An I'm Gonna Eat You Kiss

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An I'm Gonna Eat You Kiss

"Panny, let me walk you home, please," Gohan frowned at his younger sister worriedly.

Pan eyed Marron, her best friend, and future sister-in-law. The blonde was practically being carried by Gohan, who had his arm around her in support. She clicked her tongue and snickered. It had been Marron's idea to go clubbing for Pan's 21st birthday, and she had been the one to get wasted.

"I'm fine, Gohan," Pan smiled at her brother. "You need to get Marron home, and walking to my apartment is out of your way. Plus, I only live a few blocks away."

He huffed and rolled his eyes. "I still don't like you walking home by yourself. There's a lot of creeps out there."

"Stop being such a worry wort!" Pan laughed with a shake of her head. "If someone tries to mess with me, I'll show them my black belt moves my big bro taught me-" she got in a quick stance and smirked at Gohan.

Gohan laughed, "fine, fine. I did train you well," he said confidently.

Pan relaxed her stance and nodded her head. "You and Goten both have prepared me well." She stepped forward and patted Marron's blonde curls. "I'll see you Monday, Mar, okay?"

Marron glanced up, her cheeks red. "Are we going to another club?"

"No," Gohan told her sternly. "We are going home." He glanced at Pan and smiled at her once last time. "Happy birthday again, Panny."

"Thanks," she smiled and waved at them before she turned to walk down the sidewalk.

The night was cool, and Pan shivered as she wrapped her cape around her black dress. Her birthday was on Halloween, and Marron had insisted that they dressed up. To please her, Pan attached a cape to her outfit and claimed to be a witch or vampire.

The full moon lighted the way for Pan as she walked to her apartment. It was late, close to midnight according to the small watch on her wrist. All the trick-or-treaters were done for the night, and yet, there was a heavy feeling inside of Pan, one telling her that she wasn't alone.

Pan breathed quietly and focused on her surroundings. There were footsteps not that far behind her. Someone was breathing heavily. Either they were having trouble keeping up with her or they were drunk. She wasn't that far from her apartment, and Pan thought about dashing for it.

"Hey," a voice slurred right behind Pan.

She ignored the voice and went to speed up when a rough hand grabbed her elbow suddenly and turned her around. Pan was quick to respond as she slammed the heel of her hand to the attacker's nose and kneed his groin. He let her go as he fell to the ground with a growl and Pan spun around to run, only to scream. Two more men had appeared out of nowhere.

"Get the bitch!" The first one hissed.

Rough hands grabbed Pan, and she bucked instantly. She grabbed her purse with one hand and her other hand turned into claws as she swung them in every direction. Her head went wild, attempting to contact it with another nose and her legs went up. The men were ruthless as they grabbed her tightly, and pushed her into an alley. They smelled heavily of alcohol and smoke, and Pan's stomach was heaving. She could feel the blood rushing through her ears. She should have let Gohan walk her home.

"Told ya we would find someone," one of the men laughed. His breath was rancid, causing Pan to gag.

"I think this bitch busted my nose," the first man sneered. He held his hand away from his nose and blood dripped from it. He turned towards Pan, his dark eyes evil slits. "Any last words, bitch?"

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