First day of school

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"Come on Y/n, we'll be late for our first day of senior year!!"


Mire called you from the inside of his car as he waited for you to rush out the house. You could hear him beeping the horn as you applied your lip gloss in the mirror.
You pulled down the back of your pink skirt as you threw a light, white sweater over your crop top. You quickly grabbed your bag and ran out the front door after waving your parents off.
Mire had his car hood down, so you jumped right in the front.

You were out of breath and sighed before realizing he wasn't moving the car.

"You look like a slut.. why are you wearing that on your lips?" he grinned as he began to try and wipe your lip gloss off.
"Hey Mire stop!!"

He chuckled as he finally shifted the car into drive.
You glanced at his outfit.

Despite it being warm, he was wearing layers.
Black cargo pants with a belt followed by a black shirt that practically stuck to his torso. You could see almost all his muscles and he had the nerve to call you a slut!
He also had on his brown coat that had white fur inside.

You rested your elbow on the car door as you watched Mire drive. You were oldest yet you still hadn't gotten your license.
You glanced at his black, straight hair which he had let grow out over the summer. Although, It only went down to his shoulders.
His pale skin was still shocking to you since you both spent so much time outside as kids.

He had a small smirk as you looked at him.
His natural, dark eyes made you jealous as the liner luminated so mysteriously.

"Checking me out?" he asked.
"Drop dead"
"You wish~" he flirted as he pulled into the school parking lot.

You peered at Mires birthmark then touched your own. It was always strange to you that they were the same. A thin line ran on both of your necks which was freaky.
Mire believes it's just a coincidence.
Either that or he says our families are in an evil cult.

You both got out the car and stared at the school. You noticed you were slightly shorter now that you stood right beside him.

"Man.. this is lame.." he frowned and you began walking off without him, "Don't leave me!!"

You laughed as he rushed to catch up with you. The school bell rung and you both went to your first class. You both shared a lot of classes this year which was unfortunate for Mire since you would be cheating off of him.
When you walked in the class, you were greeted by the teacher.

He was a relatively old man with grey curls. His room had football medals in it which made you assume he did sports.
You and Mire were first in class, so you chose the seats at the back of the room next to each other.

Soon, other students flooded in and the late bell rung.

Mire nudged you and raised his eyebrows at a cute girl across the room. You rolled your eyes and watched as the teacher introduced himself.

"My name is Ty Globerman but as my students, you will refer to me as Mr. Globerman. Now class today we'll be introducing ourselves" he smiled and everyone groaned.

Classmates began introducing themselves and you whispered to Mire, "Hey.. aren't those your cousins?"
Mire looked at the front of the room, "Fucking hell.."

"My name is Ivan Vinoza and this is my sister Gina Vinoza.." the dark haired boy with a mullet introduced himself and his quiet sister.

You remembered them from when they were younger. They came to have a play date with you and Mire. Gina was always so quiet while Ivan was the talkative loud one. You couldn't believe he got his hair cut like that for the summer, but it suited his wild personality.
They eventually sat down and a blonde boy with blue eyes stood up next. He was dressed in a simple grey hoodie and joggers.

"My name is Brendon but I go by Bren.." he introduced before sitting down. You glanced at the teacher and he had a weird expression on his face.

He looked almost shocked? As if he was out of breath and frightened?
It was weird but the next boy stood up.

His red curls contradicted with his dark skin which you found so cute. His teeth were a bright white as he talked about himself.
You made eye contact and immediately folded as he continued.

"...and my name is Micheal but you can call me Mike" he winked at you and you covered your flushed face.

You and Mire stood up together and went to the front of the room. Girls eyes lit up as Mire began to speak.

"My name is Mire Vinoza. Gina and Ivan are my cousins and I like researching. I intend on owning my own company and hopefully everything will fall in place from there.." he smiled and you went next.
"My name is Y/n L/n and I like to read and hope to involve myself in the fashion field"

Mire whispered in your ear, "Your fashion is slutty~"
"Shut up Mire!!" you laughed at his joke and a boy raised his hand to ask a question.

It was Micheal.

"So you two date or what?"

You both laughed, "Oh no!! It's not like that.. he's just a friend"
"Yeah I don't believe in love" Mire stated and the girls in the class gasped.

Mire was actually telling the truth.
When you were thirteen and he was twelve, you confessed your feelings for him but he said he simply didn't believe in love and that it was pointless.
Slowly on, your feelings for him faded and now you really both were just close friends.

You both sat back in your seats and immediately the teacher began to yell.

"Both of you away from each other!!" he shouted angrily.
"Huh?" You and Mire said confused but the teacher slammed his book on the table.

You both quickly stood up and Mr. Globerman placed you both at opposite sides of the room. He began to give rules which embarrassed you infront of the whole class.

"You both are not to partner up with each other! You both are not to speak or look at each other!! I don't want to catch you walking together in the hallway with each other!!" he yelled and you nodded but Mire became upset.
"What's your problem?! It's the first day! Why are you separating us??"

He walked over to Mire and pointed in his face.

"Especially YOU Mire Valentin!! Don't think I'm not on to you!!"
"Valentin?! My last name is Vinoza! You've got the wrong guy buddy!!"

Mr. Globermans eyes widened and he sighed before laughing his outburst off. The class was tense but he quickly apologized for his behavior.
Oddly enough, he was actually very nice?

You didn't do much since it was the first day but after the bell rung, Mr. Globerman stopped you and Mire, "Can I talk to you both after class?"

Next life differences ♥️

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