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"Hey girl are you alright?!!"


You looked at the teacher both shocked and frightened as Mire laid on the floor. His wound had reopened and was bleeding again.
You got off the bed, still handcuffed, and cradled his head.
"Why'd you do that?!" you shot over to the teacher and he was surprised at your reaction.
"He was going to hurt you! He had a knife and chained you up! Mire is dangerous!!"
"What?!" you spat upset, "Mire wasn't going to hurt me!! He was just confused from his head injury!! Look his head is bleeding now!!"

You stroked Mires face as Mr. Globerman stood above you conflicted. Mire was groaning in pain and you shushed him with a frown.

"We need to take him to a hospital"
"No.." Mr Globerman denied and you almost laughed.
"No?! You're not going to stop me!" you began helping Mire up and the teacher pushed you on the ground. There was a thud and he took a sheet and started tying up your legs. "Hey!! Get off of me!!"

You kicked at the teacher but he was stronger than you. The sheets came undone so the teacher went over to Mires parents drawer and found another pair of fuzzy handcuffs.
You immediately got up and booked it out the room door. Ty was chasing you, yelling for you to come back but there was no way that was happening. You slammed into the front door and fell on the concrete outside.
When you looked up, Bren and Ivan were standing above you shocked.

"Is this a bad time or?"

You looked back and Mr. Globerman had caught up and grabbed your ankles. He dragged you back into the house as you screamed.
You began to fight back and Ivan and Bren immediately tried to help but the teacher pulled out a gun.
You stopped struggling and Bren and Ivan put their hands up.

"W-What the fuck man?!"
The teacher glared, "We are all going to sit down and have a chat"


Bren was the one to help you bring Mire in the living room. You were still cuffed of course so you weren't much help. You had a bruise on your arm from falling early and you winced every time you moved it.

"What are you guys doing here so early in the morning?" you whispered.
Bren struggled to pick Mire up, "We didn't want to draw suspicion so we waited until night.. what the fuck is going on? Why's the teacher here with a gun? What happened to Mire and why do you have sex cuffs on your wrists?"
"Firstly, these are Mires parents.." you sighed as you both left the room with Mire, "And you're about to find out the rest.."

Bren laid Mire on the couch and you sat beside him. Mr. Globerman was sitting in a recliner with the gun in his lap as Bren and Ivan sat on the opposite couch.

"Mr. Globerman.." Ivan started but the teacher cut him off.
"Call me Ty"
"Right right Ty.." Ivan laughed awkwardly, "Listen we don't know why you're here but we won't tell anyone if you let us go now.."
Ty began to laugh loudly before suddenly stoping, "Where's my daughter?"

You could feel the tension drop in the room. Your heart sank and you subconsciously held Mires hand.

"We don't know??" Bren answered with attitude as the teacher glanced at you.

You didn't know how well you could hide your lying. You decide to not make eye contact with the lunatic and tend to Mire.

"Call Gina and Micheal"
"What?!" you all exclaimed shocked.


Ty shot the gun at the roof and you all began to freak out.

"Call them. Now!"
"Alright man! Fuck!" Ivan began dialing Gina and she answered drowsily.
"Gina come to Mires house"
"H-Huh? Why it's so early?"
Ivan began to yell, "Just fucking come to his house Gina!! It's important, hurry the fuck up!"
"Fine.. Geez.." she mumbled before hanging up.

Everyone looked at you.
You were the only one with Micheals number so you pulled out your phone and dialed him.

The phone rang for awhile before picking up.

"Hm? Hello?" he answered in a deep voice as you laughed nervously.
"H-Hey Micheal.. can you come over?"
"This early? What's up?" he asked but you couldn't answer.
"Can you.. please just come over? I'm at Mires house right now.." you asked sweating but he was suspicious.
"What's wrong? Are you alright?"
"Micheal please!" you kind of shouted as the teacher tapped his gun.

He hung up the phone and the room was quiet.
Ty didn't say another word as he looked at all of you.
You stood up to get bandages for Mire but the teacher immediately yelled at you.


You sat back down scared and glanced over to Bren. Bren gave you a look meaning he didn't know what to do. Ivan was cursing to himself and balling his fist.
Mire turned over in pain as if he was waking up and you immediately comforted him.

"Mire! Mire are you okay?" you rubbed his bloody head as he nodded holding his head in pain.
You kissed his cheek as you held his hand and the teacher narrowed his eyes.

"Y/n, move away from Mire" he ordered but you shook your head no. "I'm not asking" he warned but you still refused as Mire looked as though he could fall back out.

Ty immediately took the gun and shot Brens leg.

"ARGH!! Fuck.. fuck.. SHIT!" Bren groaned in pain and you stood up immediately.

Mire was finally awake after the gun shot and looked around confused. You sat beside Bren and apologized.

"I'm so sorry.." you whispered and he nodded as he winced.
"I-It's fine.. it's cool.."

A few minutes went passed and neither Gina nor Micheal had arrived. Ivan stood up finally at his breaking point.
"I can't fucking do this!! I'm calling my mom!!" he spat and Ty pointed the gun at him.
"Sit. Down."
"Fuck!!" Ivan yelled and there was a knock at the door.

Ty went to answer it and both Micheal and Gina were on the outside.
They looked inside the living room confused and saw your frightened faces. Both Mire and Bren were bleeding and you had shackles on your wrists as Ivan looked as though he was going to lose it.

"Welcome in~"


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