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You and Mire looked at each other and agreed to talk to the strange teacher.

He shut the door and you looked at each other.

"I'm sorry for how I acted earlier.. It's just you both are so similar to some people I use to know. Y/n even has the same name.." he smiled and pulled something out his drawer. "In my family, as an apology we give gifts"
"Oh no! Mr. Globerman it's alright!"
"Take it, I insist" he smiled and you took the small box.

When you opened it, inside was a gold necklace with a red pendant on it. It was beautiful but looked as though it had be worn for awhile.
You put it around your neck with a smile.

"Thank you!"
"Of course" Mr. Globerman smiled and Mire cleared his throat.
"What about me?"

The teacher picked up a peppermint off his desk and handed it to Mire with attitude.

"Geez.. this is so touching.. thanks.." Mire said sarcastically and you both left the classroom.


"What was that about?" you asked and Mire shrugged.

You both walked to lunch and you saw Mires cousins sitting with the boy named Brendon.
You both joined them and you noticed the blonde kept looking your way.

"Fuck!!" Ivan shouted out annoyed as he undid his button up, "It's fucking hot as balls.." he scratched his head before wrapping his arm around his sisters shoulders. "Come on Gina!! Don't be so fucking shy!!"
"My head hurts.." she muttered fixing her eyebrow piercing.
"Hey Y/n~" Ivan winked and you rolled your eyes at the obnoxious boy.

Him and Gina were like polar opposites. Atleast you could stand Ginas introvertness. Ivan was a total hot head but still managed to win your favorite of the three family members since he often went to the lake with you.

"So.. are we heading to the lake after school?" he asked and Bren tuned in.
"Lake you say?"
"Oh totally man!! You should come!!" Ivan grinned and Mire rolled his eyes.

You were about to hold Mires hand until Micheal came over. Your face immediately heated as he stared at you and Mire noticed.

"Hey Y/n.. we didn't get to officially meet. I'm Micheal.." he held out a hand you shook it.
"I'm Y/n" you smiled as he kissed your hand.

You could've swore Mire scoffed.

"Hey man don't go fucking kissing her hand!!" Ivan spat and you sat beside Gina.
"Hey are you coming to the lake this time?" you asked and she shrugged.
"If my head doesn't hurt.."

Gina had constant headaches and it became such a problem that she had to take medication. Her hair was very long and straight. It was a solid black just like Mire and Ivan but she told you she'd dye it red soon.

You were all chatting when the same teacher from earlier came and broke you up.

"What's your fucking problem?!" Ivan cursed at the teacher and Mr. Globerman gave no hesitation to threaten you all with write ups.
"Why can't we sit together??" Bren asked and Mr. Globerman sighed.
"Fine! You can sit together but as long as Mire isn't around!"
Mires face grew disgusted, "What?! Why?!"
"Because I said!!" Mr. Globerman yelled and Mire scowled as he walked away from the group.

You were about to follow after him until Micheal sat beside you.

"So.. I heard you guys talking about a lake. Mind if I come~?"


You were smiling to yourself as you left school and walked to Mires car. This time his car hood was up so you had to open the door.
It was obvious he was aggravated since he was biting his lip.
You didn't say anything, hoping he would just drive you home but he didn't move the parked car as he began to vent.

"What's that teachers problem?!" Mire let out aggravated as he took his jacket off.
"I'm not sure Mire but he must have something against you.."
"I didn't do anything! I just met this guy!" Mire sighed aggravated as he gripped the steering wheel. Slowly he looked up at you and smirked, "So.. what's up with you and that guy? You think he's cute?"
"A little.."
"Cuter than me?"
"Of course cuter than you!!" you crossed your arms and slowly Mires hand lingered to your thigh.

Your prideful expression faded as you looked at him with a bit of hurt.
"Mire.. what are you doing?"
"What?? Remember how you said you were mine~" he squeezed your thigh and your face heated at the memory.
"Mire stop.."
"Don't you remember how you climbed from your room to mine in the middle of the night~?"

You gritted your teeth as you became upset with his teasing. His hand slowly trailed up your thigh and your eyes darted over to the playful male.

"What's wrong darling? You seem a bit flushed.. you could always crawl back over to my room like we used too~"

You grabbed his hand and moved it away. You hated when he got like this. Playing with your emotions and such.

"We're never doing that again Mire! Don't even mention it.." you looked away embarrassed as the conversation grew deeper in the still car.
"Why not? I miss the way you sounded in my ear~" his hand interlocked with yours but you knew he didn't love you.

He always reminded you of it every time you crawled in through his window.
He would call you darling and grip your body in the most gentle ways, all while saying "Darling I love this but you know I don't believe in love"

This summer had really changed your relationship with him. But somehow, he acted so normal and unphased despite what you had done.

"Y/n, you know I don't believe in love.." Mire informed as you shot your head at him upset.
"But you know I do! So stop toying with me!"
Mire was taken back, "Toying? You should know soulmates don't exist!"
"How would you know?!"
"Because it's impossible!" he peered at you with annoyance before he sighed, "Listen.. you know I care about you dearly. For Christ's sake I barely love my parents! You think I could actually love you?!"

You just looked at him with wide eyes and a sore heart. You had argued about this once before but you were numb to the feeling now.
You weren't going to force Mire to love you.

"Whatever Mire.. I'm moving on"

You looked out the window as he started the car and began the ride back home.

You would be a lying fool to say you weren't in love with Mire. No matter how much you tried to deny it, you were drawn to him.
It was almost to the point of obsession but he never showed interest.

Those nights you climbed into his room.. were nights you wish you could forget.


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