolded and he laughed.
"It was very fucking convincing okay! You know I don't work well under pressure.." he broke the hug and tilted your head, "Hey.. don't be scared. I may be a fucking hot head, I'm not calm like Bren and Gina, I'm sure as hell not a lover boy like Micheal and I'm damn straight not Mire.. but trust me okay?"

He chuckled to himself as you continued to listen.

"My cousin is.. a little different but I could tell since we were kids he loved you. One time when I came over to go to the lake with you, he pulled me to the side. Mire said I would end up like the cat if I kept hanging out with you? I don't even know what that means.." he laughed but your eyes widened a bit.

Mire wasn't lying when he said he was always like this..

"Anyways.." he began to pull you towards the hospital, "Don't be scared okay? Just call me and I'll protect you. Now let's go in this fucking hospital before we get soaked"


You and Ivan ended up sleeping in the waiting room. When you woke up, you were laying on his shoulder and a nurse was infront of you both.

She smiled, "Mire Vinoza and Bren Langham are both getting visitors now"
"How was the surgery?!" You asked as you both stood up.
"A success! But he'll be on crutches for awhile!" she smiled but you were still worried about Mire.
"And Mire Vinoza?"
Her mood sort of lowered, "Oh! Um.. he's fine. The doctors don't actually know what was wrong with him. His wound was pretty bad but not surgery, life threatening bad like the blonde boy"
"I see.." you mumbled and Ivan nudged you.
"Go ahead! I'll visit bren"

You nodded and the nurse took you both to the rooms. When you walked inside, Mires head was wrapped professionally with bandages and he was dressed in a hospital gown.
He smiled at you and you quickly went over to the bed and hugged him.

"Mire are you alright??"
He laughed, "I'm fine now, no need to worry"
"God I'm exhausted" you groaned and he pulled you to lay in the bed with him.

You both laid silently.
You weren't sure what to say now that you were with him. Mire didn't talk either, perhaps he felt the same way.

"You want to be my girlfriend?" he asked suddenly and you laughed.
"What is wrong with you!?"
"Oh you're right.. that's not romantic at all.." he mumbled and grabbed a piece of paper and pen out the hospital drawer.

He began scribbling something down, and when he was done, he gave it to you.

Darling, Jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare

It was a language you were unfamiliar with.

"Mire I can't read this.. since when do you speak other languages? Is this French?" you asked and he place his hand on your cheek as he kissed you.
"It means.. Darling, will you be my forever girl~?"
"Oh you're such a loser!!" you laughed and he watched you do so.
"Well? What do you say?"
"I don't know.."

Why would he ask at such a time? You just had a gun pointed to your head this morning..

"Just say yes" he smiled passive aggressively and you nodded.
"Okay.. yes!"
"Good girl.." he pushed your hair back and noticed a cut on your cheek, "When'd you get that?!"
"Oh.. I'm not sure.." you mumbled and he suddenly licked your wound, "Ew Mire!"

"What? I heard saliva heals wounds~"


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