A Drunk Kiss- Butterflies AU

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Okay so this prompt is based off Butterflies!! Just a little thing first- you'll notice a few things mentioned are different. A few of the major things that will be different once I completely edit the story is that Gohan and Marron went out in space with the group as well... And, Gohan and Marron will be a couple.

Well, enjoy!

A Drunk Kiss

"Please tell me you're shitting," Trunks said with wide eyes.

"Uh..." Gohan's cheeks tinted a soft pink. "No..." he shook his head.

"Gohan," Trunks gasped. "You're thirty years old and you've never, not once been drunk?!"

"No," Gohan shook his head again. "There was never any time... I stayed busy with my studies," he told them.

"Wow bro," Goten commented from beside Trunks, a frown on his face. "I knew you studied a lot, but that's just wild."

Gohan cleared his throat. "And what about you two?" He raised a black eyebrow up at them. "You're both just twenty. Don't tell me you've been drunk before."

"Yeah," Trunks nodded, "we have. We busted into my Eomma's liquor cabinet when we were sixteen."

"Ah that was a fun night," Goten smirked at the memory.

"Yeah, until your drunk ass reversed one of the hover cars into a tree," Trunks muttered.

"Wait," Gohan gasped. "Are you telling me that you two went joyriding drunk?!"

"Please Gohan, we're not stupid," Trunks said.

"That's debatable," Gohan muttered. "How did Goten back up into a tree then?"

"We were going to ride around the property, that's all," Trunks shrugged.

"You do realize that your property is big enough to hold like, three small towns, right?" Gohan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Huh," Trunks mused. "I guess you got a point there."

Gohan slapped a hand to his forehead. "I can't believe you two idiots were doing dumb stuff like that! For years I've been telling our mom's to lighten up on you two, because you were good boys, but no wonder you two stayed grounded!"

"Bro, I hate to break this to you, but Trunks and I cheated to get into an adult tournament when we were just kids," Goten laughed. "We were bad kids, it's no surprise we were horrible teenagers."

Trunks nodded slowly because it was true. Him and Goten had been in hot water with their mothers too many times to count. "Plus, you saw us out in space. We don't exactly listen to reason."

"The only time you listen to reason is if Pan's telling it to you," Goten muttered.

"At least I listen to it sometimes," Trunks shot back. He glanced at Gohan then and smirked. "Now, back to the subject. Gohan, we're taking you to a bar."

"What?" The man's eyes widened.

"I'm gettin you drunk," Trunks told him.

"Awh yeah!" Goten cheered. "Let's go!"

"Wait!" Gohan spoke up. "I don't think this is a good idea," he told the young men. "Are parents are away for a weekend and I'm the only sensible adult to keep you two out of trouble."

"We got Panna and Bulla," Trunks shrugged. He knew for a fact that Pan wouldn't let him do anything reckless and even when drunk, he'd listen to her.

"That's not the point," Gohan muttered.

"Awh, come on, Gohan!" Goten told him. "Let used this favor for you."

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