A Surprise Kiss & A Friendly Kiss

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A Surprise Kiss & A Friendly Kiss

Trunks- 15

"I don't see what the big deal is," Trunks said with a shrug as he took a seat beside Pan in his home library.

"Of course you wouldn't, you're a guy!" Pan groaned, her head resting in her hands as her elbow sat on the desk. "I'm sure you've already had plenty of kisses by now!"

"What makes you say that?" Trunks asked curiously.

"Girls flock around you all the time..." she muttered. When they had been in the same building she had witnessed it herself, and now Goten, who was with Trunks told her all about it. How girls would constantly leave stuff in his lockers and giggle at him. He had already had so many confessions this year, but hadn't accepted any.

"Hm..." Trunks frowned slightly. Truth was, he hadn't kissed at all. Not that kissing didn't sound exciting, it was just that he didn't really know of anyone he wanted to do it with.

Pan let out a sigh. "I'm going to be the only one still in middle school who hasn't had their first kiss yet. Then I'll be the only one in high school without it."

"Is it really that big of a deal?" Trunks asked, glancing at her.

Pan was cute. She had always been cute to Trunks, even when they were little. Now though, as they grew older he couldn't help but notice her more. He used to think he liked her just as a sister, but he realized not too long ago that he didn't treat her like he did Bulla. He liked to annoy Bulla, but Pan, he always just wanted her to smile. And at the moment, she was very unhappy.

"Yes," Pan said. "I wonder if I could find someone in my grade..."

The thought of Pan kissing some other guy made Trunks' stomach whirl slightly. Why did he feel so sick?

"Don't," he whispered.

"You got a better idea?" She asked, raising a brow. "Because I-"

Pan was cut off by Trunks swooping down and placing his lips on hers. Her eyes widened in shock as his lips lingered on hers for several seconds before he pulled away quickly. His eyes were wide as if he just realized what he just done. Pan could feel her cheeks steadily growing warmer. Her lips were buzzing!

"Now you can say that you have had your first kiss," Trunks muttered, his cheeks tinting pink in slight embarrassment. He turned quickly, hiding his face from her.

Pan couldn't help but reach up and touch her lips. They were still tingling... she glanced over at Trunks, his arms folded on the desk as he head rested on it. She wondered if maybe he would be willing to give her more than just a first kiss...

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