A Kiss Because of a Dare

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A Kiss Because of a Dare

One Woman Army
(Vegeta-Sei AU)

Takes place after the "I Love You" Kiss

Pan leaned against the rails on the balcony outside of the castle. Not too far away, she could see Trunks and Goten training some new soldiers. Her cheeks felt warm as she watched Trunks. They had only been courting for about a week and she couldn't be happier. Butterflies still went crazy in her stomach every time he looked at her. It was hard for her to believe that he really did love her as much as she did him.

"There you are!"

Pan turned, seeing Bulla and Marron walking up to her. Both of them were grinning and as they reached her, they giggled.

"See Bulla, I told you she would be watching her fiancé. How cute," Marron grinned.

Pan felt her cheeks grow even warmer. "I wasn't just watching him," she denied, though she knew it was a lie. "I was watching all of them."

"Uh-Huh, sure," Bulla snickered. "You and my brother are so love-struck, it's cute," she told Pan.

"So, Pan," Marron glanced over at her, mischief twinkling in her eyes. "Just how far have you and Trunks gone? Surely with all the sexual tension between you two for the last several years you've already broken a few headboards."

Pan choked on her spit as Bulla threw her head back and cackled.

"M-Marron!" Pan was sure her whole face was red. Just imagining a scenario where her, Trunks and a bed, made her knees weak and her insides melt.

"Are you kidding me?!" Bulla was still snorting, "this girl so shy when it comes to affectionate stuff! She hasn't even kissed Trunks first yet."

"I have too!" Pan declared stubbornly. It was a very quick peck and she wasn't even sure if she had caught his lips, but it counted, right?

"Then prove it," Marron grinned.

"Huh?" Pan gasped.

"Go kiss him," Marron motioned down below where he boys were. "If you've already done it before then it should be simple right?"

"B-but he's training..." Pan mumbled. "I would just be-"

"Oh come on," Marron told her with a giggle. "I dare you!"

Pan wanted to scoff. She wasn't a kid, it wasn't like a dare was going to make her do anything... And yet, she felt this need to prove to Marron and Bulla that she could do it- and flawlessly. Her and Trunks were courting, they had kissed several times- although all of them had been because he started it. She could do it though!

Pan gave Marron and Bulla a determined look. "Okay then!" She said, grabbing the balcony rail before jumping over the side of it and landing on the ground.

Pan's stomach was fluttering and her heart was hammering against her chest the closer she got. The boys noticed her, and Trunks turned, a huge smile on his face. He ran over to the fence to meet her and leaned over it, his smile growing even wider as she grew closer.

Pan took a deep breath, calming her nerves. It was just Trunks... But that made her even more nervous. She had been crushing on the idiot for most of her life...

"Panna," he greeted her.

"Trunks..." her lips curved into a smile. She fought the urge to giggle because he always made her feel so ridiculously giddy.

"Did you come to watch us train the new recruits?" He asked, "or maybe you would like to help?" He smirked, his eyes lighting up. "I'm sure the newbies would love getting beat up by you."

Pan could stop her giggle then before she quickly cleared her throat. "Actually, I came for something else."

"Hm?" He raised a lavender brow.

Pan's heart was beating so loud, she wouldn't have been surprised if Trunks was hearing it as well. She could do it... She wanted to do it! It was ridiculous at how nervous she was over something as simple as this, especially since she had been less nervous over facing some giant monster before.

Before she lost her nerve, Pan grabbed his shoulders. His eyes widened in surprise as she yanked him down and stood on the tips of her toes. Her lips came smashing down on his and she held it for several seconds before quickly letting him go and taking a quick step back.

Trunks' eyes were still wide, his mouth starting to open in shock and light pink blush spread across his cheeks. Pan could feel the heat radiating off her cheeks.

"Uh... well... G-good luck with training!" She told him with a small wave before she turned and ran as fast as she could.

Trunks stood staring after her for several seconds before he bursted out in a laugh and turned around to the other soldiers, who had witnessed everything. "DID YOU SEE THAT?" He yelled at Goten, a bright smile on his face. "SHE LOVES ME."

"Yeah," Goten rolled his eyes, "I have known that since we were teenagers."

"Training is canceled for the day!" Trunks told the soldiers suddenly.

"What? Why?" Goten's eyes widened in surprise.

"Cause... I have to go after her!" Trunks was beaming. He didn't wait for Goten to reply before he took off running in the same direction Pan had went.

"Marron," Bulla spoke from her spot on the balcony next to the blonde. "You are truly doing the lord's work."

Marron snickered, "Oh come on, we both know how stubborn that girl is. I knew if we teased her enough and dared her, she'd do it."

Bulla grinned, "Maybe we should dare her to just hurry up and marry my brother, then."


"Panna!" Trunks caught up to her quickly, and grabbed her hand to make her turn around. "Wait, about what just happened."

Pan turned, forcing a smile on her face. She laughed, trying to cover her embarrassment. "It was weird, right?" She said, laughing again, "I'm sorry, I won't do it again."

"What?" His face fell, "I want you to do it again..."

"You do...?" She whispered, glancing up at him as her heart pounded.

"Yeah," he grinned, "I want you to do it everyday."

"E-everyday?" She repeated, her eyes growing wide.

He nodded, a grin on his face. "It'll give me strength."

Pan let out a small snort and rolled her eyes. Trunks' smile softened and he took a step closer to her, his arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her close.

"Will you do it again?" He whispered.

"Now?" She whispered back, her cheeks warm as her palms resting against his his muscled abs.

He smirked and leaned down so she would only have to lean up a little. "Won't you?" He asked, his voice low.

Pan was still nervous, but... Not as nervous as she first had been. This was Trunks... And although that fact had just made her more nervous, now it relaxed her. He was Trunks... Her Trunks and he loved her, just as much as she loved him.

Smiling, Pan leaned up on her toes and pressed her lips against his.

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