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"And what are all of you going to do about it~?"


His question shocked you all. Even Ivan was baffled at his boldness. It was silent for a moment until you spoke up.

"He doesn't mean that.. he's just confused. We all are.." you smiled and Mire covered your mouth.
"No darling, I know what I'm saying.. what are you fucking cry babies going to do about it? Just mind your business"

Ty stood up with a frown. Tears were forming in the old man's eyes as he pointed the gun at Mire. Micheal put his hands up to calm the teacher down and Ivan did the same as Gina comforted the now hazy Bren.
You grabbed Mires arm but he was unphased by the gun.

"T-Too many times.." Ty said gritting his teeth with tears, "Too many times Mire have you taken everything from me.. and you ask what I'm going to do?" The teacher placed his index finger on the trigger, "You ruined my life!! You killed everyone when I was nothing but nice.. what did I do to deserve that? I was nice to even you!! What the hell did I do?!"

Ty suddenly snatched your arm tightly and the already tense atmosphere grew as he put the gun to your head. Mire gritted his teeth angrily as everyone else shook silently.
Ty began to shout in a frenzy, "YOU THINK YOU ALL CAN LIVE HAPPILY AND LEAVE ME?! After what ALL of you put me through?! Damn you Ivan and Gina!! Do you guys know what your deaths did to me?!" tears continued to pour from his eyes as his grip tightened, "You dare ask me what I'm going to do Mire?!"

The teacher began to laugh through his mournful eyes. He pushed the gun further into the side of your head. You're legs felt as though they would give out as sweat dripped from your body.

Ty smiled forcefully, "I'm going to take everything away from you~"

You closed your eyes but Mire shouted out, "I know where you daughter is!!"
Gina and Micheal looked at each other confused.
"His daughter?" Michel asked.
"Was she not at the la-" Gina cut herself off after Ivan gave her a look.
Ty slowly put down the gun hopeful, "Where is she?"

Mire tapped his cheek with a smirk and glanced at you before saying, "She's going for a swim~"

Ty's eyes widened as he seemingly realized his daughter was no more.

Gina and Micheal stared in horror at everyone else.

Micheal suddenly tackled the teacher while he was distracted and you quickly ran over to Bren.
You and Gina began to hoist him up as Mire and Ivan helped Micheal hold the frantic teacher down.
A gun shot went off and hit the wall causing you all to duck.
Sirens began to blast outside.
You and Gina held Bren up with his arms wrapped around your shoulders. You walked out the front door and were immediately greeted by police officers who phoned an ambulance.

The police immediately arrested the teacher and you watched as he was pulled away in cuffs but not without a fight.
"You have to stop him!! He killed my daughter!! He killed them all!! GET OFF OF ME!! MIRE I'LL FUCKING END YOU.. ALL OF YOU! I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!!!" he screamed being dragged into the cop car.

The ambulance finally came and Bren was immediately hoisted on a stretcher. Ivan went with him to the hospital and the rest of you stood by the ambulance as the police investigated the whole house.

"Guys.." Micheal suddenly spoke and you all looked at him, "What the hell happened to Mya?"
Gina was equally curious and you bit your lip not knowing what to say.
"Don't worry about it.." Mire mumbled and suddenly eyes were on him.

He had barely spoke, not even to you but he made sure you were by his side the whole time.
You could tell the others didn't trust him but honestly, you all didn't trust each other.

Suddenly one of medics walked passed and saw Mire dripping with blood from his head.

"What?! Someone get this boy in an ambulance now!!" She yelled and Mire insisted he was fine.
"Really I'm.." he started but stepped forward holding his head in pain.

They snatched him up in a stretcher and you followed them to the ambulance but was stopped by a detective.

"I need to speak with everyone who's not going to the hospital. We need to alert parents as well. Not only do we have questions about this man but Mya Globerman is still missing.." he told you and you shook your head.
"I need to go with Mire to the hospital!" you told the man and he nodded.
"Then I will speak with the other two.. Gina and Micheal is it?"
"Yes sir.." you told him and the man nodded at you.
"Be safe"


Mire had passed out in the ambulance.
They began to roll him into the emergency building when he suddenly cried out making everyone jump.

"M-Mire what's wrong?!" You asked and one of the medics pushed you away.
"Ma'am you have to wait outside"
Mire cried out again as they began checking his blood pressure. "I-I didn't do anything!!" he shouted as tears streamed down his face.
More blood ran down his head and more
medics flooded into the hall as they rolled him in the emergency room.

You couldn't go any further as they slammed the door in your face.

"Damn it.." you walked to the front counter, "Excuse me. Is there by any chance a guy named Bren in the hospital?"
She looked up snobby, "Who? Bread? Honey go to the cafeteria.."
You scoffed annoyed, "What?! Was there a guy my age pulled in here with a bullet wound to the leg!!"
"Oh Brendon Langham.. he's in surgery right now"
"Surgery?" you asked horrified and she nodded.

You went to sit in the waiting room and Ivan was there aswell worried. He immediately stood up when he saw you and you both hugged tightly.
"Damn it Y/n.. this isn't what I wanted.."
"Me either.." you sighed as you both sat down together.
"Why is he in surgery?" you asked and Ivan sighed.
"They said something about it hitting a vital nerve? That he could be paralyzed in his leg if the surgery isn't done in time.."
"Fuck.." you muttered and Ivan squeezed your hand.
"Where's Mire? Isn't he here too?"
"I don't know what's going on with him. He started shouting and crying in pain and a bunch of medics rolled him into the emergency room. His wound had reopened"
Ivan rubbed his head, "Fuck man.. where Micheal and Gina?"
"They're being questioned by the detective but they don't know anything.. wait.." you both stood up after realizing, "They're going to tell about the lake!! They don't know what happened fuck!! They're going to tell the detective she went to the lake! We're dead!" you began to freak out and Ivan grabbed your shoulders.
"Calm fucking down woman! I have to tell you something okay? Bren and I did not hide her body in the lake.."
You looked around to make sure there was no one and then back to him, "What?"

"She wasn't dead"


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