Kiss of Life

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So, I have. Greek Myth AU. Idk if I ever mentioned before but I have one lol.

A little bit to know first-
1. Unlike all of Greek mythology, there's no incest in this story cause yikes. So no families are related!
2. That being said- here's a list of everyone and the god / goddess they'll be in this AU. Keep in mind this is an AU!!

Pan- Goddess of spring and fertility
-Very curious and slightly smitten with a certain underworld god.

Trunks- God of the underworld (Hades)
-Stays stressed out by Pan who never leaves the underworld.

Goku- God of the sky, lightning, and thunder (Zeus)
-Unlike Zeus, Goku isn't a ho and he is very loyal and loves his wife dearly.

Chi-Chi- Goddess of marriage (Hera)
-I know Persephone's mom is Demeter but for this AU, it works best that Chi-Chi's Hera, and you'll see why.

Gine- Goddess of the harvest (Demeter)
-Pan got her powers from her and she taught Pan everything she knows!

Bardock- God of craftsmanship (Iapetus) 
-Iapetus was one of the titans and his name means to spear, but Bardock, although large is no titan and more like a giant teddy bear.

Gohan- God of the sun, light, and healing (Apollo)
-Gohan is my sunshine so ofc he has to be Apollo. (Even though the Apollo in Lore Olympus makes me want to kick his ass)

Goten- God of roads, flocks, commerce, and thieves (Hermes)
-Since he's over the postal service of the gods, he knows everyone's dirty laundry. Got some gossip? Chances are he already knows it.

Vegeta- God of war (Ares)
-"I'll kick your ass! I'll kick their asses! I'll even kick my own ass!" -Vegeta, 24/7

Bulma- Goddess of beauty and wisdom (Aphrodite and Athena)
-Don't let her pretty looks fool you, she'll crush you all while smiling.

Bulla- Goddess of love / sexual attraction (Eros)
-She's all the time playing match-maker, but hey, it's literally her power.

Tarble- God of death (Thanatos)
-"I don't get paid enough to deal with your shit."
-Tarble to Trunks, 24/7. Still, he loves his nephew and would cut anyone who dares hurt him.

Marron- Goddess of the occult (Hecate)
-Since she has powers of the dark arts, she's favored by the fates and is sometimes given visions.

So without further ado, here's a glimpse at the Greek Myth AU!

Kiss of Life

Trunks was used to others not liking him. He was the god of the underworld and on the top of that, he had a power that could turn anyone or anything into dust in seconds. He had even killed a Titan before his hundredth birthday. Gods and goddess alike were fearful of him.

There were only a few people who were brave enough to go into his realm and so, it surprised him more than anyone else when a little goddess appeared seemingly out of nowhere. To Trunks' utter confusion and amazement, she wasn't just an ordinary goddess but a flower goddess that could bring life to things around her and she wasn't scared of his dreary and dead underworld, she was curious.

Pan sowed her seeds across his kingdom and herself in his heart. It wasn't long at all before he was undoubtedly and uncontrollably in love with the little goddess. She came almost daily and his dull and bleak life became colorful and the first time in its existence, the underworld bloomed.

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