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"Because he's watching us right now"


Mires POV:

I cannot believe this. I just told her how I felt! Now she stands by this lake.. with him?
The emotions.. I can't stand it anymore..

I throw the rose I held in my hand on the ground and stepped on it.

Anger just builds more and more.
Jealousy, it's vile.
Mire Valentin. Mire Vinoza. God just who am I?!
I tell her, the love of my life, how I feel about this guy Micheal and yet it's like she never heard me. Yes I got upset and acted out but.. I came back didn't I?

I stormed off after I tell you I'm confused with who I and you say you miss the old Mire..

Who the hell is the old Mire?!

God I can't stand this.
This feeling.

Watching you two speak to each other like noones watching. Holding hands at that!

I bite my lip with rage until is breaks skin. I watch as Micheal says something and you immediately snatch your hand away.
You look around and I can't help but let out a little laugh as you look for something.


"Micheal you've really made a mistake.." I whisper almost humored by the situation.

I had forgotten his intelligence.. but how did I ever know?

I smack my palm against my head trying to remember but everything is so murky.
My memories all bleed together and don't make any sense. All I can do is feel.
The emotions are so tainted that even it's hard for me to explain.

I grip my shirt as my heart feels like it's in pain.

Just how do I make it go away?

I pull the knife from out of my pocket and look at it.

There's no going back.
Everyone insists I'm not who I say I am. Does no one else get how tormenting this is for me? This damn therapy.. telling me about a split personality! A bipolar personality? Fucking hell even an obsessive one just make up your damn mind.

I grip the knife as tears begin to build in my eyes from frustration.

No one will ever understand.. not even I.
All I know is that I love her.
No matter what she does, the overbearing feeling of love won't go away.

I almost hate her for it.

I glance at you two again from behind the bushes and you're closer than before.
I hate it.
I despise it.
God is it unfair for me to be punished like this.

I never did a thing.

No not me.
Not that I remember.

The hot tears run down my face but it isn't caused by sadness. I don't want to see her.. you.. talking to anyone else.
It's driving me fucking mad! Mad!
Am I crazy? Really?
Looking at this knife I must be but I'm almost begging for anyone to feel what I feel.

Yearning for love..

Is that so wrong?

I throw my black hood over my head and narrow my eyes as I wait for the perfect moment.
Seeing you with him like this just hurts me even more.

Micheal Sholts? Who the hell do you think you are?
She's my soulmate.

I cover my mouth trying not to make a sound as more tears pour out from the pent up frustration. A grin begins to appear on my face seeing you shake your head at him.

I can only wonder what you're talking about.
It's doesn't matter anymore though..

You've always been my girl.

My pretty girl.

The more I think about it, the more I realize everyone might be right about me.
If I can't have you to myself, then no one will have you at all.

This is what you all wanted right?
Mire Valentin.

I take a step and watch as you both look at the bushes.

"I'll show you fucking Mire Valentin" I grit my teeth as I begin to make myself known but something catches my eye.
I look to the side and see what looks like blonde hair sticking from behind a tree. Immediately I glance around the rest of the forest and there's other people hiding.

Gina.. Ivan.. and Bren is over there.

I begin to back away slowly.
This was all a set up.
I almost let my emotions get to me.. just how dumb does he think I am?


I'm fucking Mire. You really think you can outwit me Micheal? Oh you've so got it fucking coming buddy just wait.
He knew I would get so upset I would bring out a knife. He knew I would stab him. So he called the others as witnesses? And for what? Me to get arrested?
Yeah sure okay.

I stuff the knife in my pants pocket and walk out the bushes calmly as I take my hood off my head.

"Mire!" You immediately shout and run over to me leaving Michael behind.

Micheal is left puzzled and glances around in areas where the others are hiding.
You begin apologizing and I smile rubbing the top of your head.

"It's okay.." I lie with a smile, "Let's go back to my house. It's so dark" You glance back at Michael and my eye twitched with annoyance. "What is it?"
"Why were you in the woods?"
"Why were you?"

I continue my smiling facade but my eyes always give me away. Micheal curses to himself as I take you by the hand and guide you back to my place.

"That was close.." I mutter and you look at me.
"What was?"

You wouldn't care right?

"I almost stabbed him.. and he knew it. That's why everyone else was hiding so they could catch me.." I tell you honestly and you look at me almost petrified.
"Mire.. please don't joke like that"

I look at the back door of my house and smile as I twiddle with the handcuffs in the pocket of my hoodie.

"You know I'm just playing around darling~"


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