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"Just come with me upstairs, we both need to get this blood and dirt off of us"


You held Mires hand as you went up the stairs so he wouldn't fall. He was acting strangely.. maybe it was his coping mechanism from it all?
You went into his room and he immediately shut the door and locked it.
You gave him a weird look and he smiled.
You shook it off and went to his bathroom. He walked in behind you as you turned on the water.

"Are we showering together?" he asked and, yet again, you gave your childhood best friend a weird look.
"With our bathing suits on, yes?"
"Oh yeah! I knew that" he laughed and you began to become uncomfortable.

You both stepped in the tub and hot water trickled down your body. You looked at your feet and blood and dirt rinsed down the drain. You looked up and Mire was staring at you.
"Oh! Uh.. can you pass me the soap" he asked and you grabbed it for him, "Thanks.."
"What's wrong Mire? Are you feeling okay? You're acting weird.." you stated stepping forward feeling his face, and his face flushed red.
"It's nothing.."

You just shrugged it off and finally you got out but Mire stayed in longer.
You went in his room and changed into an extra pair of clothes you keep at his house. You sat on his bed and began to think.

Mya was dead.
Who's fault was it? Noones right?
It was an accident..
Mire is the one who approached her.. and Ivan brought the alcohol that got everyone wasted.. then Bren suggested the game but Mya pressed everyone to play the game.
In the end.. you pushed Mire into her and she stepped on the weak point in the floorboard.
Perhaps it was everyone's fault.

Mire walked out the bathroom with a towel around his waist. He suddenly was aggravated as his bandages fell off his head.

"Get dressed so I can fix your bandages.." you told him and he nodded.
Once he was dressed, he got on his knees and you wrapped his head up with dry bandages as you sat on the bed.
"They were going to leave me for dead.." he mumbled and your eyes widened.
"How'd you know?"
"I heard.." he scowled and you smiled a bit. He saw your expression change and his face lighted up, "Hey um.. I'm sorry"
"Trying to make you jealous"
You were curious, "Why did you do that?"
"I thought it would be fun~" he laughed a bit, "Pretty shitty right? I know you have feelings for me so I wanted to see you get upset"
"How cruel.." you laughed and he smirked.
"Maybe I am~"

After you were done with the bandages, Mire put them up and joined you sitting on his bed. You couldn't go to sleep because you had to watch Mire.
You were sure he had a concussion and it wouldn't be safe for him to sleep.

"So just you and me this whole week.." he trailed off and you nodded. You didn't feel like talking honestly but Mire said something that made your face flush.
"You haven't been in my room since this summer..~"
"Mire this isn't time.." you sighed with a headache but he kept staring at you.

It was starting to creep you out how he kept staring and smiling.

"What?!" you asked annoyed and he was taken back embarrassed.
"I'm sorry.. you just look pretty"
"Oh um.. thank you" you smiled to yourself and it became awkward again.

It felt like the atmosphere was suffocating you. Maybe it was because of what had just happened but you just needed to breathe.

You stood up and Mire immediately did too.

"I'm going to get some fresh air.." you trailed off and Mire said he wanted to come.

He was acting very clingy.

"I need to think alone.." you told him and he understood. As he sat back on the bed, he winced in pain and began groaning so you rushed to his aid.
"What's wrong??"
"There's so much pressure on my head.." he breathed with pain so you sat beside him again.
"Hey just lay on me alright?" you comforted and without warning, he immediately pushed you back on the bed and laid his head on your chest.
"M-Mire?!" you let out flustered as he nuzzled into your chest.
"I'm just.. in a lot of pain. You won't let me sleep right? You can get some rest.. I promise I won't fall asleep"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes darling.." he mumbled and you didn't have a response.

You finally fell asleep.


"Where is she?"
"Huh?" you looked around the pitch black room.
"Where is she? Where is she?" a voice kept asking over and over which echoed off the walls.
You began to panic, "I don't know!! I don't know where she is!!"
"Liar!! You killed her!! Where is she??"
"I don't know! I swear!! Who is she?" tears began to drip from your eyes.
"Where is she? Where is she??"
It kept asking over and over and suddenly the voice went quiet.

You heard footsteps behind you and you began to run as fast as you could. A set of stairs came out of nowhere you fell down the steps. When you stood up with pain, you were at the bottom of a familiar basement.

The footsteps came closer and you scooted back.

"Didn't I promise you there will be no blood shed?"
"What?!" you shouted frightened, "Who are you?!"

Suddenly chains wrapped around your wrists and you were pulled against a wall.

"The world just hates us? Doesn't it?"

You tried to catch your breath but suddenly the deep voice started laughing and a person you couldn't see grabbed you by the neck and began choking you.

"The old Mire is dead. Don't mess up this time~"


You shot up with a gasp as you held your throat. Tears streamed down your face at the nightmare and Mire wasn't in the room.
You ran down the stairs worried and you saw Mire cooking pancakes.

"Good morning darling! Are you okay? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" he set the spatula down concerned.

His bandages were fixed well and he was already dressed. You were on edge from the dream..
Not to mention Mya..

"Mire stop calling me that" you scoffed and he apologized with a smile.
"I'm sorry! I won't do it again"
You raised an eyebrow, "What the hell is up with you? Quit being so nice.. you never act like this"
"I'm just grateful for you.. that's all"

You didn't have a response which aggravated him a bit.

"Oh geez Y/n.. I'm just being nice okay? Don't think about it so hard.." he went back to cooking and you just looked at him suspiciously.
"Mire what'd you dream of last night?"
A smirk formed on his face, "Oh? Nothing too exciting.."

You sat at the dining table and he brought over pancakes and bacon. You began to eat and he watched you while mumbling something.

"Mire I think we should take you to the hospital, the alcohol might be out of your blood stream.."
He became upset, "Why?! Are you saying something is wrong with me? I just hit my head okay!"

"You're acting weird and it's scaring me.."

To be continued.

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