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"Tonight's going to be fun~!"


At first you thought you wouldn't have fun, but you were actually enjoying yourself. You and Mya were getting along great!
You all were tipsy but Ivan was the most drunk as he cracked jokes. You were laughing so hard you had tears forming.

Mire was the only one sitting with a scowl.

You smirked at him and his eyes widened surprised. Seems like the night didn't turn out as he planned. Bren came over and ruffled your hair.
"Hey!" you smiled as he grinned with a flushed, drunk face.
Mya suddenly spoke up and you all looked at her, "I wanted to tell you guys something.."

Everyone stopped and listened to her speak.

"I'm not supposed to be here.. My dad warned me about you all before I came in the class, but you guys seem like kind people.."
Mire looked up, "What'd he warn?"
"He said when he was younger he knew people just like you. A guy named Mire Valentin had ruined his life and was a psychopath.." she trailed on and you laughed.
"Psychopath? Well Mire Vinoza isn't him. Besides, your dad is like twice our age.. he can't seriously think we correlate with those people.."
She shrugged, "He has Ptsd from it, I'm sure. It's a strange coincidence that he's been stressing about since the first day of school.. He was the only survivor"
The atmosphere was tense as you all looked at each other. Even Ivan was a bit weirded out and tapped his fingers nervously before saying, "Those people aren't us.. it's creepy ass hell for him to compare us to his dead friends.."
"Right.." you agreed and Bren stood up and stretched.
"Gosh the mood his horrid!! You guys want to play a game~?"
Mire stood up aswell, "What game?"

Bren pointed to the other side of the lake. He was aiming at the wooden cabin and you shook your head.

"No way! That's dangerous! We don't know what's over there.."
"Calm down!" Mya smiled, "It should be fun! I'm assuming you want to swim and check it out right Bren?"
"First one there wins! Last one there goes in the cabin first~" Bren stated sinisterly as you all stood at the edge of the lake.

You gulped as you looked at everyone else. Mire didn't seem to be as concerned but maybe the alcohol was making you paranoid.
I mean.. swimming across a huge lake while intoxicated?

"Don't drown~" Ivan teased and everyone laughed except you.

You looked at the clear, sun reflected water. The sky was getting dimmer and dimmer by the minute.
Bren began to count down.

"One.. two.. THREE!!"

You all jumped in and swam like your lives depended on it. The temperature was colder than earlier and water splashed everywhere as you all swam.
Your body felt like giving out mid way but you knew if you stopped, you'd most likely drown.
It felt like your limbs were straining as you gasped for air every time you came up.
Finally you made it to the other side out of breath and you coughed as everyone else was standing up.

"I win!!" Bren coughed but Ivan shook his head.
"Mire was here first, then you"

Mire laughed as his hair dripped wet. You were freezing and the wind suddenly picked up.
You looked at the wooden building and it's eerieness gave you chills.
It looked as though it could fall in at any moment.

"Who was last?" you asked and Mire looked between you and Mya.
She gasped, "Really??"
"I saw" Mire stated and Ivan began to push her to the cabin's front door.
"Don't worry.. we'll be right behind you~" Bren teased ominously and she went inside first.

Mire followed behind her and you did the same but paused in the entrance as you saw Bren looking behind the cabin.
Ivan stood in the grass curious as well.

"What is it?"
"It's a rose trail" Bren stated confused, "During this time of the year?"
"Woah really?" you asked excited as you began to walk out the cabin but Mire grabbed your arm.
"Where are you going?" he asked sternly.
Confusion washed over you at the sudden aggression. Mya was behind him standing in the middle of the small room.
"I'm going to check out the trail with Bren..?" you mumbled with a bit of an attitude and Ivan came up behind you.
"Hurry up inside! I want to check out the cabin!" Ivan complained as Bren called out.
"Y/n come on! Let's check out this trail!"

Ivan stepped back for you to exit the cabin but Mire didn't let go as he pulled you in.

"Why are you going down a trail with him if everyone is in here?" Mire began to act strangely jealous.
"Some of us can check out the Cabin, and some can check out the trail" you stated but Mire wouldn't let you go.
"No.. just stick with me and Mya"
"Why? Let go of me!"
Mires grip was starting to hurt.
He pulled you tighter with a voice of concern, "Why? Why would I let you go down a strange path with a drunk guy you just met?"
"Let go!!" you spat and pushed him away from you.

Mire bumped backwards into Mya causing her to step back. When she did, her foot broke through the wooden floorboard and you all looked at each other worried without saying a word.
Suddenly there was a loud cracking sound.
There was an ear ringing crash and you closed your eyes as you began to fall forward. Dust lifted in the air and you began to cough as someone held you up by gripping your shoulders.

When you opened your eyes, the sharp edge of a large, wooden plank was inches away from your body. If you would have fallen, you would have been impaled through the neck.
You looked up and your heart dropped. Your mouth went dry as your eyes widened at the sight.
The wooden floor had completely collapsed and Mire and Mya had fallen inside.
"Holy fuck!!" Ivan shouted as he looked at the same thing you were.

Mya had been impaled through the stomach and blood was gushing from her mouth as she struggled to get off the sharp wood.
Mire was laid out on the ground unconscious in a corner. Blood was dripping from a wooden plank above his head.

"What happened?!" You heard Bren shouting from outside. Ivan pulled you up and you both fell through the doorway and onto the grass.
"The floor board fell in.." Ivan spoke but his face was as pale as a ghost.
Bren rushed passed you both and peered into the now dismantled cabin.
"H-Holy shit.." he covered his mouth with the urge to puke.

You could barely breathe, nevertheless speak.

"S-She could die.." you let out and Bren turned around in a snap.
"Could?! She's basically dead!! We have to get out of here now!!" Bren helped you and Ivan off the ground and the boys began to rush back to the lake but you turned back.
"They're still alive!!" you shouted and Bren looked at you with amazement.
"Oh really Y/n? Well we cannot swim with two injured people across this lake. It's dusk and by the time we swim back, it will be pitch black and the cabin would most likely had fell in on them!" Bren spat paranoid and Ivan began to agree.
"H-He's right.. that's the teachers daughter and that guy already doesn't like us.. we need to go"

Ivan's voice was jittery and he was stuttering a bit which was unnatural. You knew they were right but you couldn't leave them to bleed to death.

"Ivan he's your cousin!!" you looked at him with disappointment, "And Bren you're right but if we don't get this girl to a hospital, we are done for.."

Bren groaned as Ivan hiccuped with paranoia as he began to sober up.
To be honest.. you were scared.
You couldn't carry or help them up by yourself, and Bren was right, you would have to carry them around the lake and it will be dark by then but you atleast had to try?

"Fine.. let's help them out"

To be continued.

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