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"Hey.. let's go take a shower"


"Ow! Mire!"

He slammed you against the wet shower wall as he kissed your neck aggressively. You barely got the chance to take your clothes off before he practically began to maul you without warning.
You almost tripped as Mire made the water warmer.
Your hand slammed on the glass as you caught yourself and Mire grabbed your wrist tightly as he kissed your neck from behind.

Your face was heated and your breathing was hot as the steam filled around you.

"Mire!" you called out to him and he looked up with lazy eyes.
You almost stuttered, "Calm down.. you're acting crazy!"
"Am I? I just need your body against mine.." he pulled you chest to chest and you slowly looked down. He grabbed your chin and made you look at him.
"My eyes are up here~"

You gulped.
Usually it was you craving him.
Climbing into his window in the middle of the night was enough proof. Now seeing him yearn for you, you didn't know how to react.

Mire smiled at you innocently as his bandages began to drip with his wet hair. He began kissing your lips again as he gripped the back of your thigh and you melted into it.
Suddenly your phone began to ring on the counter but Mire didn't let you go anywhere.
Slowly, the phone stopped but rang again.

You began to get concerned but Mire was annoyed you weren't focused on him.

The phone stopped again and rang again so he practically swung open the glass to answer it. You stepped into the cold air after him as the floor became wet.

"Well would you look at this.." Mire showed you the contact, "Micheal facetiming you? Perhaps I should answer right now~"
"Ah no! Mire don't do that!" you tried to grab the phone but he caught your wrists and held them above your head.

Your body was more exposed than before and he smirked as you fought back flustered.

"M-Mire!! Stop it!!" you scowled as his eyes glimmered.
"Stopp~? Come on let's pick up and show him who you really belong with~"

He pressed the green button and the phone picked up. You immediately smacked it out his hand and it hit the ground with a large cracking sound.

"Y/n?? Y/n are you okay??" You could hear Micheals voice echo on the floor.

You and Mire dove for the phone that was face down on the tiles and it slid in a puddle of water.
You finally grabbed your phone and the whole screen was dark as it dripped soaking wet.

"Fuck!! Fuck Mire!" You shouted mad as he laughed, "It's not fucking funny!! It's broken, it could have been something important"
He chuckled, "Whatever. Nothings more important than time with me"

He ran his hand down your arm as he looked at your body intrigued. The shower was still pouring and you rolled your eyes at the arrogant male.
You set the broken phone on the counter upset.

"Don't get cocky fucker"
"Fucker? Woah baby.. Watch your tone won't you?" Mire took you hand as he guided you back to the hot shower.
"Baby? What happened to darling~?"
"Baby.. darling.. anything I say you'll like right?" he smiled with another innocent look as he became more gentle.

You grabbed the soap and loofa and tried to bathe but he just wouldn't let you. He kept kissing you until the point you couldn't resist.
He pressed his forehead against yours and his hands traveled up to your breasts.

"Please don't leave me.." he mumbled and you laughed.
"What are you taking about Mire?!"
"Nothing feels right without you.. so please don't leave me" he repeated with sternness, "This may be a cruel joke, but if you ever did, I might actually turn into that Valentin guy"
"Mire what the fuck.." you whispered and he smiled.

"Just don't fucking leave me"


After the shower you sat on the bed in your towel as you waited for Mire. You were a bit shaken up.
The spicyness of the beginning of the shower made you assume you might have sex, but in the end, the tension was absorbing.
Mire walked out the bathroom and you sort of jumped.

He had on a pair of extra boxers and a maroon tank top he kept at your house. His bandages were rewrapped and his black hair was mildly dry.

"Why aren't you dressed?" he asked and you laughed a bit.
"I was just thinking.."
"Hey can I see that burn mark?" he asked and you turned your arm, "I like it.."
"What??" you asked not hearing him but he didn't say anything.

He suddenly got on his knees and started kissing your thighs.

"W-What are you doing?!" you asked and he smirked.
"Can I taste you?"
"Mire what?! Why.. why would you?"
"Or would you prefer to paint red roses white~?" he smiled innocently and your face flushed.
"Mire.. don't you think we should rest?"
"Sure.. if you want we can also call Micheal or Ivan over here" he stood up with a shrug and your blood rushed.
"I'm joking doll.." he pulled out a lighter and cigarette from out of one of your dressers.
"Why is that..?"
"I got it from Ivan when he visited me at the hospital.." he lit the tobacco as he began to smoke.
You were confused, "Since when..?"
"I don't know.." he stretched, "I just feel like smoking"

You fanned the smoke away and began to get dressed. Mire watched you the whole time. His eyes never left your body. Once you were done, he put out the cigarette and went to brush his teeth.

"Fuck.." you muttered to yourself feeling uncertain.

He came back quickly and joined you in the bed.

"Fuck Mire.. I feel like something's not right"
He pulled you closer to his body, "Oh yeah? Why is that?"
"Don't you feel it? The tension is suffocating.."
"Well.. I like the tension" he continued, "I like the feeling of being engulfed by a person as a whole. I like to make someone the center of my world, wishing I was theirs. The tension is comforting, like it fills me on the inside"
You sat up, "Mire? Are you okay?"
"Am I okay?" he looked at the dark ceiling, "The question is, are we okay? Are we okay with where we rest in this world. What's the point of living if I only feel meaningful obsessed with another person.."
"Obsessed?" you asked and he went silent for a bit.

"Yeah.. obsessed"


Another life (Obsessive bf x reader 3!!!)Where stories live. Discover now