An Enemies to Lovers Kiss

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An Enemies to Lovers Kiss

Mafia AU

Pan sighed as she rested against the wall in her hiding spot. Chaos was around her as two gangs fought over one porcelain vase that was uniquely made by a famous potter. Pan wasn't exactly sure what was so special about something as simple as a vase but her father wanted it before his archenemy Vegeta had got it.

Someone crouched down beside her and Pan turned to see the white rabbit mask and relaxed. It was just Goten.

'You okay?' He signed to her. Sign language was something they had both learned so they could still communicate during missions without being loud and giving away their hiding spots. Plus, there were just some things Pan and Goten didn't want to share through the communicators.

'I'm fine,' Pan signed back. 'Just tired.' Which was very unusual for her, but she was. She just felt so exhausted here in the last week and her stomach hadn't been feeling too great either. Maybe she was coming down with a cold.

"Awh shit!" Radtiz harsh voice rang out through the communicators. "Skeletor and his demon squad just arrived."

Gohan let out a loud sigh. "Vegeta must have found out about tonight. Dad's not going to be happy. Everyone get into stance, things just got a lot more difficult."

"Oh great, The Grimm is here..." Goten muttered.

The Grimm was Vegeta's right-hand man, and his most deadly weapon. The man was skilled, very skilled just him alone could handle several men at once. He wore the mask of a skull, it's eyes dark and haunting. It's cheekbones were sharp and the white teeth were sharp and harsh.

The first time Pan had seen the mask, she had honestly been a little scared, but over the course of running into The Grimm, she realized that his bite wasn't as bad as his bark. He was a rather dorky flirt under that mask...

Pan reached up, securing the black and gold cat mask on her face. She picked up her gun, making sure it was fully loaded. She wasn't surprised that he was there, because she had already known he would be.

'Ready?' Goten signed.

'Ready,' she signed back, and they ran into the fray.


The sun was nearly peaking over the horizon as Pan rested her arms against the hotel's roof railing. It had been a long, exhausting night and she was just now getting some time to herself. Her clan had escaped with the vase, and being the unruly bunch they were- whether they had a victory or not- Pan had told Goten she would be staying at a hotel for a few days to rest. Perhaps with some time to herself she would be able to get over this sickness she had been feeling.

She felt someone jump over the railing behind her and she turned slowly. The Grimm's face stared at her as he began to walk over. Slowly, an ungloved hand reached up, pushing the mask back and off. Pan's dark eyes met with arctic ones and she smiled. Those were the eyes she had fallen in love with before she even knew who was behind the mask.

"Did you have fun earlier?" She asked him, raising a dark eyebrow.

"Oh, I always have fun with you," he smirked, finally reaching her. His hands found her hips and he pulled her to him. "Panna..." he rested his forehead against hers with a content sigh.

"Trunks..." she reached up, trying her best to tidy his messy lavender hair.

"Are you okay?" He asked her, his eyes filling with worry. "I noticed you weren't as active in battle earlier, and you didn't even add any snarky comments like you usually do."

"I'm okay," Pan let out a small sigh. "Just tired..." a smile twitched on her face as she glanced at him. "I think what I need is just a few days off with you to relax."

Trunks smirked, his grip on her tightening. "I like the sound of that," he said, leaning down and kissing her.

Pan kissed him back, her body warming up at his touch. She knew that when they put on those masks, he was her enemy, but at the moment, neither one of them had their masks on. They were vulnerable, only to each other, and she was going to love him all she could.

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