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"I know where you can bury her"


You sighed and they looked at you, "We don't have a shovel but if you tie stones to her and put her body in the part of the lake with the gravel, she won't float"

You wanted to vomit.

"Fuck.." Ivan mumbled and the two began to lift her up once again.

You walked passed them into Mires back yard.
Immediately when you went inside, you laid him on the couch and went to find a med kit.
You practically ran to find it and came back to him after grabbing a warm wet towel. You lifted his hair and your eyes widened as you seen the huge wound running across his head. You applied pressure to stop the bleeding.

It was no surprise he passed out during impact!
There was a large, bloody gash and you hoped his skull hadn't been penetrated.
You cleaned the wound and when you applied alcohol, Mire winced at the stinging as he woke up. He had dried tears in the corner of his eyes and you spoke to him softly.

"Hey talk to me.. tell me your name" you smiled and he groaned again.
"Mire Valen- argh!!" he winced again at his head and you comforted him, "Mire Vinoza"
"How old are you?"
"Seventeen.. what happened?" he began to sit up but you stopped him.
"I have to wrap your bandages around your head.."
"F-Fuck it hurts.." he held his head as you began wrapping the bandages underneath his hair which was dried with blood.
"I know.." you frowned as your mind continued to race.

What are we going to do?? We're going to get caught..
I should go help them.

You stood up and Mire grabbed your arm.
"Don't leave me.. please.." he looked at you desperately and you nodded as you laid down on the couch beside him.

You both didn't say another word as you laid beside each other half dressed. It was kind of funny how you were mad at each other earlier and now you were holding each other on the couch.
Slowly, your eyes began to shut and your body finally gave out as you went to sleep.


"Y/n wake up.." your opened your eyes to Bren and Ivan standing above the couch with their arms folded.

They had dried blood on their trunks and their eyes were sunken with an expression of anguish. You slowly got off the couch without waking Mire and you all began to talk.

"Did you get it done?" you asked and they nodded.
Ivan talked lowly with paranoia, "What do we do now? Mire can't go to school tomorrow and immediately the teachers going to think it's him who caused Myas disappearance.."
"Should we all just stay out of school tomorrow?" you asked Bren and he shook his head.
"I have no idea what to do.." he sighed and Ivan began to freak out.
"I can't fucking do this!! I can't!! This is insane!!" he shouted and immediately you both tried to calm him down as he held his head.
"I-I have an idea.." you stated and the boys looked at you, "Both Mire and my parents went on vacation for a week.. we can pretend we went with them"

It was quiet as they thought about it.
What other choice did you have? The teacher can't blame you for her disappearance if you're out of town.

"She's right.." Mire sat up with a small groan and you all looked at him.
"Man are you okay?!" Ivan asked concerned and Mire glared at him.
"My head hurts like hell.. Myas phone and clothes are in my room. Go get rid of the evidence that she was here" he told Ivan and he immediately ran upstairs.
Bren bit his nail and then sighed, "Okay me and Ivan will just have to act normal. If the teacher asks about you two, you're on vacation.. It's not like we killed her, it was a freak accident!"
You nodded and Mire groaned again as his head began to bleed. You put a towel on his head and he groaned.
"Fuck I need some of Gina's pills.."
"Here take this medicine" you gave him pills and a glass of water.

Ivan came back down with Myas stuff and Bren took it from him.
"I'll get rid of this stuff.. Ivan just stick with me at school tomorrow okay? Hopefully this dies off in a week and we can make it seem like she ran away since we have her phone.." you all nodded at each other but didn't leave the room.

It was terrifying thinking of splitting up after what just happened. Of course you all wanted to go in-depth over how you felt after the death but.. you just couldn't? It was horrid.. you didn't want this.
It was quiet as you all were deep in thought.
Suddenly Mire squeezed your thigh and your head shot over to him surprised.

"Can you both leave my house already?" Mire asked nonchalantly and they tensed up with a nervous laugh.
"Ha.. Oh yeah.. let's go Ivan.." Bren gulped and the two boys left.

You glanced at Mire annoyed.

"Why'd you kick them out?!" you scolded and he shrugged.
"They've been here too long.."
You got up to lock the front door and he grabbed you, "Where are you going?"
"To lock the door.." you trailed off confused and he smiled.
"I can do it.. just sit down"

Mire stood up and it took him a few seconds before he could walk towards the front door. You glanced at the blood stain on his couch and got chills.
You may have seemed calm on the outside but you felt so much guilt and fear.

Mire hopped back on the couch and held his head in pain.

"Fuck.." he mumbled before looking at you, "What's wrong? Mya died right?"
"Yeah.." you replied a bit weirded out at his nonchalantness.
"Are you still mad about earlier? I only said it to make you jealous.."
You were taken back, "What?! What does that have to do with anything right now Mire?!"
"Ah I'm sorry! I just wanted to let you know that she didn't mean anything.." he pressed further and you couldn't believe he was acting so shallow!

It was unlike the Mire you know.

"I'm going to go change.." you stood up and he pulled you back on the couch.
"N-No wait! Just sit here with me for a moment.." he told you desperately and you gave him a look of confusion, "I uh.. am afraid I might pass out again"

"Just come with me upstairs, we both need to get this blood and dirt off of us"


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