A Nothing's Between Us Kiss

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Vampire AU!

GOOD NEWS! The first chapter (prologue) to this story is out!! The story has been renamed as well! It's now called Linger! :)

A Nothing's Between Us Kiss

Pan woke up with a startled gasp. She could feel her heart pounding against her chest. She could hear her breath coming out short and quick. Quickly, she held up her hands and wiggled her fingers. Was she alive?

Truthfully, Pan was a little surprised. The last thing she remembered was being sixty years in the past. Trunks- young and barely a 'teenager' in vampire terms- was hovering over her with a look of absolute horror on his face.

Slowly, Pan reached up and touched her right side of her stomach and could feel the ridges of the scar she would have. She had been shot with a poisonous arrow, and it had meant to kill her. It would have killed her, but only one thing could have saved her, and yet-

Pan sat up quickly and gasped as a pain shot through her right side and into her hip. She was much too weak to heal herself at the moment.

"Take it easy," a familiar voice said at the edge of the bed. "You're still hurt."

Pan looked up at Trunks. The older Trunks, the one she knew, and the one she loved. The one that had broken her heart.

She hadn't noticed he was there, though she knew he would be. The only way she was still alive was because of him, and she didn't quite understand it. The last time they had spoken still left a bitter taste in her mouth. It gave her hope, and at the same time, it scared her senseless.

"You found me," she told him breathlessly.

"Yeah," he agreed slowly. "I waited sixty years for you. Of course, I found you. You lied to me, though," his voice was low and hoarse. The room was dim, only a pale lamp cast a glow across it, and Pan could see the shadows in Trunks' eyes. "You told me you would be okay once you come back to the present. You knew what the cure was to save you, and after what I've told you, you really thought you were dying. How could you say that?"

Pan swallowed hard. It was true. She had thought she would die. The only way to save her was a kiss of true love. It seemed silly and full of make-believe nonsense, but true love held the kind of magic to break the strongest of curses or cure poisons.

"I didn't want to worry you," Pan whispered. "But you lied to me too, Trunks," she accused him. "You said you didn't care about me anymore-" she nearly sobbed. When he told her that, it felt as if someone had torn her heart out and stomped on it. "But you saved me, didn't you?" She whispered. "You're the only one that could have, you know! My heart- all of it, it's still yours, Trunks! And I know you must feel the same way about me, too. If you didn't, then I would be dead."

Trunks shuddered and growled. "Do you enjoy tormenting me?" He asked with a thick voice. "I came as soon as I heard that you went to the past because my last memory of you before I found you again was of you dying! And then when I do find you, you're dying- again! The stress and worry you put me through is unbelievable."

Pan watched as Trunks turned away from her and walked towards the window. The curtains were open, and the waxing moon was up above in the dark sky. Trunks' arms were crossed over his chest tightly as he looked out the window.

"Panna," his voice was neither hard nor gentle. "You know what I am, don't you? You saw me when we escaped that lab your father had me in. I'm just like him, Panna," he sighed heavily. "Only difference is that the darkness corrupted him; I was born with it. My father made sure of it," he spat out bitterly.

Pan got off the bed and winced as the pain hit her right side. She started to limp over towards Trunks because she wanted nothing more than to wrap her arms around him and comfort him.

Trunks turned around to face her before she reached him. His blue eyes were cold and glassy. He swallowed hard. "We can't be together."

Pan felt herself shattering all over again. "Why? Why do you keep saying that?!" She demanded hotly. "You have this fear that the darkness is controlling you, and it's not!" She cried.

"It is!" Trunks reached up and grabbed handfuls of his hair and growled. "I can feel it! It's inside me, Panna! Every night I have nightmares that I somehow harm you! Don't you think I know what people call me behind my back? What they whisper about me?" He let out a bitter laugh as he threw his hands up. "Demon spawn? Monster's child? Part of me is itching to show them they're right and-"

"SHUT UP!" Pan shrieked.

Trunks' eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes, I saw you that night!" Pan declared as her body shook. Tears were pooling out of her eyes. "And Trunks, you were glowing. A golden aura was surrounding you. There was nothing demonic about it. I don't care what other people say!" She sobbed. "To me, you've always been my guardian angel. So you can't tell me to just forget about or that you don't love me anymore!"

Trunks gasped, "I have never said that I don't love you!"

"You might as well have!" Pan shot back. "You said you didn't care about me anymore! You told me not to call you or think about you anymore! You said-" her shoulders shook uncontrollably. "There was nothing between us at all!" She screamed.

Trunks jaw tightened. "I did that- I'm doing this-" he hissed, "to protect you, can't you see that?!" He snapped. "Do you have any idea how hard it's been on me?!"

"I don't need protecting from you!" She screamed. "You've always been the one saving me, and I'm suddenly supposed to believe that you're going to turn evil on me all of a sudden?! I know you, Trunks!" She grabbed the front of his shirt. "I know that's not you!"

Trunks was panting. Under her palm, his erratic heart met the rhythm of Pan's. His blue eyes were swirling in an inner fight.

"I know you still love me," Pan whispered softly.

Trunks let out a huff and locked eyes with her. There was always something electric that ran through Pan when their gazes met.

"I never said I stopped," Trunks' voice was slow and hoarse. "From the very moment you ran into my life sixty years ago- into that damned lab where you saved me and refused to leave me behind, I have been in love with you. To stop loving you would be impossible."

Pan blinked her eyes slowly. She could still feel hot tears rolling down her cheeks. Gently, Trunks reached up and wiped them away.

"Trunks," she whispered out shakily. "What's between us?"

Trunks let out a very long sigh before he finally spoke. "Nothing."

And then, he had her face cupped between his palms, and his lips were on hers. Her breath escaped her and rushed into his mouth. He swallowed it and slid his tongue inside her mouth as if it belonged there. Her hands tangled into his shirt for support as she kissed him back.

The kiss was hot and slow. Trunks moved one of his hands to tangle into Pan's hair, and the other one moved down her back, pressing her against him before it slid up her shirt and rested on her hip. Pan could feel flutters in her stomach as Trunks' thumb stroked her hip bone.

He took a step forward, and Pan stumbled back with a gasp that nearly caused her to fall. Trunks quickly scooped her up and was careful not to harm her right side.

Trunks laid Pan down on the bed, and she grabbed him so that he couldn't leave. He smiled at her, the first real smile he had given her in months. She knew they had a lot to talk about, but it could wait for in the morning. He must have been thinking the same thing she was because his smile turned into a slow smirk.

Pan sighed into the kiss as Trunks leaned down to kiss her again. Her hands grabbed the back of his shirt and started to pull it up. She couldn't wait for when absolutely nothing- especially clothes, disappeared between them.

A little sneak peek of what's to come with this story! :)

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