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"Fucking hell.. we didn't kill her!!"


You looked at Mire with disbelief as you stood in the cold room. "We're still partial to blame!"
"Fuck that!" Mire gripped his knife and glared at the door with an unfamiliar look, "I'll get rid of him"

Mire began to walk towards the door and you grabbed his arm.

"No! Mire what are you doing?!" you whispered yelled and he removed your hand.
"I'll handle it.."
"No I need you to specify!!" you pulled at him again and you both heard a thud closer to the room. "Give me the knife Mire!!"
"No!" he almost yelled as he pushed you to the side.

You stumbled back annoyed as he reached for the doorknob. You jumped on his back and he almost backed into the wall but caught you.

"Y/n?!! Get off!!" he whispered yelled as he gripped your thigh but you refused.
"You're not going to kill him!! What's up with you?!"
"He's going to be a problem!!"

This time Mire made the mistake of slamming against the wall and you both paused as the sound lingered. Sudden heavy footsteps came rapidly towards the room and you grabbed the knife from Mire and kicked it under the bed.
You both ran towards the closet and hid as the doorknob slowly began to turn.
It came to a halt as the lock kept the door held shut.

You heard the teacher scoff and walk away.
Mire glared at you upset.

"What the hell?! We could have been caught!!"
You were equally upset, "What the hell?? Since when is your first solution murder?!"
"He's not going to leave us alone!!" Mire scoffed and you stood up before leaving the closet.

You glanced at the bedroom window and decided it would be best just to leave the house. You began to push at the window but it was stuck in place.

"What are you doing?" Mire asked and you replied calmly.
"I'm going to stay at Gina's house.."
"Why?? Just stay here with me!"

You sort of ignored Mire as the window began to unstick. Your face brightened when it came up. Mire scared you by suddenly coming up behind and slamming it back shut.
You turned to face him with a frown.

"Mire.. what is wrong with you?!" you asked now with anger.
"I told you already!! Stay here with me"
"I said no? I'm going with Gina until this settles down.." you tried the window again and that's when a pair of fuzzy hand cuffs clicked over your right wrist.

Before you could react, Mire grabbed your other arm and snapped the cuffs together.
You immediately kicked him but he grabbed your arms and threw you on the bed.
You bit your tongue at the impact but it didn't matter as you looked up at him in disbelief. He crawled under the bed and grabbed the knife before looking at the locked door again.

"Mire.. you better unlock these right now" you warned but he smirked at you.
"Or what~? You gonna call for help?"
You glared at him, "HELP SOMEONE HELP PLEA-"
Mire immediately ran and covered your mouth. You both waited a few moments but it seemed Ty was too far away from the room to hear.
"I thought you didn't want him to die?!" Mire shouted with a whisper and you bit his hand. He uncovered your mouth but didn't react to the pain.
"Mire get these off me now!!" you yelled and he shook his head no.
"Just.. just stay right there okay?"

Mire grabbed a clean rag and covered your mouth so you didn't yell. The whole time you kicked at him and he caught your leg finally after hitting him in the jaw.

"Darling, I said calm down!!" he pinched your thigh and your help was muffled.

He stood up with a conflicted expression as he gripped the knife. It seemed he didn't know what he wanted to do but finally he left the room.
You glanced around the area but didn't see any key to the cuff.
You didn't understand why Mire put the rag in your mouth since you could just pull it out.
Your hands were cuffed in the front after all.

Mire finally came back annoyed.

"He left.." he trailed off as if he was disappointed.
"Mire let me go now!!" you yelled and he said no yet again.
"I don't want you to leave"
"You can't hold me against my will Mire!! You can't do that to people!!" you shouted trying to reason with your childhood friend but he shrugged.
"I know it's wrong.. but it's what I want"
He crawled on the bed and was now hovering over you, "And you're what I want~"

So many mixed emotions were flying through your mind. A part of you was terrified at his new behavior. Yes, you did love him but.. this wasn't how you wanted it.

"Mire if you don't let me go, I'm going to get violent!" you warned and he smirked amused.
"Oh yeah? I guess I'll have to get violent too.. won't I doll~?"
"Ugh!! Mire please stop joking around!!"

He just smiled at you as he twirled the knife. You just had to remain calm..
It all just felt too abnormal.

"Mire.." you muttered and he looked up at you after laying on your waist, "Is that feeling happening again?"
He though for a moment, "Oh right.. that feeling. To be honest I've always had it.."


"I just pushed it down.. After hitting my head and seeing how you were the only one who came back for me.. I couldn't deny it anymore" he kissed your stomach and laughed, "Your expression is so cute!"
"Get off of me"
"Mire get off!!" You kicked at him and he gripped your legs.
"I don't understand!! Why are you acting like this sweetheart?!"
"What?!" you said with tears, "You're not my Mire!! I don't love whoever this obsessive person you are!!"
"What?!" he shouted upset, "This has always been me!! I've always just been like this!!"
"You're lying!! Let me go!!!"

"No!! I will never let you go!!"


Your eyes widened as the teacher came out of nowhere and smacked Mire across the head with a pan. Mire felt to the ground and you looked up at the curly headed teacher.

"Hey girl are you alright?!!"


Another life (Obsessive bf x reader 3!!!)Where stories live. Discover now