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"It's so cute to see you jealous~!"

You stared at Bren aggravated as you two began to conversate. "I'm not jealous"
"Sure.. we should invite her to the lake"
"I'm sorry.. why would we do that? And since when were you allowed to invite people?" you questioned and Bren chuckled.
"Are you dumb? Keep your friends close but your enemies closer~ She's cute but.. you're cuter"
"Oh come one Bren! I'm not stooping so low like you!" you turned away from him and that's when Mire and Mya walked up.

"Hey guys" Mire looked at you and then everyone else with a smile, "This is Mya! She's pretty chill so I invited her to the lake incase any of you wanted to join.."
"That sounds like it could be fucking fun" Ivan grinned but you were unamused.

Why is Mire acting like this? He's usually antisocial. What's he trying to do?

"I'll skip this time.. my heads been killing me" Gina complained as she walked away.

Noooo Gina!! Come back!!

"I'll skip too. I have basketball tryouts" Micheal smiled and you turned to him.
"Wait you play basketball?" you asked.
"Well, the all star student had to be at both the top of the school and in sports~" he winked as he walked away and you rolled your eyes at his joke.

"Looks like it's just you, me and Bread then~" Ivan grinned with a thumbs up and that's when you realized Mire was staring at you.
He smirked, "I just wanted to let you know I have to take Mya back to my house, so I hope you don't mind the backseat darling~"
She butted in with a nervous smile, "I don't mean to intrude of course!"

You balled your fist with annoyance.
You weren't mad with the girl but with Mire.
Why was he acting in such a way? Did something happen between now and yesterday?
Was it because you tried to make him jealous with Micheal? But he didn't seem to care..

"She's actually riding with me.." Bren spoke up and he shot a look to Ivan, "And it's Bren!!"
"Yeah yeah.." Ivan pulled out a cigarette and immediately Mire swatted it away.
"Hey!! Fucker you going to pay for that?"
"Have some decency infront of the women.." Mire rolled his eyes before glancing at you again.

His smile tormented you as he stood so close to her. So close to a complete stranger who's father hated him?

God.. this is irritating

"Hey" Bren took your hand suddenly and you both stood up, "I have to show you something"
"You guys fucking leaving me?!" Ivan shouted as you both walked away and you waved at him, "Better be damn lucky you're cute Y/n!!"


"What is it?" You crossed your arms and looked at the blue eyed male as he lead you to a closet.

He was wearing an oversized tan shirt with baggy jeans. You were surprised he wasn't wearing a tuxedo from how high and mighty he spoke.

"Just come on!"

You went inside the closet with him and your eyes lit up as you saw an old TV and console. The game Mario Kart was inserted and you looked at him with excitement.

"No way!! Who left this here??"
"I'm not sure.." he sat down after closing the door. He held out a controller to you. You just looked at him and he rolled his eyes. "Stop being so pristine and waste the day away with me"
"Fine.. but don't cry when you lose Bren"
His eyes sparked, "Oh I wouldn't dream of it~"


"Oh come on~ Don't be such a sore loser~" you teased Bren as you hopped in his grey truck.
"Shut up.. fucking seedling"
"Seedling?!" you exclaimed with a smile as he began driving towards your house.

Bren was.. strange.
Well not strange but being around him felt strange. You thought he would just be a cocky, arrogant asshole but he had some humbleness. He was a D1 instigator but he was somewhat sweet?

"You look like a bug" he randomly insulted causing you to look at him with a shocked smile.

Now that was just mean.

He pulled into your yard and you saw Mya had went inside Mires house. You just scoffed and got out the car. Bren trailed behind you as you began to unlock the door.
"Does that not bother you?"
"What?" You asked opening the door.
"That girl"
"What about her?"
"She's making a move on your man is she not?" he pressed but you just laughed as he followed you upstairs after shutting the front door.

You found your bathing suit once again and went to your bathroom to change. When you came out, Bren was changed as well and you finally decided to answer him.

"It's not her fault.. Mire knows what he's doing. He's not dumb.." you trailed off and Bren smirked as he came closer.
"So you're not jealous of her?"
"No Bren" you narrowed your eyes and he shrugged.
"Her braids are very pretty and she's got a hour glass figure. Not to mention her nose piercing and it seemed like Mire didn't complain when she had lipgloss"

You leaned again the wall with a smile.

"Oh yeah? It's not like anything you're saying is wrong but comparing myself to her won't change anything. I'm pretty, she's pretty. There's no point in bringing each other down for a man. Every woman is different in her own way.." you stated and Bren rolled his eyes.
"Mature women like you are no fun, fight her already"
"Yeah yeah, it's just common sense.. let's go"


You and Bren were walking in the woods. You were almost to the hill when Bren spoke.

"Hey.. I wasn't trying to make you feel bad earlier" he admitted and you looked at him.
"I couldn't tell.."
"I just want to say, if Mire doesn't notice your worth.. someone will"
You smiled to yourself, "Oh really? Such as yourself?"
"You wish" he smirked arrogantly, "But I have to admit, to me you're the prettiest girl around. So perhaps I'll give you a chance~"
"You wish~" you responded and finally you made it to where the others were.

Ivan was wearing his black trunks and you noticed he had beer with him which made you shake your head. Mya was wearing a red two piece and Mire was beside her watching Ivan make a fool of himself.

"You brought alcohol?" you asked and everyone looked at you.
"Fuck yeah! We're gonna booze it tonight!" Ivan joked and you cringed as he pulled in you into a hug. He sniffed you and sighed, "You smell like fresh grass on the Himalayan mountains~"
"Shut the fuck up!" you pushed him as you both laughed.

Ivan gave everyone a can and Mire glanced at you as you clicked it open.
Bren wrapped his arm around Myas neck, "Mya don't tell me you're a non drinker?!"
"W-What?! Of course I am!" she smiled and began to chug her can and you did the same.

"Tonight's going to be fun~!"


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