The lake

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Mire pulled up in his driveway and you immediately grabbed your bag and went to your house.
Mire chased you down and grabbed your arm.

"Hey aren't you coming over to do homework?"
"You're joking?" you almost laughed, "I'm grabbing my bathing suit and going to the lake. I'm meeting up with some new friends"
Mire huffed as he crossed his arms, "New friends? What happened to me being your only one darling?"
"What'd I say about calling me that!?" you yelled flustered as he lowly chuckled.
"Honestly? You're choosing those buffoons over your best friend?"
"It's not like that Mire.."

You unlocked your house door and Mire followed you inside. Your parents were at work but they didn't mind Mire being over.

"Is that guy Micheal going to be there?"
You smiled, "Jealous?"
"Oh you wish~" he laughed and you rolled your eyes.

He followed you all the way upstairs to your room and sat on your bed. You began scavenging through clothes as he waited.

"Do you want me to come?" he asked strangely but you genuinely didn't care.
"Do what you want"
"Can I atleast get a bathing suit modeling?"

You turned to him with a face of annoyance.

"Is that a no?"
"Mire go home!!"


You put a long skirt that went down to your ankles over your bathing suit bottom. It was simple and cute. You had got it from a thrift store.
You put a white, lace blouse over your top and grabbed a towel to dry off with.

You headed downstairs, but to your surprise, Mire was sitting on your couch.

"Why didn't you go home?" you asked annoyed.
He stood up and was only wearing his black, bathing suit trunks, "I did~"

You looked away from his toned body and he covered his mouth as he laughed.

"Let's just go.."


You and Mire walked passed the fence into the woods. A trail formed naturally after walking through it so much.
Mire grabbed your hand as he helped you down the hill and your face brightened when you saw everyone else.

"Gina!!" You smiled and gave her a big hug as she blushed shyly.

Her hair was up in a long ponytail and she was wearing a black one piece.
The water was a crystal clear and it was warm since technically it was still summer weather. Mire trailed behind you as you greeted everyone.

"Hey girl!" Ivan wrapped his arm around your shoulders and he ruffled your hair.
"Ivan you're so annoying"
"Hey! I like to think I'm actually quite fucking amazing!" He winked as he got full of himself.

You couldn't exactly get comfortable around Ivan and Gina. Even when you were little, there was always something off about their personalities.
As though they had been mixed up?

Maybe you were over thinking it.

Bren didn't greet you but he wasn't much of an interest to you anyways. He acted snobby in a way that made you irk.
Micheal came out the water and your mouth almost dropped. You began to laugh as he came over. He was wearing red trunks and had a smile on his face.
The sun beamed off his bronze skin and green eyes.

"Hey~" he said in an almost joking, flirting way and you began to laugh.
"So.. you gonna get in the water?"
You smiled, "Can you even swim in the deep end?"
"I wouldn't get in if I couldn't.." Micheal shrugged and joked, "I promise you, I'm not suicidal!"

You undressed revealing your purple two piece. Finally you were ready to get in the water. You all began walking on the board walk when Bren stopped everyone.
"Hey guys, do you see that?"
"See what?" Gina responded and Bren pointed in the water.

You looked over where he was pointing and suddenly there was a shove against your body. You were suddenly engulfed in water and your feet barely touched the bottom.
You came up with a gasp, "Hey who did that?!"

When you looked up at the boardwalk, only Bren, Mire and Ivan were standing on it.
Gina and Micheal had jumped in the lake when you were pushed in.

Mire shoved Bren.

"What the fuck?! Why'd you pushed her!!"
"Chill out man it was a joke!" Bren refuted with a laugh and Ivan tried to break up the scuffle.
"Alright guys let's calm down.."
"Calm down?! She could have been hurt!" Mire yelled angrily as Bren rolled his eyes humored.
"You're joking? Why do you care? Is she your little girlfriend?"
Mire gritted his teeth, "No! But your mom is!!"

Bren tried to come at Mire this time but Ivan broke it up. "You two need to cool down.." Ivan pushed both the boys in the water before jumping in himself.

Everyone began laughing and finally the mood lightened up.
You played games like water tag and sharks and minnows before Bren suggested something else.

"You guys want to play a game?" Bren asked a bit sinisterly as you floated beside Ivan and Gina.
"Like?" Micheal questioned and Bren pointed at the dock.
"It's called Minus or More"
You laughed, "Never heard of it~"
"Well.." Bren began to explain the game, "It's a game of truth and dare. The more the you lie, the more forward you go off the dock and into the water. The catch is, you don't just stop when you get in the water, you continue to go in deeper"
Ivan became interested, "Alright and what's the minus?"
"Minus is the dare part. If you don't do a dare, you step backwards and get a Minus. If you end up in the grass and off the dock first, you strip of your bathing suit and skinny dip"
"What a scandal.." Gina mumbled with a smile.

Mire began to climb on the dock and everyone else followed. "So basically we just try to stay in one place right?"
"It's going to be harder than you think~" Bren chuckled as you all stood side by side.

"Okay so.. how do we start?"


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