Minus or More

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"I'll go first.." Bren stretched as the sun beamed on his pale skin, "Gina! Minus or More!"

Her face was a tint of red as she thought, "More?"
"Is it true you've had a crush on a chick?!" Bren asked loudly and she began to stutter.
"W-What?! No!"
"Wait how do you know when someone's lied?" Micheal asked, "We just met after all"
"Simple" Bren came closer to Gina, "I'm a master manipulator, I can tell when someone is lying and Gina is lying!! Take a step forward!!"

She took a step forward with an aggravated look but kept quiet.

"This is kind've fun.." you smiled to yourself and Mire turned to you.
"Minus or More?"
"Is it true you've climbed through a guys window~?"

You immediately became embarrassed as he teased you. It wasn't exactly easy to win when Mire knew basically all your secrets.

"No!! God you're annoying!!"
Mire laughed, "She's lying~"
"No wait.." you facepalmed as you took a step toward.

The game kept going on and everyone kept going forward and backwards as you chose Minus or More.

Basically a game of truth or dare with extra steps.

Bren announced after the first round of questions, you weren't allowed to pick Minus or More. Instead, the person asking questions did it for you.
Somehow, you were the one at the very front of the dock and Mire was at the very back since he wouldn't do any dares.

Micheal looked at the already aggravated Mire with a mischievous smirk.

"Mire, you're doing another Minus and I dare you to kiss Bren!!"
Mire yelled annoyed, "I'm not doing that weird shit!!"
"Looks like you have to take another step back" Micheal shrugged and Mire took a step back annoyed.

One more step and he would be on the grass.
You looked forward at the water as you edged the dock. One more step and you would fall in. Gina was close behind you and then Micheal. Then it was finally Bren, Ivan and Mire all the way in the back.

"Damn it.." you muttered looking at the deep water as Gina spoke up.
"Y/n you have to do a More.. and you have to answer this question truthfully.."
"Are you in love with Mire?"

Your heart jumped as you looked back at everyone else. Bren and Micheal stared curiously awaiting an answer.

"She's lying" Mire ratted out and anger rushed through you.
"No I'm not!! I don't love you!"
Mire chuckle, "Sure you don't, now take a step forward"

You stepped forward and fell in the water. You had to stand on your tippy toes to stay afloat as you wrapped your hand around the dock pole.

You could hear Micheal talking to Bren.
Then Bren talking to Ivan as steps were taken.
Finally it got back to Mire and Ivan was asking the question.

"Fucking hell.." Mire mumbled angrily.
"Minus! I dare you to admit how you feel for Y/n!" Ivan exclaimed and it went silent.
"I already said I don't believe in love.." Mire finally told him and Ivan shook his head.
"That's not the dare!"
"I won't do it! I'd rather strip!!"

You saw through the cracks in the boards that Mire took a step back. Gina turned away as the guys began to laugh but Mire was unphased.

"You wish you could see this don't you Y/n?!" Bren shouted out to you but you rolled you eyes.

It's nothing you haven't seen before.

You felt the rocks beneath your feet begin to shift. For some reason this certain part of the lake felt less stable.

Is this gravel?

Your feet suddenly plunged beneath the rocks and you were beneath the water yet again as you clung to the wooden pole of the dock.
You gasped for air but before you could yell for help, Mire jumped in and you were splashed.
You went under the water again as the rocks in the gravel shifted more.
Suddenly you were pulled by your shoulders and brought on to the dock as you coughed up water.

"What happened??" Bren asked you as you continued to cough.
"The ground.." you managed to get out and everyone looked down at Mire in the water.
"That's weird.." Mire mumbled as he came closer to the spot you were at, "There's newly formed gravel at the end of the dock. That means the dock will soon fall in so we need to be careful and stay away from the edge"

Mire stayed in the water as you all dried off. Ivan wrapped his arm around you with a grin.

"Anyways!! Let's call it an evening! Damn, I'm tired! We can always come back tomorrow!" he yawned and you rolled your eyes with a smile, "Anyways.. nice meeting you Micheal and Bread"
"It's Bren.." Bren corrected and Ivan shrugged.
"Whatever, let's leave"

Everyone packed up their stuff and began leaving. You went to go grab Mires trunks as he waited in the water but you were stopped by Micheal.

"Oh hey!" you replied with a smile as he looked at you.
"So.. I know we just met but I find you stunning" he complimented.
"Thank you.." your face heated and you found yourself glancing at Mire.
Micheal narrowed his eyes but continued to smile, "I had fun! I'll see you tomorrow alright?"
"Yeah!" you waved as he climbed up the hill.

When he was gone, you immediately gave Mire his trunks and he responded with sarcasm.

"Thanks for being in such a hurry" he got out the water after putting his trucks on.
"You're welcome" you replied looking across the lake.

It was the wooden cabin.
It was more decayed than when you were kids. You guys had never investigated it since you had to swim to the other side to reach it, which was a long ways.

"Come on Y/n.." Mire nagged as he helped you up the hill.


When you got back to Mires house, both you and his parents were waiting with suitcases.

"What's this?" you asked and the two couples began to smile.
"We've told you guys about our week vacation!!"
"You'll be gone for a week?" Mire asked doubtful and his father nodded.
"Our plane leaves in an hour so we're leaving for the airport. It'll just be you two so watch the houses and no parties! You know the routine!"
"Yeah yeah.." you replied as you hugged your parents.

Eventually both you and Mires parents left. You both sat on the couch as the street lights came on.

"Alone with me for a whole week~" he teased.
"Shut up"


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