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It was as if nothing had happened after being discharged from the hospital.
Your parents were called and they were worried sick but you managed to convince them to continue to enjoy their vacation.

A police officer dropped everyone back at the house but it was a hassle getting Brens truck back to his place since he was on crutches.
He should've stayed in the hospital longer but refused.

"Yo" Bren called out to you as the officer helped him with his truck.
"Hey Bren, are you feeling okay?" you asked and he nodded.
"I'm fine, but are you guys coming to school tomorrow? I think you should, we all really need to talk.."
"You just got out of surgery! I don't think you should even be going!" you scolded and he began to tease you.
"Awe~ Worried about me?"

Mire wrapped his arm around your waist as he came up behind you. He smirked at the blonde a bit sarcasticly.

"Don't you think we should take a mental health day~? We're not going in tomorrow but we will the day after" Mire spoke for the both of you and Bren gave him a weird look but nodded.

Ivan drove off immediately when the police man parked which was sort of humorous in a way. You assumed Gina and Micheal had already went home.
You and Mire went in your house after waving off Bren, whom the police officer was still helping.

When you went inside the house, you immediately sighed with exhaustion.
It'd be best if you guys stayed at your place for a few days.

"God I'm starving.." you mumbled going into the kitchen and Mire followed you. You began making cereal and boiling eggs.
You noticed Mire was propped up against the wall with his arms crossed. He was watching you which you found a tad annoying but you continued to eat.

"Can we talk?" he asked but you sighed.
"Another talk? Why do we need to have these?" you complained and he laughed as he came over.
"Fine.. we can rest for a bit.."
"Actually Mire.." you thought for a moment, "Do you remember when you were on the stretcher? You began screaming and crying.. you said something along the lines of 'I didn't do anything'. What happened? Why'd you say that?"
He tilted his head confused, "What? I don't remember that?"
"Did they check your head? Because your memory seems a bit hazy.." you set the bowl down and he took your hand as he brought you to the living room couch.

The bandages on his head had been recently changed. There was still dried blood on him and you both needed a shower.
You couldn't believe the two of you were actually dating. You would have never imagined it.

"They said everything was fine.." his hand began to creep on your thigh and you rolled your eyes, "What~?"
"Mire you're so.."
He leaned closer, "I'm so what~? It's just us now sweetheart. Just you and me. No ones going to hurt us. We should feel relieved!"
"Oh right Mire!" you turned to him excited, "Mya is alive! She's just in a coma at Brens family doctor!"
"That's great" Mire said in an obvious tone that he didn't care.

His eyes traveled down to your lips with a smirk and you couldn't help but turn away with a blush.

"Awe don't turn away~ It's just us now. No one else. Give me a kiss.."

You rolled your eyes and turned around before planting a kiss on his lips.

"Mire we should shower and rest" you stood up and he grabbed your wrist.
"No, just sit down on my lap and kiss me"

You covered your face embarrassed as you sat on his lap and he laughed. He grabbed your hips and kissed your face. He was so gentle.

What's gotten into him?

You pulled back and he looked at you impatiently as he pressed down your hips.

"Is everything okay now? Sorry for asking but I can't tell. Remember the knife thing and handcuff? What was that Mire? Are you still having that feeling?"
"Oh!" he was surprised you mentioned it, "When I hit my head, the feeling went away. Although I do remember doing that, I'm sorry"
He went in for a kiss again after the quick apology but you dodged.
"That's not convincing at all. I can't tell whether you're lying because you've been acting different ever since you confessed.. I don't even know if you really like me or is your head is just scrambled.." you trailed off and he scoffed.
"Listen!" he suddenly raised his voice, "I am sick and tired of hearing about this old Mire bullshit! That teacher is insane and even if it was remotely true.. I'm still me! I'm not any old Mire or new Mire. I'm not a Valentin!! I'm a Vinoza! And darling if you're expecting someone or something else, just let me know now"

You went quiet after the lecture. He was now glaring at you. When you didn't say anything, he started kissing your neck after pulling you close by the hips.

"Just be mine and no one else's" he mumbled in your ear as you gripped his shirt.

You let out a small moan which made him smile but your brain felt like it had a lot of pressure.
Maybe you were overthinking as usual.
Ever since he confessed.. ever since he hit his head, he hadn't felt like Mire.

Perhaps it was just in your head.

"You're not focused on me!" Mire suddenly pulled your shoulders back and you apologized, "Just forget it!"

He stood up and you quickly grabbed his arm.

"Mire! Don't be like that.." you placed your hand on his face as he rolled his eyes.
"Who the hell are you thinking about?"
You were confused, "Huh? You?"
"Liar. Do you and that guy Micheal still talk?"

Suddenly the smoke alarm went off and you remembered the eggs.
You ran back to the kitchen quickly.
There was no water in the pot and you quickly ran it over to the sink. You filled it was cool water and turned around to cut off the stove but Mire was right infront of you.
You jumped back and your upper arm hit the hot, iron rim of the pot.

"OUCH!! Fuck!!" you yelped, "Mire what the fuck!!"
"I'm sorry did I scare you?! Let me see.." Mire took your arm and you glanced at the newly made burn as well.


The burn sort of.. looked like a M.

You glanced at Mire and he was equally shocked.

"Hey.. let's go take a shower"


Another life (Obsessive bf x reader 3!!!)Where stories live. Discover now