Goodbye Mire

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"Fucking hell.. I said it was nothing.. didn't I?"


"You're lying!!" you yelled at him and he smiled through those conniving teeth.
"I'm fine! My head was just in a lot of pain!!"

His eyes were puffy and you could still hear his voice was strained. Your heart was still racing from his wails earlier. A single line of blood could be seen dripping beneath his hair.

"Darling come on.. let's go back to what we were doing.." he took your hand and led you back up the stairs.

You still had so many questions.

"Oh" Mire let out monotoned as he walked into the blossoming room.
You had forgotten about it aswell, "I can't believe you did this!"

A smile was spread on your adored face but Mires expression was confused. He tilted his head a bit, looking around as though the room was new to him.

"I can't believe I did it either.." he mumbled and the air became tense again.

Ah.. that tension again..

"It's beautiful.. really" you smiled smelling a flower, "It's frightening how beautiful it is"
Mire kissed your arm from behind, "You're afraid of the flowers?"
"Oh no!" you laughed, "The beauty makes me scared to blink. I'm afraid they'll go away"
"Afraid? I find that ironic darling. Most people are afraid of what's beautiful.."

You watched as Mire crumbled the most perfect rose of them all.

"They often destroy it" he stated and you looked into his eyes. He smiled and began touching another rose, "This one is my favorite. I don't want to destroy it's beauty. Although, I don't fear it will go away because I have it pinned to the wall"
"Won't it wither?"
"Wither.." he trailed off and kissed the flower, "It's beauty will only grow in my eyes. Although it probably thinks I'm scary"
"I don't think you're scary at all Mire" you laughed as his face reddened.
"You don't find me frightful?"
"Not at all.."
He grinned, "Not even a little?"
"What are you getting at?"
Mire leaned his lips against your ear, "I would never want to frighten you"

Your body suddenly got shivers as he slowly looked into your eyes. He kissed you quickly.

This was a side of him you'd never seen..
Never felt..

He was so deep and honest.
Absolutely perfect for you. The only one you needed. The one who kept you hopeful and alive.
Mire was the one who pushed you through the pain. You could never hate him for that.
You could never hate him for being himself.

Whether people hated you.
Or hated him.

It was just.. love.
Just another love in the cycle of another life.
Nothing more.. nothing less.

"Can I ask you something?" you smiled to yourself.
"What is it?"
"What do you think will happen now Mire?" you looked up and his eyes widened.
"I suppose.. we'll make out right?"
"Mire!!" you pushed him flustered and he laughed.
"Alright darling I.. think everything will turn out alright. Don't you think so? Bren will heal. That crazy bastard Ty will sit in jail. I'm sure Mya will wake up from her coma and everyone will be relieved. Of course there will be drama but that's for another day.." he began mumbling the rest and you smiled.
"Yes my love?"
"What about us?" you asked and his face heated as you held his hand.
"I feel there will be a little more drama. With Micheal and the others.. Although, I think we'll eventually move pass that. Then we'll graduate, move in together, and do whatever you want"
"Whatever I want?" you asked hopeful and he stroked his thumb on your cheek.
"Whatever you want darling"

He kissed your lips and your heart felt like a blaze.

This.. felt like a new and old Mire.
Almost a mixture of both or neither.

He had saved you so many times and as you both flopped on the bed, you felt a thought cross your mind.
You felt like the past life the teacher was talking about was all true.
For some reason.. it was comforting.

He trailed his hands up your thigh as you sat on his lap.

All the emotions you felt began to bubble up.
The passion and intensity was all you could wish for as tears streamed from your eyes but you didn't know why.
He was.. a haven and hope for you in this world.

You pulled back and looked into his dark eyes. You placed your hand on his chin and kissed him once.

"I love you"

He smiled as he pulled you closer.

"I love you too"


The end. ♥️

I'm happy to have written this story from the heart. Thank you to all my supporters.

This will most likely be published as a separate book but there is no telling when so I'll definitely let you guys know.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed.

- Author

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