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"Fine.. let's help them out"


Still in your bathing suits with no shoes on, you, Bren and Ivan climbed down into the 7 foot hole that Mya and Mire crashed down in.
It made your skin crawl to hear Mya struggling and groaning with pain.

"We have to break the other part of the woods she's impaled on. That's the best option we have of keeping her alive. The wood is creating a blockage of blood from pouring out" Bren informed and immediately Ivan kicked the plank with force and it broke.

The two boys held Mya up and she left out a groan of pain as she coughed up more blood. She looked at you with tears and you took a step back.

"I-I don't want to die.." she began to sob which just made her bleed even more.
"Y-You won't.." you told her hopeful with regret and she winced harshly as they supported her arms.

Ivan and Bren gulped with guilt.
They wanted to leave both Mire and her down here to save themselves and now they were breaking a cold sweat. They began to lift her body up but you no longer were concerned as you rushed over to Mire.

"Mire wake up!!" you shook him a bit and lifted his head. Your eyes widened as you saw blood on your palm and you flipped him around in your lap. You checked to see if he was breathing and he was.
"Mire come on.." you stood lifting him with all your strength and threw his arm over your shoulder. That's when you saw even more blood as it dripped from his forehead and hair.
You looked up and Ivan and Bren had managed to hoist Mya up while wood was still impaled in her body. "Mires bleeding badly! I need help getting him up!"

Ivan came to help but stepped on a piece of loose wood and cursed to himself.

"Fuck!! How the hell do we expect to walk in those woods with no shoes or clothes in the dark?!" he shouted aggravated.
"Stop fucking complaining!! Would you rather be impaled?!" you cursed back angry and he laughed insanely.
"You would be impaled if it wasn't for me!! Fucking be grateful, I saved your life!"
Bren stepped in, "Calm down! We're upset and scared but we've got to do this.. or it will get worse.."

Ivan lifted Mire by the shoulders and you pushed as he pulled him up. After getting Mire up, you grabbed the broken floor to hoist up yourself but you stopped.
You looked around the fallen ground. Wood and debris was everywhere as dust made you cough. You strained your eyes into the open darkness and that's when you realized it was a basement.
You noticed a staircase in the very back but you suddenly got scared and climbed up with the others.

"We have to hurry" Bren told y'all and you nodded.

Ivan and Bren put Myas arms around their shoulders and they carried her out the house. There was a trail of blood left behind and you winced at her cries of pain.
You were left to carry Mire who was still unconscious. You were starting to get worried since the bleeding hadn't stopped and was dripping from his hair.
You all were on your journey around the large lake but you kept stepping on rocks and twigs. You were freezing since you were still wet from the lake and the air blew harder.
Mya had stopped making noise and Ivan cursed to himself.

"I think she passed out.." he mumbled and Bren nodded.
You bit your lip with tears as you began to shake, "What are we going to do? They won't believe us if we say it was an accident. When we make it to the hospital, they'll see the alcohol in our system"
"If we even make it to the hospital.. FUCK!!" Bren shouted as he stepped on a sharp pine cone.

Your feet were muddy and leaves were sticking to your legs. The sun had finally went down but your eyes were already adjusted as you followed Bren and Ivan.

"Argh.." Mire groaned and you jumped at the sudden sound.
"Mire!! Are you alright?? Talk to me!!"
"Ugh.." he groaned in pain again as his head drooped. He passed out again after letting out sounds of pain.

After what seemed like forever, you made it to the other side of the lake and you all climbed the hill. It took even more strength and you were exhausted as you saw Mires backyard fence.
Bren suddenly stopped and you and Ivan looked at him strangely.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Ivan exclaimed tired and Bren gulped as Myas blood recited on his shoulders.
"Are you sure it's a good idea to bring a dead body in Mires house?"
Your heart dropped, "Dead?!"
"She's dead?!" Ivan shouted scared, "She's passed out!! What the fuck are you talking about?!"
"She stopped breathing awhile ago.." Bren and Ivan dropped her body and your blood ran cold.
"W-What do we do..?" you asked worried and Bren covered his face frustrated.
Ivan slammed his hand on the fence, "FUCK!!"

You looked at the now deceased girl with pain. She hadn't done anything wrong and you couldn't say it was anyones fault. You all shouldn't had made such a dumb decision.
It was an accident..

"We have to get Mire to a hospital!" you told them and they looked at you and then back at each other.
"We can't.."
You almost laughed, "Why not!?"
"Are you mental?? We have a dead body on the ground infront of us!! We can't take Mire to the hospital or it will rise suspicion!!" Bren came closer with intense sternness.
"Won't it be suspicious when she doesn't go home to her father tonight? Won't it be suspicious if she doesn't show up to school tomorrow and neither does Mire?!" you shouted and Bren scoffed.
Ivan stepped forward as you held Mires head, "Y/n fucking listen.. if we take Mire to the hospital, we will get caught up in more bullshit"
"Fine!! Then what do you expect me to do?!" you sighed as the boys frowned.
"Take Mire inside and treat his wounds, we have to get rid of the body.." Brens voice shook saying those words.

This isn't what you wanted.
It seemed like a horror show the way the events unfolded. You all were covered in blood and shaking. You weren't murderers. You certainly didn't want Mya to die.. she had her whole life ahead of her. Now Mire won't even stay awake long enough to speak.
It was up to you.

"I know where you can bury her.."


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