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"I miss the old Mire"


Mire didn't respond.
He just.. left.
He took the keys to the car and left with a slam at the door.

A groan escaped your lips as you rested your palm on the cold, marble counter. Your phone began to ring and it was Micheal.

"Gosh is this really the time?" you answered angrily and he laughed.

"Oh calm down sweetcake. I was thinking about what you mentioned earlier. I said I would help you find out if it's the injury making him act like this did I not?"

You let out a sigh and walked up the stairs to Mires room, "Micheal just stop okay? Your flirting isn't okay and you don't really care about Mires well being alright? So don't pretend! You want to spend time with me and that's nice an all but Mire is my soulmate"

"Don't be so sure.. I actually spoke to that crazy teacher before he ran away from the prison"

"YOU WHAT?!" you shouted taking a seat on Mires bed.

"Oh come on.. you can't expect me to not be curious? He told me somethings and maybe.. just maybe I was your soulmate all along"

"You're joking..? I'm not believing this nonsense Micheal I refuse"

"Let me atleast tell you what he said to me. Let's meet. I'll explain it all to you!"

"Meet..?" you stood up and looked out the window. The sun was beginning to set and you had no idea where Mire went and if he'll be back, "No Micheal. I can't meet with you. Mire is going through a lot right now.. I can't betray his trust again"

"Oh come on! The guys a nutcase okay? We're not even doing anythung wrong alright? It'll be quick and close by. The lake? Right passed the woods behind your backyard.."

"Micheal please don't do this to me. I'm stressed as it is. I don't want to deal with more craziness especially from that damn teacher! I can't believe you visited him.."

"I'll be at the lake in 10. It'll be super quick. Hey and bring that necklace that Ty gave you"

He hung up and you cursed to yourself as you began to change clothes. You grabbed a pair of baggy jeans and a green baggy shirt that had a y2k style on it.
You searched through your closet and threw on a pair of dirty shoes and made your way out the room door before remembering Micheal's words.

Necklace? What necklace?

You thought long and hard before remembering the apology present the teacher had given you months back. You left Mires house and went over to yours.
After grabbing the gold necklace from your room, you made your way through your backyard and eventually to the forest.

You stared down at the red pendant in the jewelry with curiosity. It was still so weird he gave it to you. It was so worn down, looked as though it was decades old.

Finally you made it to the lake and waited a few minutes for Micheal to get there.
Peering out at the pinkish water, you saw a fish jump in the air as the setting sun's rays reflected off of it.
This lake was where it all started.
It still gave you eerie feelings looking at the broken in cabin across the lake lined with police tape.

You were so lost in thought, you hadn't realized Micheal was standing behind you.

"Boo!" he shouted and you jumped scared.
"What's wrong with you!!" you pushed him and he laughed.
"Do you have the necklace?"
You nodded and gave it to him.

You watched as he broke the red gem off and scrapped the inside.

"Look" he showed it to you and your eyes widened, "Y/n L/n"
You took it in your hand and rubbed the old carving, "It's.. my name? It's so small? I don't understand these carvings are years old"
Micheal took the necklace back full of excitement, "He wasn't lying.. not at all"
"Micheal.. what are you on about?" You backed away and Micheal grinned.
"That teacher told me he literally made you this necklace. Not you! But the you in your past life! He carved your name in it.. and hid it by putting a red gem over it"
You gulped and shook your head a little anxious, "The same name? I have the same name as myself in the past life?"
"So do I! We all do! Minorly altered of course but regardless the same!" Micheal spoke ecstaticly.
"What does this even mean..?"
Micheal took your arm, "Imagine how I felt hearing this! He told me everything.. turns out. I really was the last one alive. I was with.. you! You! I saved you from that psycho Mire but you had such bad Stockholm syndrome you were hesitant! Not only that.. turns out Ty shot me as some sort of debt because of Mire. Mire had blackmailed him!"
He pulled you closer, "No keep listening! Lovers.. they can't live without each other. What if really we were the ones meant to be! We met for a reason in the past life right? I killed myself soon after your funeral! Soulmates can't live without each other for long if one's dead! Did you know that??"

You could hardly hold eye contact with him as the sun reflected off his hazel eyes.
What was he trying to prove? Why was he doing this?"

"Maybe.. just maybe. It was me. It was ALWAYS me Y/n!!" Micheal smiled, "It was never Mire. No.. Mire was the reason we met and even again in this life we met again. Listen don't you remember the spark we had? You were moving on from Mire and when he hit his head, he just felt that passion from the past life, but no our passion never left"
You let go of his hands and took in a deep breath, "Micheal this is all craziness! What you're saying.. this past life has nothing to do with the present!"
"Oh but it does. It does have everything to do with it" Micheal pulled you close oncemore but with a firmer grip, "That is NOT Mire Vinoza. There was NEVER a Mire Vinoza. It was always Mire Valentin. Always.. Don't be fooled again sweet face"
"How do you know Micheal?"

"Because he's watching us right now"


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