A Height Difference Kiss

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A Height Difference Kiss

Pan groaned as she fell onto her bed. With a frown, she pulled out her phone out of her pocket and began dialing Bulla's number.

"Pan-Chan," Bulla answered in the first ring.

"Bulla, I have a problem," Pan whined.

"What's wrong?" The cheerfulness from Bulla's voice was gone and instead there was worry.

"I'm short," Pan sighed. "Like, really freaking short." On good days, she was a proud 5'.

There was a beat of silence before Bulla snickered. "I know. I'm pretty sure everyone dies. What's the big deal though! It's never bothered you before."

"The big deal," Pan began. "Is the fact that I tried to kiss your brother last night and he didn't even notice because I'm so short!" She huffed.

Bulla let out a loud snort before she began to giggle. "Didn't you say anything?"

"No," Pan muttered. "I was too embarrassed."

Bulla was snickering now. "You should say something next time!"

"And say what?" Pan grumbled. "Should I grab his shirt and hank him down and tell him to kiss me?"

"I mean..." Bulla giggled. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind... Would you, Trunks?"

Pan let out something between a gasp and shriek as she sat up in her bed. Her eyes were wide as she pulled out her phone and glanced at it like it had grown two heads.

"I wouldn't mind at all," came Trunks' voice and Pan could proactive hear his smirk.

"Bulla!" She cried.

"What?" Bulla laughed. "I didn't know you were going to talk about him when I put it on speaker phone."


"No!" Pan huffed with a frown. "I'm not talking to either one of you!" She clicked off the call before quickly shutting her phone off.

"I'm going to die," she groaned, falling back onto her bed. She turned and hurried her face into the pillow with a loud huff. She was going to kill Bulla... Well, not really. She couldn't live without Bulla so she would have to keep her alive, but Pan definitely wasn't happy.

Pan wondered how long she could stay in her room. Perhaps forever? She felt as if she could die of embarrassment- that would be fine with her.

She heard her door open and sensed the familiar ki instantly. Just what was he doing there?! Did he seriously fly all the way over after she hung up?!

"Get out!" She didn't even look up, but she pointed her leg in his direction. "Breaking and entering is against the law."

"It's not breaking and entering if your mom lets me in the front door," he snickered, shutting her door.

"That traitor!" Pan huffed into her pillows.

"Come on, Panna," Trunks laughed, moving closer to her. "Look at me."

"Not happening," she muttered. She was sure her face was red because at the moment, it felt like it was on fire. "I'm never looking at you again," she said stubbornly.

"What a shame," Trunks sighed, sitting on the edge of her bed. "I'm quite handsome, you know."

Pan gave a loud snort. "Quite a pain in the ass," she commented.

"C'mon," he nudged her. "Look at me," he whined.

"No," she huffed. She got up quickly, and without looking at him she ducked under her blankets and threw them over her head. "I'm never leaving this spot."

"What about food?"

"Dammit... Bring me food, and then I can take bathroom breaks while you're gone," she said.

"You stubborn girl," Trunks huffed as he fell onto the bed beside her. He rolled over and wrapped his arm around the bump of blankets. "Fine, stay in your cocoon. I'll cuddle you like this."

Pan didn't speak but she wondered if Trunks could hear just how loud her heart was beating. Their relationship was still fairly new and although she loved every second of it, sometimes she wondered if it was the right match. She wasn't very experienced when it came to relationships, but Trunks hadn't seemed to mind at all. He even said they could go as slow as she wanted. So, when she finally got up her courage to kiss him first, it was a rather big shock and bummer that he didn't even notice her... Because of her freaking height.

"So, did you really try to kiss me last night?" Trunks asked.

Pan let out a loud groan. It was as if he had mind-reading abilities. "Maybe," she sighed.

"Why didn't you get my attention?"

"Because I was embarrassed," she groaned.

"You know, you could do what you told Bulla earlier. I wouldn't-"

She kicked him to make him shut up. "I'm not doing that," she muttered.

He reached up then and yanked the blankets from her face causing her to gasp. He raised an amused, lavender eyebrow up at her as her black brows furrowed together in annoyance.

"You buttwipe," she pouted. "Let me sulk."

"I don't want to," he grinned. "We're going to figure something out."

"Figure what-"

Before she could even finish the sentence Trunks grabbed her wrists and pulled her up. She let out a surprised yelp before they were both standing on the floor. She glanced up at him with a glare. He was a good foot, if not more taller than her.

"Glare at me all you want," he was smirked. "I'm not scared."

Pan huffed and crossed his arms. "Your cockiness is too much sometimes," she groaned. If only he could be scared of her like Goten was, but the thing was, Trunks knew he was her favorite and he used it to his advantage... A lot.

"Okay," Trunks placed his hands on his hips. "What's are we going to do?"

"About...?" She shook her head in confusion.

"About you kissing me!"

"Oh my god-" she started to turn around and throw her self back on her bed but he stopped her.

"Oh no, were figuring something out," he told her. "Because I am not missing anymore opportunities to kiss you," he said.

"Then what do you suggest?" Pan raised a brow.

"Here," Trunks held out his arm. "Tap my arm four times really fast."

"Why four?" Pan raised a brow.

"That's your favorite number," he said with a shrug. "When you tap my arm like that I'll know you want to kiss."

"Well, I guess that could work..." Pan nodded slowly.

"Okay," Trunks beamed, holding his arm out even more.

"What?" Pan laughed as she glanced at it.

"Well, don't you want to finish what you were trying to do last night?" He asked.

"Not particularly," she shook her head, her lips twitching.

"Oh wow," he pouted and out his hands on his hips. "So rude. Here I am, trying to make things-"

Pan reached up and grabbed his shirt, yanking him down several inches and causing his eyes to widen. "Just kiss me, Trunks," she told him, her cheeks pink.

"Okay," he grinned, leaning down the rest of the way so his lips could finally meet hers.

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